What are the geological observations supporting continental drift?
fold belts (Appalachians - Caledonides)
Age provinces: geological age provinces are found on different continents )e.g. Precambrium rocks of Soth American and African shields can be correlated across the Atlantic
Igneous provinces: Similarity of belts of extrusive and intrusive rocks (e.g. South Africa, Antarctica and Tasmania)
Stratigraphic sections
Metallogenic provinces: Similarities of natural mineral depositts (e.g. Mn, Fe, Au, Zn)
What are the Paleontological observations supporting continental drift?
Fossils of tropic plants found in Antarctica, South South America and Australia
Marsupials show similar species until 100 Ma ago; Later: diverging development in South America and Australia
How did MORs contribute to the evolution of the tectonic plate theory?
Found and described by Marie Tharp
V-shaped structure running continuously through the axis of MORs indicated rift valley characteristics
Suggests that the rift valley was formed when new material welled up to the surface, pushing either side of the ridge apart
How did Paleomagnetism contribute to the evolution of the tectonic plate theory?
everywhere on earth the magnetic field has a well defined direction
however, true north and magnetic north have an offset which is called magnetic declination
as the earths magnetic field changes orientation over large timescales, the orientation of newly formed freezes the current orientation at time of cooling
the magnetic field reverses randomly (183x in 83 Ma)
patterns on both sides of the MORs are identicl
How did Seismicity contribute to the evolution of the tectonic plate theory?
The seismic activity patterns align with Marie Tharps map of tectonic plates.
What evidence did Alfred Wegener provide for his theory of tectonic plate movement?
geometric fit of continents
Paleontological evidence: identical or similar fossil assemblages found
Geological: features like mountain ranges could be correlated across vast distances
Glacial: glaciers once covered areas that are now sperated by oceans
Paleoclimatic: climates are inconsistent with current locations of continents (e.g. fossils of tropical plants in Antarctica)
What are the major tectonic plates?
North American Plate
Pacific Plate
Eurasian Plate
Australien Plate
South American Plate
African Plate
Antarctic Plate
Nazca Plate
Indian Plate
Arabien Plate
(Caribbean Plate)
(Cocos Plate)
(Scotia Plate)
(Filipino Plate)
How are earths different layers arranged?
Continental/Oceanic Crust
Lithosphere (Crust and uppermost solid Mantle)
Outer Core
Inner Core
How can we measure how the tectonic plates move?
GPS -> gives information about speed and direction
Volcanic islands tell us how the plates moved above hot spots (age of rocks is important)
What is a typical plate movement rate?
10-40mm/yr but some make it up to 160mm per year
What plate boundary types are there?
Convergent boundary: plates are colliding -> compressional
Divergent boundary: plates are pulling apart -> extensional
Transform boundary: plates are sliding past each other -> `strike slip´
Give examples for locations of the three plate boundary types and what are the typical faulting types?
Convergent (typified by subduction/compressional/reverse faulting):
Divergent (typified by rifting/divergent/normal faulting):
East African Rift System
Mid Ocean Ridges
Transform (strike slip/transform):
San Andreas Fault
What are the thre faulting types?
Normal Faulting -> Extensional (divergent)
Reverse Faulting -> Compressional (convergent)
Strike-Slip Faulting -> Transform (strike slip)
Explain the stress tensor of faulting
A stress field comprises three principal components (sigma 1-3) taht are orthogonal to each other
sigma 1 is the strongest force
Normal faulting occurs when sigm,a 1 is vertical
Reverse faulting and strike slip occur when sigma 1 is horizontal
What are the different disciplines of Geology?
Explain the rock cycle
Igneous and metamorphic rocks are created and uplifted (mountains)
Erosion transfers them into sediments
Compaction and cementation turn them into sedementary rock
Sedimemntary rocks are buried deep and heat and pressure lets minerals recrystalize to form metamorphic rock
These can be burried so deep that they melt and form new igneous rock
What are clastic sediemntary rocks?
lose sediments are compacted and cemented (lithified)
Conglomerate, Breccia, Sandstone, Shale, Mudstone
What are chemical sedimentary rocks?
compacted and cemented evaporites (salt)/ charbonate mud with particles of biogenic origin (e.g. pyramids, cliffs of dover)
What are biogenic sedimentary rocks?
coal from organic material
chert from silicious material like sponge spicule, radiolarian, diatoms (often occus in limestones)
what are the most common minerals in the earths crust?
Oxygen (O) 46.6%
Silicon (Si) 27.7%
Aluminium (Al) 8.1%
Iron (Fe) 5%
Calcium (Ca) 3.6%
Sodium (Na) 2.8%
Potassium (K) 2.6%
Magnesium (Mg) 2.1%
What are igneous rocks?
magmatic rocks (main component is SiO44-)
Magma = Lava (in a chemical sense)
Cooling of Magma -> intrusive rock
Cooling of Lava -> extrusive rock
Describe Bowen’s Reaction Series
Two pathways to form minerals as Magma cools:
Discontinuous series: One mineral is transformed into a different mineral through chemical reaction
Continuous series: palioglase feldspar goes from being rich in Calcium to being rich in Sodium
What is XRD? How does it work?
X-ray diffractometry
determination of mineral due to its physical/optical properties
What defines oxide minerals? Name an oxide mineral
-> O2- as anion
-> when OH- as anion than its called hydroxide mineral
Hematite - Fe2O3
Magnetite - Fe3O4
Bauxite - Al2O3*2H2O
Corundum - Al2O3 (Ruby)
What defines carbonate minerals? Name a carbonate mineral
-> carbonate anion combines with 2+ cations
Calcite/Aragonite - CaCO3
Dolomite - (Ca,Mg)CO3
Magnesite - MgCO3
In what order do minerals precipitate out of solution?
