Discribe the diffrences of Primary enegry, secondary energy and useful energy and the included loses.
Primary energy are energy sources wich need to be converted to be used (solar radiation, Uranium or crude oil)
Secondary Energy is an energy form that has been transformed from primary energy in a conversion process
(-> Crude Oil to gasoline, solar radiation to electricity)
Usefull energy is the energy wich in the end can be used
(-> light from electricity, heat from gasoline)
Name the most important energy conversions.
Which energy forms are there?
Mechanical Energy (EPot and EKin)
Electric Energy E = U*I*t
Chemical Energy -> Enthalpie of the reaction
Discribe the to fundamentals of the first Law of thermodynamics.
Energy is conserved (cant be created or destroyed)
A closed system can only change its energy content by transferring energy over the system boundary
Discribe the 2. law of thermodynamics.
Disorder within a closed system increases or dosent change
The conversion of energy in a orderly form (kin. energy) to an energy in a disordered form (heat) is completely possible but not backwards
The part of energy, which is convertible into work, decreases during every natural process
How is heat conversion discribed and wich two forms are there?
Its impossible to convert heat entirely into work
Exergy E:
Exergy is the maximum usefull work dischargeable if you bring a system into equlibrium-
-> The Part wich is converted into work by heat conversion
Anergy is the part of energy that cannot be converted into exergy.
Name the biggest soucres for Carbon dioxid.
Industrial processes
Power generation
What is radiative forcing?
loosley defined as the change in net irradiance in w/sqaure meter
Discribe the two cost categories of energy systems?
• Fixed costs (independent of the annual utilization)
– Capital charges
– Salaries
– Insurances
– Taxes
– Storage costs...
• Variable costs (dependent of the annual utilization)
– Fuel
– Ammonia
– Lime
– Water treatment
What problems do grids with high amount of renewable energy have?
-> Need do react quikly to the load changes from the weather dependend renewables therfore they need:
energy storages
fast starting converstional power plant like gas
Name the 4 most important parts of the power supply.
How is the german grid clusterd?
Extra high voltage 380kV (Transport and transmission)
High voltage 220kV (Big companies and public utilitys)
Medium voltage 110-20kV (normal firms)
Low voltage 0,4kV (households)
Compare overhead transmission with underground transmission.
simple construction
easy to maintain
Land use and aesthetics
saftey risk
less faults
Land use and aesthetic
How is the grid controlled?
Name the most important energy stroage systems in an energy system.
How do pumped hydro storages work. Name the efficiency and the limiting factors.
Efficiency 70 -85 %
Limiting factors:
Number of proper locations
Influences on enviroment
Explain adiabatic compresssed air energy storage plans work and name the pros and cons.
No need for fossil fuels
high storage efficiencies (ca 70%)
Very high demand on the heat storage
Name types of reversible batteries/ accumulators.
• Lead acid battery
• Lithium cell
• Sodium sulfur accumulator
• Flow battery
Which process is used to dircibe the process of a gas turbine?
Joule process
What is CCS or CCU and how is it achieved?
Chapture of Carbondioxid emissions and then stored it or use it.
Whats residula load and how is it going to change in the future in germany?
Residual load = total production – unplannable production (PV, wind, river hydro)
-> Residual load equals the energy amount from storage or power plant
-> reduction in max and min load
less base (>6500h) and medium load (3000-6500h) needed
Name the most common types of biomass.
log wood
wood chips
straw bales
straw pellets
How does photosynthesis work?
With use of ligth energy CO2 can be absorbed and converted into organic biomass
Whats the efficiency of plant growth?
0,25 -1,2%
Which factors determine the production of biomass?
qualitiy of the humus
Which types of biomass plants are used?
Species of plants
options of utilization
ligneous biomass
- trees (hard wood)
- soft wood
- direct thermal use
- gasification
combustion can be problematic emissions
low priced
favourable combustion characteristics
herbaceous biomas
- grass
- straw
- biogas
insufficient conversion in biogas
cultivable without pesticiedes
vegetable oil plants
- Flax
- Oil
- not all plants can be used
- modification needed
- dircet use in engine
sugary/ starchy biomas
- corn
- sugar beet
efficency in thermal use
easy to convert to gas or ethanol
What are limits to the power genertaion from biomass?
low power density leeds to a restricted power output of a power plant-> Power is limited
-> Biomass is particularly applicable for decentralized utilization
How does the humidity influence the heating value?
Which type of biomass has the higher heating value?
Olive pits
Ligneous biomass
Herbaceous biomass (blätter, stroh…)
sludge (Klärschlamm)
What kind of preatment is used for biomass and why?
