What are the improvements QUIC brings to TCP?
connection establishement latency
improved congestion control algorithm
multiplexing without head of line blocking
forward error correctoin
connection migration
Where does QUICs main source of improvement lie?
combines featuers from multiple layers of the OSI model
-> cuts down overhead…
What is a speciality of QUIC that sets it apart from other protocols?
not implemented in kernel
-> has to be supported by application itself
What is an advantage of QUIC not being implemented in the kernel?
does not rely on OS updates for QUIC updates itself…
What does QUIC require as a protocol not implemented in the kernel?
requires a kernel-based transport protocol to work on top of
-> uses UDP
What is advantageous of QUIC using UDP? And why not TCP?
UDP unreliability
-> QUIC takes care of it
implements congestion control that is stream based rather than packet based
=> allows to mitigate HoL blocking (compared to TCP)
UDP no handshake
-> QUIC has own handshake and merges TLS v1.3 handshake into it
reduces connection time
Connection migration is possible
-> QUIC connection not (unlike TCP) based on IP and Port
-> client and host maintian connectoin ID…
Does every UDP pacekt carry exactly one QUIC packet?
no can be several…
each QUIC packet can have several frames as payload…
What is encrypted in QUIC? When is encrypted?
always encrypted -> mandatory (no nosec mode…)
-> each packet payload is fully encrypted
only exception:
version negotiation
retry packet
=> contain no payload and also no protected header fields
What QUIC packet types exist?
long header packets
short header packets
When are long header packets used?
only send before establishment of connection
-> then switchted to short header to save header overhead
What long header packets are there?
version negotiation packet
intitial packet
0-RTT packet
handshake packet
How to know wether a packet has a long or short header?
header form (first bit in header)
-> if set : long header; else short header
What fields are in the QUIC long header?
header form
fixed bit
long packet type
type specific bits
destination Connection ID length
Destination connection ID
source connectoin ID length
source connectoin ID
What is the fixed bit in QUIC long headers used
always set in thie QUIC version
-> unless it is version negotiation packet
-> or else packet invalid and discarded
What does the long packet type field in the long packet header indicate?
0x0 -> initial
0x1 -> 0-RTT
0x2 -> Handshake
0x3 -> Retry
What are the type-specific bits in QUIC?
reserved for the different packet types
What are some additional fields QUIC long headers have in common?
reserved bits
packet number length
packet number
packet payload
What are reserved bits in long header used fro?
two first most significant bytes must be 0 after dectyption
-> else considerred invalid…
What is the version negotiation packet used for?
response only sent by hosts
-> if client tris to establish connection to host not supporting its QUIC version
-> uses this packet to respond
-> host transmits its supported versions as list of 32 bit identifiers
-> iside the supported versions field
-> client than can try to reestablish connectoin with suported QUIC version
What must the version negotiation packet fulfill? What are some effects of this?
must be independant of QUIC implementaitons
-> requires to be recognizable by all QUIC users…
has no specific assigned type number
destionation connection ID and source connection ID can be longer than the specified 120 bit
-> so that future QUIC versions are not limited by this constraint…
What is the initial packet?
carries initial handshake for client and host
to exchange their keys
=> also servers as response to initial packet as it carries ACKS in either direction
What additional fields does the initial packet contain=
token length field
token field
What is roughly in the 0-RTT packet?
“early” data from the client
-> can be rejected or accepted by host prior to handshake completion
What is the handshake packet used for?
sent back and forth between client and host
exchange acknowledgements and cryptographic handshake messages
after the initial handshake packet
What is the retry packet used for?
sent by host when conneciton establishement failed
by initial or 0-RTT oacket from client
contains to type specific flags
BUT contain fields
retry token
retry interity tag
added by client for use in initial packets
Name some frames that can be encased in initial or handshake packets
What is an alternative name for the short header?