In reverse order of their solubility:
Calcite and Dolomite
Gypsum and Anhydrite
Potassium and Magnesium salts
What is the difference between Calcite and Aragonite?
chemically identical but different chrystal structure
What defines sulphide minerals? Name a sulphide mineral
-> They definetly have an S somewhere
Galena - PbS
Pyrite - FeS2
Chalcopyrite - CuFeS2
Sphalerite - ZnS
what defines Sulphate minerals? Name a sulphate mineral
-> Their anion is SO4
Anhydrite - CaSO4
Gypsum - CaSO4*2H2O
Barite - BaSO4
Celestite - SrSO4
What defines Halide minerals? Name a halide mineral
-> They include halogen elements like chloride, fluorine adn bromine
Cryolite - Na3AlF6
Fluorite - CaF2
Halite - NaCl
What defines phosphate minerals? Name a phosphate mineral
-> They have a PO4 somewhere
Apatite - Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)
The comprising elements resemble the Redfield Ratio
What defines Silicates? Name a silicate mineral
-> they all consist of SiO44- tetrahedra (four-sided pyramid shape)
Olivine - (Mg,Fe)2SiO4
Pyroxene - Fe2Si2O6/Mg2Si2O6
Quartz - SiO2
What types of silicates are there and what are th main characteristics?
Neosilicates: isolated SiO4 bonded to iron and/or Mg ions
Inosilicates: single chain of SiO4 where two SiO4 share one oxygen atom -> fewer O in the structure (expression as O:Si ratio -> Olivine 4:1 and Pyroxene 3:1). Can also be double chain silicates such as Amphibole (here the O:Si ratio goes down to 2.75:1)
Phyllosilicates: continuous sheets where each SiO4 shares 3 Si atoms with adjacent SIO4. These sheets are linked with Mg or Al octahedron layers.
Tectosilicates: framework silicates (very different types) e.g. Talc, Mica, Illite. Layers of tetrahedrons/octahedrons -> T-O-T in Talc, ..X+T-O-T+X… in Mica
What kinds of sediement sampling technologies are there? What are the aims?
Study sediemnt itself (age dating, source determination, mineral composition, deposition environment)
Study pore water (geochemical analysis, diagenesis)
Investigate fauna and related processes
-> gravity corer
-> piston corer
-> multi corer
-> box corer
What kinds of rock sampling technologies are there? What are the aims?
minerological, geochemical or geotechnical studies (source, age, alteration processes, element content
-> Dredge
-> TV grab
-> Drilling
What kinds of optical sampling technologies are there? What are the aims?
see what is on seafloor/changes over time
quantitative measurements
-> towed systems
-> lander systems
-> submersibles
-> AUVs
-> ROVs
-> Divers
How does bathymetric mapping work? what different types are there?
Hydroacoustic signal to measure depth. Generates pressure wave (longitudinal) that travels through water. Time of return to transducer is measured and used to calculate depth.
-> depth = sound speed*travel time/2
-> wave length = sound speed/signal frequency
also important: transmit angle
Backscatter = intensity of the signal that is returned to the transducer
Area of beam increases with depth while resolution decreases.
Lead sounding (1-2k soundings/survey)
Single beam echosounding
Dual-swath Multibeam
Multibeam echosounding (400-1000M soundings/survey)
What are the aims of seafloor mapping?
visualize the sub-seafloor structures for tectonic/geological interpretations
Detect and trace oil and gas resources and fluid pathways
Derive sediment sound velocities for accurate depth determination (-Y hydrocarbon exploration), state of cementation/porosity
What defines tterrigenous or lithogenous sediemnts?
Sand, slit and clay particles derived from continents by physical erosion
Deposited in the coastal zone and at the continental margins
Dust particles derived from continents deposited at the deep-sea floor (red clay)
What defines biogenous sediments?
Biogenous particles formed by marine plankton (calcium carbonate, biogenic opal, OM)
Carbonate formed at tropical shelves by calcifying benthic organisms (e.g. corals)
Shell sand, oyster banks, etc.
What defines hydrogenous sediments?
Precipitated from seawater or sediment pore water
Evaporites (salt), manganese nodules, phosphorite concretions, etc.
What defines pelagic sediments?
Deposited at the deep-sea floor
What defines hemipelagic sediments?
Mixture of terrigenous and biogenous pelagic sediment
How does the transport of terrigenous sediments work?
Strong currents move coarse grained materials -> sand abundant in seafloor areas with high current velocities (coastal zone and continental shelf)
Fine grained particles (clays) are transported over long distances even at low current velocities (found at continental slope and rise)
During glacials, when sea levles are lower, deposition of riverine particles is shifted to the shelf edge, slope and rise
What is submarine mass wasting?
motion of large sediment volumes at continental slopes
strong currents at shelf break -> move particles across the shelf edge -> deposition at upper slope
Accumulated material is mechanically unstable and likely to move downslope
Slope failure can be spontaneous or triggered by earthquakes, fluid flow or melting of gas hydrates
Massive slope failure events can trigger tsunamis
What are turbidity currents and turbidites?
Turbidity currents: high-velocity density currents carrying large amounts of suspended sediment
They incise submarine canyons and form submarine fans and abyssal plains. Also break submarine cables
Sedimentary deposits formed by turbidity currents are called turbidites
What is the Bouma sequence?