Preatetment can enhance the properties of biomass, there are two ways:
Hydrolysis/ Fermentation
Thermochemical conversion
surface are and porosity increases
modification of lignite structure
Lignin removal
Better fuel grindabillity (change of fibrous texture)
Energy densification
Reduced losses at storage
better combustion
How can preatretment of biomass can be clustered into categories?
Physical/ mechanical ( biomass washing or comminution)
Chemical (washing with organic solvens or dilude with acid)
Thermophysical ( not availiblel jet
What is biomass torrefaction?
-> Thermal treatment of biomass to dry the biomass
Process conditions:
Absence of oxygen (atm. pressure)
Temperatures of 200-300°C for 20-60 minutes
suitable for “dry” biomass (moisture < 50%)
Torrefied biomass
combustible torgas
What is Hydrothermal Carbonizatio?
Biomass cooking in hot, pressurized water at saturation pressure
Process condtions:
Temperature 170-270°C
Pressure: up to 35 bar
from 0,5 to 4 hours
suitable for “wet” biomass
Biochar (pflanzenkohle) with high heating value
combustible off gas
What is steam explosopn?
Mixing biomass with saturated steam 200-220°C
Quick depressurization
Biomas impacting on walls and particles causes fiber disruption
Main applications:
Pretreatment process for biomass fermentation
Pretreatment process for production of “black pellets” (from wood)
Name the four biggest losses in a heat generation system.
Flue gas losses
CO content in flue gas (not fully oxidated)
Flue gas temperature
mass flow
Radiations losses
surfaface temperatures
Ash losses
Rest coal in ash
Ash temperature
Distribution net losses
Temperaturelosses to and from heating net
Pressure losses
How does the humidity of the biomass and the combustion temperature effect the Co content in the flue gas?
-> Humidity leads to incomplete combustion which leads to a lower temperature -> increases the fluegas massflow
How is the efficency of the boiler determined?
-> Problem 1: fluegas temperature (t_end) is limited downwards
-> Problem 2: combustion temperature (t_ad) is limited upwards
(depends on lambda and the burner)
What are the three major efficiency factors for a heat generator?
Main factor for heat generation:
Main parameters for the firing efficiency:
Return temperatures
Air excess and fuel humidity
Other boiler losses:
Chemical flue gas losses
Surface losses to the environment
Name three methods for optimization methods of biomass combustion plants
Reduction of excess air:
by staged combustion
by non-adiabatic combustion
by flue gas reciculation
Reduction of the flue gas temperature
by low return temperatures
by flue gas condensation
Reduction of other losses
fuel humidity (drying)
burnou (ash losses)
Name three points that determin the efficiency of a biomass heat generator?
the efficiency of heat generation is mainly determind from the combustion temperature and the air excess
the combustion temperature and the efficiency of biomass furnaces are lower than those of natural gas
the combustion temperature is limited by the ash melting behavior of biomass
Name three firing concepts for biomass combustion.
Name advatages of pellets and briquettes
• High energy density
• Low residual moisture, good storage ability
• homogeneity, accurate dosing and efficient handling
Which available power engines are there for biomass combustion and for biomass gasification?
biomass combustion
biomass gasification
State of the art:
Steam turbine
Gas turbine
combined cycle
gas engine
Innovative concepts:
Steam engine
Organic Rankine Cycle
Syrling engine
Gas turnine
Micro turbine
fuel cell
Which circle process is used to discribe a steam turbine process?
-> Clausius Rankine Cycle
0-1 isentrope Verdichtung
1-2 isobare Wärmezufuhr
2-3 isotherme Verdampfung
3-4 Überhitzung
4-5 isentrope Entspannung
5-0 isobare Wärmeabfuhr
How is the efficent efficiency for the power production and the combined heat and power plant efficiency of a steam cycle determind?
electric efficiency of a normal plant is higher compared to a power plant wich producees heat and electricity.
Define the CHP componend.
• The CHP coefficient is the ratio between generated electrical power and available heat flow
• The mean CHP coefficient is calculated accordingly, using the electrical work and the available heat.
Which kind of turbines are available for CHP-Plants?
(comined heat and power)
sigmaflexibilität gibt die Möglichkeit zwischen Wärme und Elektrizität zu variieren.
What is the Organic Rankine Cycle? Name pros and cons
-> Used to extrakt power from a lower heat level
-> electrical efficiency of 13-16%
pros: - lower heat can be utilized
- plug and play -> easy to install
cons: expensive and mostly poisonos
Why is co firing of biomass used and where is it used?
-> for example in coal fire plants -> still needed and better if not fired with 100% lignite or coal -> can cut costs very efficiently
-> today 30-100% of coal can be substituted
Name three Concepts for co-firing.
