Where does MPM sit in your typical line organisation and what entities are it made of ?
What is the Job of Executive board in MPM
Approval of overall project budget
Highest escalation instance
What is the Job of Portfolio board in MPM
What is the Job of PMO in MPM
What is the Job of Line Managment in MPM
What are the actors at the operational level of multi-project management? What are they doing and what is the relationship between them?
Name Problems which the SC faces in the field of Composition of Steering Committee and give recommendations to solve them.
Name Problems which the SC faces in the field of Goal agreement and give recommendations to solve them.
Name Problems which the SC faces in the field of Motivation & control and give recommendations to solve them.
Name Problems which the SC faces in the field of Intelligence gathering and give recommendations to solve them.
Name Problems which the SC faces in the field of Managing surprises & changes and give recommendations to solve them.
What are the essential roles in MPM design governance structures and what are their jobs?
Draw/Explain the high level model of the MPM process
Reasons for establishing a PMO?
For which supporting task is the PMO responsible?
What Benefits does the PMO bring to the Organization
Why is the PMO often times not respected even though it provides severall benefits to the company ?
The benefits and supporting task are rather invinsbile and can’t be really measured.
What are the customers of the PMO and what are possible benefits for them?
What are possible locations for the PMO in a organisation?
(brainteaser: think about central vs decentral !)
Where The PMO supports at different levels and in different phases of the project.
How to introduce a PMO into a organisation?
List the 9 success factors in the introduction of a PMO SKIP max 2
1. Clear communication of objectives and mission.
2. The role of the PMO and the role of the departments and project managers must be
clearly defined. What are rights and obligations?
3. Do not over-engineer: Simple methods and processes are sufficient in the beginning.
Less is more.
4. The introduction of a PMO is far more than the introduction of an IT solution.
5. PMOs need a "power promoter" in the background, who can act as a godfather in critical
situations and also enforce "unpleasant" issues.
6. PMO leader: Should know the organization by heart, should be familiar with the topic and
possess a high degree of social competence.
7. PMOs cannot and should not please everyone in the organization. The PMO has a clear
mandate and this is usually not voted on in a grassroots democratic way.
8. Identification and involvement of all stakeholders
9. Active change management.
What are the Risks without standardized PM processes?
Extra Info:
Why is making standardized PM processes necessary?
What is the PM Maturity Level?
What are the 5 Levels of CMMI and what is needed to reach them.
(Extra how to the benefits look like? )
What are the 4 Steps to introduce standardized PM
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