Describes the typical sediment sequence in turbidite areas that is formed by decreasing velocity of turbidity currents which leads to deposition of sediments.
How are abyssal plains formed?
From successive turbidite deposits burying the rough topography beneath. They cover large areas of the deep sea floor.
Describe how red clays are formed.
Dust transported by winds bypasses the coastal zone and is partly deposited in the open ocean. Iron and other nutreints are released from the dust into the water and fertilize the ocean. Red clay sediments are formed by the deposition of eolian dust.
How does continental erosion work.
Terrigenous particles deposited at the seafloor are generated on the continents by physicale erosion.
Erosion is induced by water, wind and ice (glaciers).
The largest mass flux of particles into the ocean is caused by rivers.
Flux (10^15 g/yr
Riverine particles
Ice-rafted particles
What controlls continental erosion?
Relief in the drainage area: erosion is enhanced in steep terrain
Water discharge (i.e. transport capacity): erosion is enahnced at high water discharge; seasonal effects (monsoon) and events (heavy rain fall) are more important than continuous precipitation and runoff
Geology of the river basin: sediment loads are high when rivers are flowing through areas where erodible materials are abundant (loess, volcanic ash, rock debris from glacial grinding)
Presence of lakes and dams along the river bed: decrease the sediments discharge into the ocean
What are human impacts on continental erosion?
Increase of erosion due to deforestation and cultivation of land, overgrazing and construction
Decrease results from building of dams and reservoirs
Explain how the Carbonate Compensation Depth is formed.
Surface waters in the ocean are oversaturated with respect to calcite and aragonite: 2HCO3- + Ca2+ —> CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O
Because of higehr pressure and CO2 concentrations, deep water masses are often under-saturated with respect to CaCO3
Therefore, the remains of calcerous plankton are partly dissolved in the deep ocean: CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O —> 2HCO3- + Ca2+
The water depth below which all the carbonate delivered is dissolved is called CCD
What is the Lysocline?
Boundary between well preserved and poorly preserved carbonates
Rate of carbonate rain > rate of carbonate dissolution -> some carbonate accumulation
What defines the silicon content of ocean sediments?
Surface waters and deep waters of the ocean are strongly under-saturated with respect to biogenic opal
To build their shells, siliceous phytoplankton organisms actively transport silicic acid into their cell, where biogenic opal (SiO2*nH2O) is precipitated
Biogenic opal dissolves slowly and the dissolution rate is further diminshed by organic coatings covering and protecting the fragile biogenic opal shells
Biogenic opal is, thus, found in sediments where the rain rate of biogenic opal to the seafloor is faster than the dissolution rate
What is chemical weathering? What is it depending on?
Dissolution of minerals by CO2 and other weathering agents during continental weathering
Climate (temperature, runoff): chemical weathering is enahnced under warm and humid conditions
Mineralogy: carbonates and feldspars are dissolved more rapidly than quartz and clay materials
Erosion and exposure of mineral surfaces: enhances the dissolution of minerals
Vegetation: increases the pCO2 of soil solutions and the concentratoin of other weathering agents thereby the rate of chemcal weathering
Give examples for different weathering processes.
The dissoliution of carbonate minerals consumes CO2 and produces dissolved calcium and bicarbonate ions: CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O —> Ca2+ + 2HCO3-
The dissolution of feldspars consumes CO2 and produces clay minerals, dissolved silica and bicarbonate ions
Anthropogenic CO2 will be removed from the atmosphere within the next 100.000 yrs
How do hydrogenous sediments (evaporites) precipitate?
in isolated shallow basins where evaporation >> precipitation
The type of mineral precipitated depends on the degree of evaporation
What are the sediment rates at the seafloor?
Calculated from mass accumulation rate (MAR = g/cm2/yr), burial velocity (w = cm/yr), porosity (P) and density of dry solid (ds)
Bural velocity can be derived by sediment dating (via 14C)
Typical mean values for surface sediments are P = 0.8 and ds 0 2.5 g/cm3
MAR = ds * (1-P) * w
What sediments accumulate the fastest?
From fast to slow:
red clays
What are volcanoes?
Sites where magma extrudes/erupts on the earrths surface
What determines the structure and mode of eruption of a volcanoe?
melt formation at depth
differentation during ascent
environment at surface
What plate tectonics lead to volcanoes?
converging plate boundary -> volcanic
diverging plate boundary -> volcanic
tranforming plate boun dary -> non-volcanic
Give an example of and intraplate volcanic field
West- and east-Eifel
Explain the Volcano-Magma-System
Melting of mantle rock
Ascent of melts through mantle and crust
Storage in large reservoirs and compositional evolution
Magma degassing
Volcanic eruption
How is melting induced?
increase in temperature: frictional heating on fault planes, walls of magma chambers, belown thick lava flows, magma underplating crust
decompression: fast and sufficiently voluminous convective upwelling/tectonic upthrusting to orevent thermal equilibration with the surrounding mantle (often under MORs and in hot-spot-plumes)
addition of volatiles (e.g. water): causes drop in solidus temperature below geotherm (common in subduction zones where downgoing slabs release water into the overlying mantle)
What areas have the greatest magma production rate?
MORs or divergent-margin volcanism
How does Magma ascent in the Asthenosphere?
In melt veins 0.1-100m wide
1-200m apart
How does magma rise in the lithosphere?