Explain the process of gasification of biomass.
outcasting of the water contnent
from 250 - 600°C to crack the big moleculs
Gasification (700^C and more)
partial oxidation of the residual coke
-> Gas mixture of CO, H2 and CH4 aris
When do tars ocurr and how can it be prevented?
Tars occur when the tempratures are to low during the gasification process
Tars leads to coke deposits when its burned
use it by burning it under very high heats (gas turbines)
-> higher gasification temperatures
-> Elimination of tars by washing it out or catalytic cracking/reforming
Explain and name the two main reactor designs for fixed bed gasification
-> entrained flow gasifier
Explain the diffrents between autothermal and allothermal gasification
Which raw materials are used for Biogas production by means of anaerobic fermentation?
from agriculture like:
slurry (Gülle)
corn silage
Sugar beet
from agro-undustry like:
Beer production
potato processong
Sugar production
organic residues of communes and households
Bio waste containers
How do the most common fermenter architectures look like?
-> there are also some small dry fermenter types like a container
How can biogas be utilized?
CHP with combustion engines:
Gas-otto engines
Gas-diesel engines
Pilot injection engine
Other forms:
micro turbine
Why should biogas be upgraded to natural gas quality?
Alternative solution to CHP-use in biogas plants
Bio- methane as transportation fuels
Biogas as crisis-proof share of the gas supply
Higher methane content
Securing of combustion related indicators
for feed in grid gas it needs to hit standarts
What is the origin for the heat in the earth?
30-70% radioactive decay
30-50% from accretion (Energy from when the earth was formed)
How does the underground look like and how is heat transferred?
-> temperature gradient from 7,9 K/km
Why is there a borehole lifetime and how long is it?
to be profitable it is needed to extract more heat than the internal radiactive decays can regenerat.
-> so after about 40 years theres no heat to extract and the borehol is closed
Name exploitaion techniques for geothermal energy.
deep geothermal with open systems
the others are closed systems
Whats the problem with air heat pumps?
if it gets very cold in the winter the efficiency of the heat pump decreases strong
Name the three most common ground collector types and their pros and cons.
-> Available heat is highly dependend on the soil type
Series collectors:
+ Delta T ist higher which leads to a more efficient heat pump
- Pressure losses
Parallel collectors:
+ Higher Heat and less pressure losses
Trench ground collectors:
Which two common types of ground collector types are there?
geothermal probes (up to 150m)
either drilled or ramed
Groundwater (4-10m)
What is an technical geothermal system TGS?
-> also called either Enhanced geothermal system EGS or hot dry rock HDR)
Is the utilisation of a artifical heat exchangers
-> All methods use hot stones under ground, utlilised by drilling holes (30-40m) and injecting water
What purposes does the casing in the boreholes have?
Different Tasks:
• Prevent contamination of other zones
• Prevent from caving-in
• Isolates different zones with different pressures
• Seals off and avoids blowout
• Prevents fluid loss
• Provides a smooth internal bore for installing production equipment.
How is the drilling costs related to the drilling depth?
How is a locacion tested in relation of its geothermalheat potential?
Thermal response test:
water is injected to the borehole and circulated
How is a locacion tested in relation of its deepgeothermalheat potential?
How can be the heat supply of a house determind?
with T_i,s = Temperature of the inner wall, T_i = Tempertaur of the room
What is the COP?
Coefficent of performance
-> Tcond - T evap = should be small
At what temperature has the water be delivered to heat with a radiator or floor heating and what temerpature does hot water supply need?
Radiators 45-60°C
Floor heating (min) 20°C
Qs = U * A * (T_h - T_umgebung)
Hot water supply > 60°C
How does a heat pump looks like?
Discripe the ideal thermodynamic cycle of a heat pump.
How do thermal driven heat pumps work?
mechanic compression is replaced by an thermally driven system based on absorption
efficiency is meassured in GUE:
-> good if theres a lack of green electricity
-> can help in regions where the sail is bad for mechanic heat pums like in bavaria
BUT until today there are driven with natural gas -> CO2
Amonia ist Absorber -> Useable Heat
Efficient Pump with low power compresses NH3 and H2O
Desorbtion of NH3 and H2O with heat (gas firing)
-> Amonia evaporates
What are the main characteristics and efficiency factors of district heating?
need to be given to be financial sensible:
Name the two bore hole concepts for deep geothermal systems.
Which power generations methods can be used with geothermal energy.
-> to most important factors are:
How does a single flash plant work?
