What is the definition of “Intelligence”?
Term refers to the cognitive abilities and knowledge stocks of a person at any one time
What is bionics?
Science that develops new solutions to technical problems based on an understanding of nature
swarm intelligence: swarm is created when individuals interact with one another directly without central control -> overall increase in efficiency
What are pheromones?
Chemical messengers from individuals that transmit information
What are ant algorithms?
type of swarm intelligence (bionics)
used in routing communication networks
principle taken from nature: ants lay a trail of pheromones -> fastest way back to nest = ant that took the shortest way -> marked the route with pheromones on both ways (double pheromones) -> other ants learn and take the shortest route in future
(Windt, 2006)
What is crowdsourcing?
type of swarm intelligence
outsourcing of task usually done within organisation
outsourcing to the crowd -> group of volunteers on the Web; e.g. Wikipedia
advantages of crowdsourcing: use of creativity of many people -> individuals are motivated b/c ideas are heard
incentives through prizes
crowdsourcing plattform -> managed by artifical intelligence
(Kiel, 2015)
What is Artifical Intelligence (AI)?
Computer systems that imitate human intelligence
Applies when the following is fullfilled:
1) ability to learn;
2) ability to deal with uncertainty and probabilities
3) ability to solve problems in an abstract way
(Specht, 2018)
What is Strong AI?
comparable performance to human brain
Consciousness, environmental sensations, feelings
today’s systems superior to humans: Alpha Go (chess)
AI learns from innumerable people; however: weak in dealing with complexity, ambiguity and contradiction
Baldwin (2019): AI is not a baby farmer that will fully grow; it is like tractor, a tool
What is the Turing Test?
used to determine if a computer can think
test based on two interlocturs communication via a screen -> one is a chatbot (text-based dialogue system)
if test person cannot determine which of the two interlocutors was the computer, then test passed = strong AI
(Eberl, 2016)
Who was Turing?
Englishman Alan Mathison Turing
Deciphered Enigma machine used to encrypt German messages during WWII
What is machine learning?
basis for AI
systems fed with examples from which they recognis patterns and regularities -> then make generalisations
Machine learning = deep learning
needs large amounts of training data and powerful computers
What are neural networks?
type of machine learning
software programmes that mimic brain functions
virtual interconnected neurons are arranged in several layers -> signals passed on
computer supplied with large amount of training data -> i.e. photos labelled “dog” and “no dog” -> structures and patterns analysed layer by layer with increasing complexity
first layer: pixels
second layer: connection of pixels to lines
third layer: horizontal and vertical lines usw.
last layer: result “dog”
What application disciplines of AI exist?
Computer vision: extensive Image recognition -> used in autonomous vehicles to evaluate camera images
Biometrics: recognition of person based on individual biological characteristics (i.e. passport)
Speech recognition: ability to record texts on PC (Siri)
Natural language processing: text and language interpreted -> translation programmes improved (i.e. Deepl)
Sentiment detection: feelings recognised in text and speech -> use in customer service
robots: artifical humans
(Specht 2018)
What’s the history and definition of “robot”?
popular through Russian-American biochemist Isaac Asimov in his sci-fi novels
Three principles of robotics:
A robot may not injure a human being or cause harm through inactivity.
A robot must obey the orders of a human, unless such orders are contrary to the
first law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as this protection does not conflict
with the first or second law.
What are challenges to developing robots?
robots that move in the manner of a human
e.g. catch ball -> real-time prediction how object will fly; how arm and hand are in correct place etc.
challenge to map the human body with muscles, ligaments and tendons -> large number of sensors and immense amount of data
What does the German VDI guideline 2860 state for industrial robots?
Industrial robots =
“universally applicable automatic machines with several axes, whose movements are freely programmable (i.e., without mechanical or human intervention) with regard to the sequence of movements and paths or angles, and are sensor-guided if necessary.
They can be equipped with grippers, tools, or other manufacturing equipment and can perform handling and/or manufacturing tasks” (Länger, 2020).”
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