Diapir: lower density in lower magma -> isolated balloon shaped magma batch rises due to high buoyancy force (high resistance due to large surface)
Isolated dike: blade-shaped magma filled crack -> lower buoyancy force but also low resistance -> tip effect
Feeded dike: dike connected to magma -> high buoyancy and low resistance -> tip effect
What does a magma dike look like?
Magma filled crack with a volatile filled tip cavity
Why does magma ascend?
Mafic melts ascent from the mantle due to their density being lower than that of ambient rock
But upper crust is less dense than basaltic melt/magma -> rising until neutral buoyancy -> magma chambers
What drives an explosive eruption?
Volatiles are dissolved in the melt which, when they exsolve, form a fluid or gas phase
Gas can also be formed by vaporization of ambient water
Expansion of gas is the most important control on explosive volcanic eruptions
-> exsolution of gas phases dissolved in the melt lead to magmatic eruptions
-> vaporization of water in contact with hot magma lead to phreatomagmatic eruptions
How do bubbles form and grow in magma? What are the consequences of limited bubble growth?
formation due to a nucleus (e.g. mineral)
groowth due to diffusion putting gas into already existing gas bubbles
decompression as magma rises
hindered bubble growth generates gas overpressure
-> fast ascent increases gas pressure faster in the ubbles than it can be compensated by growth (higher pressure is delivered to shallow depths)
-> explosivity increases
-> fragmentation easier and more complete
what are the two general eruption products?
Effusive -> lava flows, lava lakes
Explosive -> Pyro/Hydro-clastic deposits
(clastic = fragmented)
What categories make up the Volcanic explosivity Index?
Destructive potential
Name the different fragmented volcanic deposits?
pyroclasts: fragmented rocks originated by primary volcanic activity
tephra: deposits of pyroclastic material
vulkaniclastic: all clastic deposits with >25vol% vulkanic material
hydroclastic: pyroclasts generated by magma-water interaction
epiclastic: reworked deposits with volcanic matter <25vol%
juvenile: derivates from magma -> quenched glass, crystals, mycrocrystalline rocks
lithic: external rock fragments (Host rocks, older volcanic rocks)
Name the different kinds of volcanic eruptions
strombolian eruptions: episodic gas bursts
foam collapse: degassing of low-viscosity magma
phretomagmatic eruptions: hot magma meets cold water (e.g. submarine eruptions)
plinian eruptions:
When do eruption columns colapse?
Mass flux increase: widening of the vent -> ratio of rim to jet stream diameter decreases -> less air entrainment
Gas content decrease: decreasing eruption velocity -> frictional and drag force at the rim of the gas thrust zone decrease -> less air entrainment
all having the effect that admixing of air cannot sufficiently dilute erupting mixture -> eruption collapse -> pyroclastic flow
what are the different types of volcanic edifices and what do they depend on?
Shield volcano
Caldera volcano
Somma volcano
Lava dome
Scoria cone
Tuff ring
-> predominant eruption mechanism
-> predominant magma composition
-> long-term magma production rate
-> environmental conditions
-> geotctonic setting
What is Tephostratigraphy?
Correlation between Tephras (rock that where erupted):
petrographic features -> smear slides
Bulkrock chemistry
glass chemistry
mineral chemistry (major element composition)
relative stratigraphic order
chemical fingerprinting can give information about the same volcano eruptiong at different times and on how to distinguish between volcanoes
sedimentation rates and volumina
Gve examples for absolute dating. How do these methods work?
Oak chronology: based on rings of oak trees -> patterns are used to determine the time when the tree died (12.483 yrs back in time without interuption)
Wave chronology: layers of clay that emerged in a yearly rhythm (principle of pattern recognition)
Snow accumulation/ice cores: gas concentration, layer thickness
How does radiocarbon dating work?
14C is produces by 14N being hit by cosmic neutrons
14C is than incorporated into CO2 in the atmosphere
biological uptake continuously -> stable 14C conc. in all living organisms
decay starts by the time of death (half life = 5730)
the ratio between 14C-activity and bulk carbon concentration is used to calculate the time since the organism died
However there are 14C plateaus that decrease the accuracy
14C calibration by comparing to independant dating techniques
What are the different radiometric dating methods?
K/Ar-method (based on K and Ar concentrations -> K decays to Ar -> ration shifts to Ar with time)
Rb/Sr-method (based on Rb and Sr concentrations -> Rb decays to Sr)
Oxygen Isotope Stratigraphy (18O is evaporates slower than 16O)
Lithostratigraphy (deeper is older, finding correlations)
Magnetosttratigraphy (earths magnetic orientation “frozen” in rock by cooling lava)
How does Oxygen Isotope Stratigraphy work?
18O evaporated slower than 16O
18O is removed from the atmosphere quicker while moving polewards
18O enrichment of oceans and 16O enrichment of continental polar ice caps
build up of continental ice shields lead to high 18O concentrations in the oceans and high 16O in the glacial atmosphere
16/18O composition in CaCO3 in froaminifera shells give information about temperature and glacial interglacial fluctuations
Problem: absolute dating is missing
Solution: Milankovitch climate theory -> orbital tuning -> radiation processes -> climatic processes -> delta18O
How does Magnetostratigraphy work?
Earths magnetic field
close to a dipole, centred at earths midpoint
magnetic poles close to geographic poles
produced in the earths interior (Fe-core) generated by turbulent convection of magma within the outer core
local disturbances in the convection can cause distortions nd even a change in polarity (reversal)
magnetic minerals within rocks keep the magnetic information after crysatlization
What kind of effects do different processes have on TA and DIC?