1-RTT header
What fields are conatined in short header?
spin bit
key phase
destionation connection ID
What is header form used for in short heders?
same as long header
-> but contrary to long header, flag not set…
What is the spin bit used for in short header?
optional feature of QUIC
-> allows PASSIVE latency monitoring over course of connection
How many bits can be saved by short header compared to long header (best case)?
fields that can be ommited:
destination connectin ID length
source Connection ID length
source connection ID
added fields.
packet number field
Are handshakes for different TLS versions the same?
-> can vary in their length
What is an advantage of TLS merging with QUIC compared to TCP/TLS?
merging allows ommiting second exchange in handshake
What is the sequence of TCP and TLS handshake?
-> : client server
<- : server client
-> TLS Client Hello
<- TLS Server Hello
-> TLS Finished
<-> application layer
What is the sequence of QUIC handshake?
-> QUIC clietn hello
<- QUIC server hello
<-> Application Layer
=> saves full RTT compared to TCP/TLS…
How can QUIC further speedup the handshake?
0-RTT handshake
=> built upon previously exchanged keys
=> directly transmit encrypted data with key from previous connection….
What to keep in mind with 0-RTT?
forward secrecy not provided until new keys are exchanged…
-> data sent during 0-RTT can be captured by on-path attackers
When is handshake improvement for QUIC most apparent in real-world use?
browsing same websit with many calls for new pages
where each call creates new connection
=> 0-RTT featuer kicks in…
=> contrary: downloadign
establishing connection faster
but not necesarry transfer…
How many RTT can QUIC save comapred to TCP/TLS?
1, 2, 3 RTT
-> QUIC either 0 or 1 (0-RTT or regular…)
TCP + TLS either 1,2 or 3
TCP + TLS with 0-RTT -> 1 RTT
TCP + TLS < 1.3
What is head of line blockign?
one single resource prevents other resources from making progress
Briefly explain the TCP HoL blocking problem
TCP independent of Applicatoin Layer
-> usually multiple resources transmitted at once using TCP
-> if one packet is lost…
-> all following packets are held back
-> until lost is re-transmitted
-> succeeding resources being held back unnecessarily (as lost packet might be from other resource…)
=> TCP unaware of upper layer resources…
How does QUIC solve the HoL blocking problem?
implements multiple streams on a single transport layer connection
=> one stream per resource
QUIC makes use of so called STREAM frames
if STREAM frame is missing -> single STREAM frame re-requested instead of whole packet…
-> re-transmission of this strean will not hinder other streams…
What are some additional potential reasons for HoL blocking?=
HTTP pipelining
out of order delivery of packets
large sequentially sent resources
input buffered network switches
lost packets on transport layer
What HoL problem was there in HTTP/1.1?
reserves TCP connection until each request and response pair is finished
=> packet dedicated to resource…
-> then rest of resouce in next packet and part of new resource…
-> browser not aware of resource size
-> large resources could block whole connection, even if smaller resources are more important
modern browsers open multiple TCP connections for HTTP/1.1 to combat this albeit resulting in TCP handshake overhead
What HoL problem was there in HTTP/2?
introduces applicatoin layer streams
each resource sent as its own stream
Thus, each TCP packet can conatin multiple parts of a resource at once and longer / shorter resources can be loaded concurrently
!!! but if packet lost -> blocks rest of the resouces in subsequent packets that do not belong to the ones in the lost one…
Why can QUIC be called a new HTTP version?
some features offered by HTTP/2 are already offered by QUIC itself
based on entirely different transport protocol
not all previous HTTP/2 features can be mapped to be used with QUIC
woud not have made sense to semd same data as for HTTP/2
-> because HTTP stream headers would lead to “double header”
Where does HoL blocking usually occur?
HTTP/1.1 -> application layer
HTTP/2 -> transport layer
What is an advantage of QUIC in terms of mobility?
IP and Port independent
makes use of connectoin IDs… (instead of IP-5 tuple)
allow change of interface on the fly while keeping connection alive over different netwok paths
What is path validation in QUIC?
can be used if interface / IP changes…
-> server transmits path challenge
frame with random payload
-> client transmits path response
with same payload
=> QUIC knows path is valud anc client cna receive sent data…
can also be used after some inactivity to see wether path is still valid…
What might happen when path validation fails?
if path challenge not answered (correctly)
-> might close connectoin
except there is other valid path for the connection…
Why is path validation used?
to counter address spooffing when connection migration is initialized
-> client to host
-> if answered, client knows it can reach host with new path…
host on other hand uses path validation to ensure return reachabliity with new address
When is a connectoin migration considered to be successful?
path validation in both ways
non-probing communication is received from client by server
=> regular communicatoin can continue…
What are reasons for connection migration?