Photosynthesis: decreases DIC by CO2 uptake and slightly increases TA
Respiration: reversed effects of photosynthesis
CaCO3 dissolution: increases TA and DIC by CO3- input
One CaCO3 during formation removes one part of DIC and two parts of TA as Ca2+ has a double positive charge
What effects of carbonate chemistry in the Atlantic surface waters was observed in the past decades?
anthropogenic C in the water column rises
Omega-Calcite decreased by 0.2 units
Omega-Aragoniite decreased by 0.15 units
What does the “distribution” of TA, DIC and pH look like in the ocean?
TA, pH and DIC decrease in the Pacific from North to South
How are boron isotopes used to reconstruct past seawater pH?
two isotopes boric acid B(OH)3 and borate ion B(OH)4-
boric acid conc. increases with lower pH
both can be incorporated into biogneic CaCO3
delta11Bsw changes with pH and can be found in calcifiers and then compared to bulk SW boron isotopic composition of today
What are the main underlying causes for glacial-interglacial C-budget ?
changing ocean circulation (circulation depth decrease in NADW and AAIW)
changes in biological pump (iron fertilization lead to higher PP and thus higher C-uptake -> higher pH)
backed up by evidence for CO2 leakage during last deglaciation (Pacific became a CO2 source)
What was the effect of the last deglaciation in terms of CO2 in ocean and atmosphere?
Due to increased circulation and and decreased iron fertilization the eastern equatorial pacific became a CO2 source
lower atmospheric pCO2 during LGM
Why is the delta14C in SW always lower than in the atmosphere?
14C is only produced in the atmosphere and then secondaryly transported into the ocean
reservoir effect
deeper waters with low 14C conc. are isolated from overturning circulation
How can radiocarbon methods be used to reconstruct past SW C-budgets?
radiocarbon is formed in the atmosphere by 14N being hit by a neutron, removing a proton from the core and turning 14N into 14C
with time 14C turns back to 14N -> beta-decay
A measured benthic marine 14C age will always be older than the corresponding planktic 14C age
The difference tells us about deep ocean ventilation rates
How does the oceans heat transport and circulation work?
Water > ice > air > land
60 : 5 : 2 : 1
low latitude oceans are earths main storage for solar heat
thermohaline circulation (THC) plays key role to supply heat to polar regions (regulating the amount of sea ice
THC impacts earths radiation budget through the rate at which deep waters are exposed to the surface (release of CO2 to the atmosphere)
Most heat transport in a thin layer of the upper ocean (75% below 4°C)
-> permanent thermocline (100-1000m) seperates cold deep water from surface effects
What is the North Atlantic heat piracy?
The Atlantic is chracterized by a northward heat transport (THC)
N-Atlantic becomes warmer at the expense of the S-Atlantic
-> heat piracy
Is the N-Atlantic cooling or warming during global warming? What is the mechanism?
cooling of N-Atlantic based on NASA GISS temperature data
Weakening of Atlantic Meridionel Overturning Circulation (AMOC)
Ehanced meltwater discharge from Greenland ice sheet
Why are we interested in paleo-ocean temperatures?
Reliable ocean temperature estimates are crucial for the reconstruction and modelling of:
-> past oceanic salinity and density -> water column stratification -> thermohaline circulatioin
-> ice volume/ sea ice -> timing of ocean warming with respect to atmospheric change and continental ice sheet evolution
What are proxies in paleoceanography? Give examples.
Proxies = measurable parameters, which reflect chemical/ physical/ biological conditions of past oceans
-> each proxy is constrained by distinct boundary conditions, therefore calibration of proxies is necessary
cultivating experiments
in-situ studies
core-top studies in comparison to modern ocean parameters
Microfossil assemblage transfer functions
Oxygen isotopes in planktonic foraminifers
Strontium and d18O in corals
Alkenones (biomarker)
TEX 86 (biomarker)
Mg/Ca in foraminifers
Calcium isotopes in planktonic foraminifers
Explain the basic principle of transfer functions
The distribution of marine fauna/flora is dependant from environmental conditions (e.g. temp., salinity, nutrient)
Specific species/species assemblages reflect very distinct marine environmental conditions. if these change, the faunal changes can be used to reconstruct past changes (e.g. productivity, changes in oceanic fronts)
Explain how Oxygen isotopes function as a SST proxy
18O evaporates later than 16O
-> glacial: more 18O in the ocean
-> interglacial: less 18O in the ocean
-> ratio found in foraminifera shells tells about glaciation state
Expalin how Strontium and d18O in corals function as a SST proxy
Sr/Ca ratio changes 0.6-0.7% per °C
Problems with this method:
-> Low latitude glacial Sr-temp. from corals are too low (5-6°C cooler than modern)
-> SW Sr/Ca change caused by release from weathering of fossil reefs during sealevel lowstands
-> Unreliable glacial temp. reconstructions due to 1-3% change of oceanic Sr/Ca
-> Coral Sr/Ca ratios are sensitive to calcite diagenesis
Explain how Alkenones function as a SST proxy
temp. sensitive, long chain, di- and tri-unsaturated carbon bonds
-> ratio of di- and tri- saturated C37 alkenones chnges as a function of temperature
-> U^K’37 most likely refelcts annual SST from 10m water depth
Explain how Tex86 functions as a SST proxy
Crenarchaeota = microbes, single celled bacteria, plankton, highly concentrated
composition of membrane lipids depend on growth temp.
number of cyclopentane rings in sedimentary membrane lipids corelate to annual mean SST
Explain how Mg/Ca in formainifera function as a SST proxy
exeptional relationship between Mg/Ca and SST
Mg/ca ratio gives information on calcification depth
Small SST gradient between species = deep thermocline
Large SST gradient = shallow thermocline
Expalin how Ca-isotopes in planktonic forminifera function as a SST proxy
d44Ca can be used as a proxy for SST
What are the expected and the actual effects of the closure of the Panamanian Gateway?