NAT rebinding
changing used ports
moving from one network interface to another
changing the used IP address
What can be a problem with connection migration in QUIC when you explicitely want to change your IP?
Anonymity by proxys or similar can not be achieved on the fly.
Which of the following answers are true concerning TCP and QUIC?
In QUIC, connection establishment latency is reduced by using a connection ID and a source address token.
A connection is identified by its five-tuple in TCP as well as in QUIC.
In QUIC, if a connection is established to a server the client talked to before, the connection establishment takes 0.5 RTTs.
What are some challenges with TCP?
Vulnerable to resource exploitation
Congestion control may be too restrictive, e.g. wireless networks
Changing IP Address with changed network e.g. roaming
Growing amount of mobile devices
What are challenges with HTTP(S)/2?
Slow connection establishment
Encryption is not required
Cookie security
Head-of-line Blocking
What were the main goals of QUIC?
Decrease handshake delay
Get rid of head-of-line blocking
Faster development cycles
Middlebox resistance
IP mobility
What is QUIC?
substitute for the TCP/TLS protocol stack, based on UDP
Initially developed by Google, deployed in Google Chrome and Chromium
Originally Quick UDP Internet Connections, but not an acronym
How does the QUIC stackl compare to the traditional HTTPS/2 stack?
HTTP/2 and TLS
both IP
What is the sequence of an initial 1-RTT handshake?
-> inchoate CHLO
<- REJ
-> Complete CHLO
-> Encrypted Request
<- Server Hello
<- Encrypted Response
What is the sequence of a succesful 0-RTT handshake?
-> complete CHLO
-> encrypted request
<- encrypted response
What is the sequence of a rejected 0-RTT handshake?
-> encryped request
What is conatined in the REJ from the server?
DH values
certificate chain
What are additional requirements from the standardization process?
authenticated key exchagne
server always authenticated (e.g. cert)
client optionally authenticated
authenticated exchange of values for transport parameters
negotiating connection ids
How does the average handshake latency compare in TCP vs QUIC?
TCP higher slope for increasing minimum RTTs than QUIC
QUIC 1-RTT higher than 0-RTT and 1-RTT combined
Advantage of QUIC being in user space?
faster deployment
Why is QUIC not just implemetned as new L3 protocol and uses UDP instead?
-> lots of manufacturers, obscure behavior, …
-> simply use UDP, headdrs above not accessible to middleboxes…
What is the problem in IP mobiliy with TCP?
TCP connections are identified by the 5-tuple
Client IP address may change during the connection
DSL connection gets re-established after 24h
Mobile clients move from one network to another
NAT entry might expire -> port changes
How does QUIC solve IP mobility stuff?
Do not use the 5-tuple as connection identifier
QUIC identifies connections by a Connection ID
Last client IP address to send a valid packet for a given Connection ID is client’s current IP address
Is there a single QUIC implementation?
no, several
not all compatible with each other
aioquic (python)
lsquic (c)
gqquic (go)
What is the structure of QUIC packets?
UDP datagram with Ports and Cheksum {
QUIC Pakcet 1 with Connectoin ID and Packet Number {
QUIC Frame 1 with Type
QUIC Frame n with Type
QUIC Pakcet n with Connectoin ID and Packet Number {
multiple QUIC packets in a UDP datagram possible
What are Connection ID and packet numebr used for?
connection id -> get connection
packet number -> decrypt payload
How are QUIC packet numbers structured?
integer in range 0 to 2^(62-1)
Used in determining a cryptographic nonce for packet protection
Different packet number spaces for initial packets, handshake packets, and application packets
Start at packet number 0 and must be increased by at least 1 for subsequent packets
What was the design goal of short headers? when used?
minimal overhead
used after connection is established
What is e.g. omitted in short header?
id lengths
What does the QUIC initial and handshake packets carry?
first crypto frames and acsk
sent by cleint and server to perform key exchange
What does the QUIC 0-RTT packet carry?
used to carrry “early” data from clietn to server as part of first flight
-> prior to handshake completion
e.g. HTTP request
When is 1-RTT used?
with short header once 1-RTT keys are available
What is variable integer encoding used for in QUIC?
ensures that smaller integer values require fewer bytes to encode
-> used in e.g. Stream IDs
two most significant bits of first byte encode log2 of integer encoding length
-> e.g. 00 -> 1 -> 6 usable bits
-> 01 -> 2 -> 14 usable bits
-> 11 -> 8 -> 62 usable bits
What were the standardization goals of QUIC?
Minimizing connection establishment and overall transport latency for applications, starting with HTTP/2
Providing multiplexing without head-of-line blocking
Requiring only changes to path endpoints to enable deployment
Enabling multipath and forward error correction extensions
Providing always-secure transport, using TLS 1.3 by default
What are the security goals of QUIC?
only encrypted data transfer
server is authenticated
clietn optinoally
use MACs
What is AEAD?
authenticated encryption with assocaited data
-> encrypt and compute MAC simultaneously
C = f(k,N,A,P)
P = f(k,N,A;C)
Plaintext P, ciphertext C, associated data A, nonce N, key k
How is AEAD applied?
Compute packet nonce
IV xor packet number
compute C = AEAD(key, nonce, associated data (header), payload)
=> result in protected payload
add header protection
encrypt certain 128bit of ciphertext C with hp key
mask so that only some header fields are protected (e.g. packet number)
xor with original header
=> result in protected header
How to decrypt using AEAD?
remove header protection
reverse masking wiht xor enc(hp, C)
compute packet nonce
compute P = AEAD(key, N, associated data, C)
How is QUIC version negotiation conducted?
client sends used verion in long header
if verion not supported
server replies with version negotiation packet listing all supported versions (own version field set to 0x00000000
client can pick a supported version
How are QUIC versions identified?
32 bit unsigned number
0x00000000 reserved for version negotiation
0x5130xxxx -> Google
0xfaceb00x -> facebook
0xabcd000x -> Microsoft
What are streams in QUIC?
lightweight, orderd byte stream abstraction
bidirectional or unidirectional
Stream frames can open, carry data for, or close a stream
Unique stream ID (62-bit integer), two bits used to identify initiator and if bi- or unidirectional
Multiple streams are sent interleaved, streams can be prioritized (avoidance of head-of-line blocking)
How are acknowledgements used in QUIC?
Packet numbers are acknowledged, after all frames have been processed
Tries to send ACK frames as often as possible to improve loss and congestion response
Trade-off between load generation and short response times
ACK frame contains multiple ACK ranges
What are two tools to alanyze compare and verify quic implementations?
Why is there a need to compare QUIC versions?
can differ widely
-> due to different developers / languages
What are differences between qloag and qvis?
Based on JSON
(timestamp, event type, event specific data)
Browser interface to visualize qlog files
Different diagram types: sequence diagram, congestion diagram, . . .
sequence diagram
congestion diagram
multiplexing diagram
packetization diagram
What might be some problems with QUIC?
QUIC-Reflector Attack
Higher CPU costs than TCP/TLS
Possible throughput depends heavily on the application resources
What is a potential improvement point for QUICs CPU cost?
UDP still far less optimized than TCP
Why is a connection ID used?
can identify connections
compared to IP-5 tuple, allows for changes in IP and Port
-> Mobility…
Key features of stream multiplexing in QUIC?