Should have caused:
Development of modern salinity contrast between Atlantic (Caribbean) and Pacific in surface waters -> started happening since 5.5 Ma and strengthened since 4.2 Ma
Development of modern Caribbean warm pool -> started 4.4 Ma ago
Intensification of Gulf Stream System
Increase of heat, salt and moisture transfer into the N-Atlantic (heating of NW-Europe)
Increased formation of N-Atlantic intermediate and deep sea water masses
What actually happened:
Enhanced evaporation in N-Atlantic due to warming
Freshening of Arctic Ocean facilitates sea ice fomation
Sea ice raises albedo and reduces the heat exchange between ocean surface and atmosphere —> COOLING
Fresher Arctic outflow slows down AMOC —> COOLING
What do ocean circulation models predict with the Pliocene constriction of the Indonesian Throughflow? What are the effects on the Indian Ocean an E-Africa?
After 4-5 Ma…
Strengthening of the East Australian Current (EAC)
Weakening of the Leeuwin Current (LC)
Cooling of the Indian Ocean and warming of the W-Pacific
Intensification of the E-W temperature gradient across the eq. Pacific
El Nino >>> La Nina dominated climate state
Onset of Pliocene Northern Hemisphere glaciation
Indian Ocean and E-Africa:
Weakening, cooling, freshening of Australasian Mediterrane Water (AAMW) throughflow
Intensification of E-W temperature gradient in the eq. Indian Ocean
Shoaling of the thermocline
Cooler surface ocean, less evaporatioon over Indian Ocean
Less precipitation over E-Africa expected
How is the incoming solar radiation distributed?
-> Oscillates over geological timescales
Eccentricity: deviation of earths orbit around the sun from a perfect circle (400 ka and 100 ka)
Obliquity: angle between earths rotational axis and its orbital axis (41 ka)
Precission: change of orientation of earths rotational axis (23 ka)
-> have a strong effect on earths climate
-> warming events every 100 ka with cooling events in between
What is a Heinrich event?
Glacials and inetrglacials are not consistant spread and retreat of ice sheets but a back and forth where single cooling and melting events (ice flow surges) are alternating -> (Heinrich event)
They follow an a priori subsurface water warming
How does Antarctic Bottom Water formation work?
Warm Deep water passes the Shelf-slope front
On the continental shelf that former deep water gets cold and saline
Sinking due to gravity current plumes
Are the earth oceans warming or cooling?
all ocean basins show signs of warming except the N-Atlantic which recorded cooling pre 2000 at shallow depth
Most pronounced abyssal warming is seen in the southern ocean
Antarctic bottom-water is warming, freshening and its volume is declining over the past decades
Name different marine mineral resources and their origin
sand/gravel -> transported from land sorting
iron sands -> transported from land, physical enrichment
diamonds -> transported from land, erosion on land
phosphorites -> diagenetically formed in/on the sediment
Name three deep sea minerals
Cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts
massive seafloor sulphides
Who owns the ocean?
UNCLOS -> United Nations Convention in the law of the sea
12M from shore: Territorial Sea
24M from shore: Contiguous Zone
200M from shore: Exclusive Economic Zione
beyond: High Sea
What are the Extended Continental Shelf Formula/Constraint Lines?
Formula 1 (Distance formula): Line 60M seaward from foot of the slope
Formula 2 (Sediment thickness formula): Line where the thickness of sediment is at least 1% of distance to the foot of the slope
Constraint 1 (Distance constraint): 350M from the baseline (Coast)
Constraint 2 (Depth constraint): 100M from the 2.500m isobath
What is the ISA?
International Seabed Authority (30 employees)
-> regulates the extraction of mineral sources beyond the juristriction of national boundaries in the Area
What are Manganese-nodules?
concentric growth around a nucleus (rock fragment, shark tooth, older nodules)
single or aggregated nodules
1-20cm size
density ~2.0g/cm3
porosity 60%
alternating, mm-wide fe- and Mn-rich layers
aka ferro-manganese nodules
How does Mn-nodule formation work?
Favorable conditions are in areas below the CCD, with low sedimentation rate, moderate sea surface productivity
formed by precipitation from two sources
colloidal particles directly from cold ambient seawater and accretion around a nucleus on soft sediment forming hydrogenic nodules
metal ions either within the soft sediment or at the sediment water interface from sub-oxic sediment pore waters where seawater is modified by chemical reactions within the sediment forming diagenetic nodules
What are the growth rates of hydrigenic/diagenetic Mn-nodules?
hydrogenic: 1-10mm/Ma
diagenetic: 250mm/Ma
What are the two key processes in the inorganic geological C-cycle?
Silicate weathering: Ca(Al2Si2)O8 + 2CO2 + 3H2O —> Al2Si2O5(OH)4 + 2HCO3- + Ca2+
Carbonate precipitation and dissolution: Ca2+ + 2HCO3- <—> CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O
What is the Sediment-pore water continuum?