Multiple streams within a connection
Each stream provides a reliable bidirectional bytestream
QUIC packet contains several frames
QUIC packet can carry stream frames from multiple streams
What overarching types of QUIC frames are there?
control frames
data and acknowledgemetn frames
In what areas is flow control used in QUIC?
stream flow control
connection flow control
How does QUIC allow for re-ordering of packets?
retransmssions have different packet number
-> use stream offset for in order delivery (offset field in stream frame…)
How does QUIC allow for loss detection?
selective and negative ACK
-> more elaborate than TCP
Which packets are exchanged during a 0-RTT handshake? (detail)
-> initial[0]: Crypto[Client Hello]
<- initial[0]: crypto[server hello] ACK[0]
<- Handshake[0]: crypto[Encrypted Extensions, Cert, Certificate Verify, Fin]
<- 1-RTT[0]: STREAM[1,…]
-> Initial[1]: ACK[0]
Handshake[0]: CRYPTO[FIN], ACK[0]
1-RTT[0]: STREAM[0,…], ACK[0]
What is contained in -> initial[0]: Crypto[Client Hello]?
client hello:
supported ciphers
TLS versions
signature hash algos
key share for key exchagne
What is contained in <- initial[0]: crypto[server hello] ACK[0]
server hello:
chosen cipher suite
value for key exchange
supported TLS version
What is a certificate verify?
crypt. signature over previous handshake message
-> allows client to
1) verify that server actually has the private key from the cert
2) previous messages have not been tempered with
What is handshake finished used for?
mark completion of crypt. handshake
contains MAC over all previous handshake messages
-> confirm mutually that handshake completet successfully and both sides have aggreed on crypt. parameters for connection
How does the latency spin bit work?
is in unencrypted part of header
-> gets reflected by server
-> client initializw with 0
-> inverts the received ones from the server as soon as response arrive…
=> thus, flips every RTT…
=> allows on -path observer (e.g. middlebox) to estimate RTT
When can a latency spin bit not be used?
Where is latency spin bit contained
in 1-RTT packets
Are there situations where QUIC is better than TCP (BBR vs CUBIC)?
-> higher loss decreases transmission rate of CUBIC
-> it is loss based, and thus if loss occurs often, it constantly reduces transmission rate and never goes very high up again
-> BBR delay based so more robiust to it
BBR better suited to high delay than CUBIC
What is special about lquic in terms of congestion control mechanisms?
has threshold for when to use BBR or CUBIC
initially uses BBR until RTT is estimated
-> low latency -> use CUBIC
-> performs better …
Is the behavior of BBR problematic in terms of drying up CUBIC?
-> consider you have a connection using regular TCP (CUBIC) and the other QUIC (BBR)
-> one will starve especially when downloading stuff
Advantage / Disadvantage implementing things in user mode?
user space more flexible in terms of introducing new features
compared to kernel, where lots of testing, and stability is required
higher CPU overhead due to syscalls required…
What frames play a role in connection migration ?
new connection id
during handshake -> add list of valid connection ids that can be used in case of migration
path challenge
path response
retire connection id
How does QUIC prevent observers from tracking migrated connections?
using new connection id for connection after migration
two options:
1. old connection still exitst
2. old connection no longer exists
no longer exists:
send non-probing packet, initializing connection migratoin
path validation is perforemd
get new address validation tokens
path validation performed
get new address validatoin tokens
send non probing packet to migrate connection
What are address validation tokens?
random strings generated by server and included in initial QUIC pacekts
on subsequent connections, client sends them back to server
-> server is able to verify that same client from initial ….
Which type of user will probably benefit most from using QUIC?
mobile end users
-> connection migratoin
-> high latency (BBR good in this case)
-> wireless usually high loss (BBR good)
What is the amplification attack in QUIC?
attacker establishes connection with server -> gets address validation token
-> releases its used IP address
-> later time, attacker can initiate 0-RTT connection with server by spoofing same address it had before
-> IP might belong to different victim endpoint
-> can cause server to send initial congestion window worth of data towards victim (flooding it if done in large scale, DDoS…) vs small 0-RTT packet…
or: transmit initial client hello with spoofed IP
How does QUIC limit the scope of amplification attacks?
limit address validatoin tokens to certain lifetime…
-> requires new address validatoin
initial client hello has minimum size requiring attacker to considerably use bandwidth
but still larger, so this is still possible
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