What is porosity? What are the properties of porosity in the oceans sediments?
surface sediments have porosities in the range of 0.4 (sand) to 0.9 (clay)
porosity decreases with depth (in sediments) due to compaction
Solutes can be transported within the pore space via molecular diffusion and pore water advection
sediment pore water accounts for 6% of the global seawater volume
What is diagenesis?
sum, total of processes that bring out changes in a sediment or sedimentary rock
changes after contact with atmosphere -> weathering
chnages after exposure to elevated temperatures upon burial -> metamorphism
What is the difference between molecular diffusion and advection?
Molecular diffusion:
concentration gradients in stagnant solutions are leveled out in time by Brownian movement of molecules
Transport of tthe aqueous medium itself
-> compaction of the sediment package can induce some upward directed advection of pore water (small compared to diffusion)
-> in particular tectonic settings lateral compression and mineral dehydration reactions can induce more intense pore water advection
How is diffusive transport quantified at steady state?
porosity and tortuosity need to be taken into account
What is happening in these pore water profiles?
a) Profile of non-reacting solute (e.g. Cl)
b) Substance that is depleted in the upper sediment layers (e.g. oxygen)
c) Profile of a solute that is consumed in a particular reactive layer (e.g. uranium)
d) Profile of a solute that is released in the upper sediment layers (e.g. silica)
e) Profile of a solute that is released in a particular reactive layer
f) Combination of release and consumption in reactive layers (e.g. manganese)
How does the energy metabolism of prokaryotes work?
Organic matter degradation in marine sediments is mediated by microorganisms
They catalyze redox reactions and conserve part of the liberated energy to maintain their metabolism
Nature always tries to minimize internal energy (enthalpy, H in kJ/mol) and maximize entropy (S in J/mol/K, degree of disorder)
reactions may proceed without external energy input if the process leads to an increase in entropy (e.g. molecular diffusion, evaporation) and/or a decrease in enthalpy
Gibbs free energy (G in kJ/mol) is a measure of the overall energy and entropy of a chemical system
Chemical systems tend to minimize their deltaG
A reaction may proceed spontaneously or biologically catalyzed if the products have lower G values than the reactants
In many cases the reaction can not proceed because intermediate products with high G values are formed
An activation energy has to be overcome
What is the relationship between sedimentary carbon oxidation and water depth?
The rate of carbon oxidation depends on the rain rate of particulate organic carbon to the seafloor (POC RR)
The POC RR is a function of primary and export production as well as carbon oxidation in the water column. These parameters decrease with increasing distance from shore
hence, the relationship between oxidation rate and water depth
Organic matter raining onto the seafloor at continental margins has experienced less water column remineralization and should thus have a higher content of labile organic material
One could therefore expect a lower burial efficiency at continental margins
This is nbot the case. A combination of the following factors can expalin this:
Organic material consists of a range of constituents, with more labile components disappearing during the early stages of diagenesis
Inorganic minerals, which are more abundant at continental margins, protect organic matter from oxidation
Aerobic carbon degradation is more efficient than anaerobic degradation
What is the driving force for microbial redox reactions to occur?
The Gibb’s free energy which can be calculated from concentrations measured in the field. The available energy determines the vertical redox zonation observed in marine sedimentary environments (early diagenetic sequence).
What is determined by DOC RR?
Rates of DOC degredation
Thickness of the various biogeochemical zones
What are the main oxidizers at the continental shelf?
Dissolved O2 is used up quickly due to high DOC RR
Sulphate reduction starts at a depth of approximately 10cm after nitrate, manganese annd iron oxides are used up
What are the main oxidizers in the deep sea?
deep sea recieves very little DOC, thus oxygen is only consumed over a depth of several decimeters up to tens of meters
Very little POC is left to drive sulphate reduction since most of the POC is already consumed by aerobic respiration
Where do we find organic carbon remineralization coupled to sulfate reduction?
In the continental shelf sediments, aerobic remineralization of organic carbon predominates in deep-sea sediments
How is Nitrogen cycled in the ocean?
largest pool in SW is N2 -> unavailable to mo0st marine organisms
fixed by diazotrophs (N2 -> PON)
Upon decay of biomass N is released in form of NH4+ and either assimilated by organiisms or converted to more oxidized compounds of fixed nitrogen
In anoxic environments fixed N can be converted to N2 via reductive processes (e.g. denitrification)
How is Phosporus supplied to the ocean?
no internal source within the ocean
mobilized through weathering of continental P-minerals (mainly apatite)
due to anthropogenic activities, the phosphorus input to the ocean has approximately doubled -> main sources: fertilizer, deforestation, erosion sewage
What do the pore water profiles of Fe and PO4 look like? Why do they look like that? what are the most important processes?
What is reactive iron and how is it formed?
Fe in silicate minerals is referred to as non reactive since it is not bioavailable (e.g. to iron-reducing bacteria) and does not react with hydrogen sulphides
Reactive Fe minerals are generated by silicate weathering
FeMgSiO4 + 4CO2 + 4H2O —> Fe2+ + Mg2+ + H4SiO4 + 4HCO3
Dissolved Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+ and mostly precipitated as ferrihydrite
2Fe2+ + 1/2O2 + 5H2O —> 2Fe(OH)3 + 4H+
How is Fe supplied to the oceans from continents?
Most of the Fe supplied to the oceans by rivers is in particulate form
Most of the dissolved Fe is lost in the estuarine mixing zone
Despite near complete removal of dissolved Fe in estuares there is a significant amount of dissolved Fe in costal waters
-> much of Fe is supplied from continental margin sediments
-> sediments represent a significant iron source to the ocean
What is the impact of ocean deoxygenation on sedimentary nutrient fluxes?
declining oxygen concentrations will increase benthic and pelagic denitrification, which will decrease the oceans fixed nitrogen inventory
-> negative feedback for primary production and oxygen consumption
Declining oxygen concentrations will increase sedimentary phosphorus and iron release, which will increase the oceans phosphorus and iron inventories
-> positive feedback for primary production and oxygen consumption
What is the primary sink of fixed nitrogen in the ocean?
Benthic and pelagic denitrification
The global magniitude of denitrification is a function of redox conditions, which implies that under more reducing conditions, the global inventory of fixed nitrogen decreases
How are phosphorus and iron recycled in the in the oceans sediments?
P is released into the pore water upon remineralization of organic material from iron oxides during iron reduction
If the surface sediment is anoxic much of the P and Fe in the pore water can be recycled back into the watter column?
How is Methane produced inmarine sediments?
abiotically at high temperature
What happens to most Methane that is produced in marine sediments?
Most is oxidized to carbon dioxide by sulfate, a microbially mediated reaction called anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM)
Thus, little of the Methane that is produced in the sediment actually reaches the water column or the atmosphere
How does the anaerobic oxidation of methane work?
CH4 + SO42- —> HCO3- + H2S + H2O
What are methane seeps?
Manifestation of fluid flow characterized by:
the occurence of methane derived authigenic carbonates (MDAC)
methane bubble release
chemoautotrophic fauna
typical geochemical gradients
biogeochemical processes such as AOM (anaerobic oxidation of methane)
sometimes barite formation
gas hydrates
What is needed to have cold seepage?
advecting pore fluids loaded with methane that can escape
pore water overpressure
methane and pathways
How do you get pore water overpressure?
Sediment compaction (found in places of sediment deposition -> continental margins)
Stress/lateral & vertical pressure
generation of water through reactions -> OM degradation/mineral conversion
Stress and pressure exist at converging plates -> continental margins
What are the processes that generate methane?
biogenic -> consumption of OM
thermogenic -> cracking of OM
both processes need organic matter -> abundant at continental margins
Name a location where methane seeps are common
Continental margin of New Zealands North Island
-> Pacific plate piles up sediment -> folding -> cut by faults
What are gas hydrates?
ice like substance that is stable at low temperatures and high pressures
stability depends on the type of guest molecule within the different water cages
because of this cage structure, gas hydrates belong to the clathrates
1m3 of hydrate produces 164m3 of gas at STP (standard temp. and pressure)
What are the tools used to determine methane bubble release in the ocean?
SBES (single beam echosounders)
detect flares
quantify flowrates
evaluate the potential of marine CH4 on global CH4 budgets
MBES (multi beam echosounders)
to detect bubbles in the water column and make spacially larger assessments of release locations and quantifications
What happens to methane bubbles when ascending in the water column?
Methane dissolves into ocean water as it is under saturated with methane
methane bubbles strp gases from the water column as they are undersaturated with regard to those gases (e.g. O2, N2)
Bubbles change their composition within the water column
Gas reaching the surface depends on
amount being released
initial bubble size
water depth
rising speed
The solubility of gases in water decreases with
increasing temperature
increasing salinity
decreasing pressure
-> Gas hydrate formation around bubbles hinders gas exchange and thus slows down dissolution
How is methane generated?
mainly through CO2 reduction within the sulphate free zone of the sediments (anoxic)
also by fermentation
C is strongly isotopically fractionated
enables to distinguish the carbon source and the place of fluid origin
CO2 + 4H2 —> CH4 + 2H2O
Expalin the Carbonate system
When CO2 dissolves in water it exists in equilibrium with H2CO3
CO2 + H2O <—> H2CO3
H2CO3 dissociates into HCO3- and H+
H2CO3 <—> HCO3- + H+
The concnetration of the HCO3- will be more than 1% in solutions in the pH range ca. 4-8. n this pH range the HCO3- dissociates into CO32- and H+
HCO3- <—> CO32- + H+
When do carbonate minerals precipitate?
when the CO2 concentration in the solution decreases (temp. increase, lower pressure, CO2 uptake by org)
when the HCO3- and CO32- concentration increases through AOM/dissociation of OM
How does a hydrothermal system work?
influx of cold seawater (recharge)
heating of seawater
geochemical reactions along the path
formation of hydrothermal precipitates due to mixing of hot fluid with cold seawater -> SMS
What chemical reactions do you find at what temperatures at hydrothermal vents?
T<100°C: in the water
basalt is oxidized -> Fe-oxyhydroxide overgrowth
basalt interacts with elements from seawater (K, Rb, Cs,B) -> creation of phylosilicates
T>150°C: top part
Mg is stripped from the water -> recristalzation of feldspar and creation of phylosilicates (smectite/chlorite)
anhydrite formation (CaSO4, no water)
gypsum formation (with water)
T>200°C: deeper down
reaction of the Va2+ of the basalt = albitisation of basalt (exchange of cations)
Anhortite -> albite
reduction of sulfate to H2S (coupled with iron oxidation) -> creation of free iron Fe2+
What are the max. temperatures you can expect at hydrothermal vents? What happens at these temperatures?
hot, acidic and reduced fluids are capable to leach Cu, Fe, Zn, Pb, Au, Ag, S ezc out of the rocks
At these temp. the metals are largely transported as chloride-complexes
The hot fluids ascend along. permeable zones because of their low density
At the contact with cold oxidized seawater all metals are precipitated as sulfides
Result: black smoker
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