Saturated liquid is extracted from the underground
Flash evaporation throttle (pressure reduction)
Steam is “clean”
point 4 on the left side isnt useable for turbine, because of the high droplet share, so by dercreasing the pressure and seperating the steam from the liquid, the steam becomes useable. (point 4 on the right)
Where and why is a double flash plant used?
where high pressure ratios are achivable
high steam moisture needs to be avoided
-> Same technic as the single flash, besides it has to seperators and to turbine stages to extract more power
How is the organic Rankine cycle implementet in geothermal power plants?
ORC preferable if:
Brine temperature is below 200°C
Brine is significantly understurated
low mass flows
How can the exergy losses and destructions of a Organic Rankine Cycle be lowered?
Explain the diffrences in exergy losses and exergy destruction in a Kalina and organic rankine cycle.
Kalina cycle:
Works with a mixture of water and ammonia as the working fluid Evaporation is characterized by a temperature glide!
Expensive workingfluids
Amonia is quite hard zu handel
-> isn´t a real thing today
Explain geothermal CHP plans and name the advantages.
Name the main environmental risks of geothermal power production.
Deep geothermal systems:
Noise generation by drilling and during operation
Emission of gases (CH4, NH3, H2S,…)
Release of minnerals
Harmfull working fluids
Near surface geothermal systems:
Horizontal heat exchanges may affect vegetation
What are the main cost in geothermal projects.
What is the most expensive form of power generation from geothermal energy and what is the cheapest?
-> dry steam only in very good plasce like Icland
-> in germany you can achieve around 20ct/kwh or 6ct/kwh(thermisch)
-> future for geothermal will be in the heating sector
What is the biggest source of renewable energy worldwide?
Which power regions are achievable with hydro power and name the differnet types of hydro power technics:
-> from 22.5 GW to 22 MW -> big power range and a big field of application
Tidal power plant
Pumped storage
Run on River (ROR)
Name advatanges of hydro power.
high efficiecy 80-90%
high lifetime
energy storage and grid service
no waste
grid service
How can the power output of a hydropowerplant be calculated?
Potential: (storage plants)
Kinetic: (For tideplants)
-> mostly its tryed to harvest both Energys
-> Epot is more important
Name the typical losses in a hydropower plant
losses during inflow of the water
turbine losses
gearbox losses
genertator losses
Switchyard losses
Auxiliary supply losses
-> in total the efficiency is around 0,82-0,92
How can turbines be differentiated on their workingmechanism?
Impuls turbines:
Reaction turbine
Explain the mechanics of a impulse turbine.
the energy conversion within the turbine runner is performed at constant (ambient) pressure
all of the big pressure energy is converted into kinetic energy and is than completly transfered to the turbine
under constant pressure the kinetic energy is converted into mechanical energy in the buckets of the turbine
-> needs a big hight difference but small amount of wate-> could be found in plants in switzerland
Explain the mechanics of a reaction turbine.
the pressure energy avaliable at the turbine inlet is only partly converted into kinetic energy due to accerleration in the spiral case, the stay vanes and the guide vanes
most kinetic and potential energy are converted into mechanical energy
Name the application for each turbine type (Pelton, Francis and Kaplan)
High hights, low to medium flow
medium to high hights, low to high flow
low to medium hights, medium to high flow
Name the dissadvantages and advantages of the most common hydro power plants.
What is a diversion canal plant HPP? Name a few pros and cons
power house can be bild on dry area
sediments can be kept away from the turbines
power house protected from floods
significant ecological flow required (-> power loss)
Flow rate is fixed by the canal, later power upgrades difficult
What is the Pierhead power plant? Name + and - (RoR)
In Pierhead power plants the piers holding the gates are bigger than normal so that the turbines can be installed within the pier.
no sediment deposit problem in front of the turbine inlets
symmetrical inflow to the turbines
compact design
poor accessibility of the electromechanical equipment
piers reduce width for flood discharge
Explain how a subersible power plant works and name + and -. (RoR)
Gates and powerhouse are combined into one Building and submerged in the river.
-> often with kaplan bulb turbines
optically quite unobstursive
weight widley distributed onto the soil
very good flood discharge characteristics
poor accesibility for maintenacne and repair
tendency to accumulate sediments
higher risk of water penetrating the power house
Explain the structure of a storage plant used for medium to high hights.
sometimes the powerhouse is intigrated in the dam itself
Explain the structure of a pump storage plant used for high hights.
-> has pumps so it can work in both directions
Compare pumped hydro storage with other storage techniques
Explain the the barrage tidal power plant.
Uses the potential energy in the difference in height (head) below high and low tides. (Kaplan bulb turbines)
high capacity possible
highly predictable
high invest costs
Only few sites meet the requirements (high tidal amplitudes, blocked beach)
-> turbines have to work in both directions
How do tidal stream power plants work?
Use the kinetic energy of the moving water with stream turbines. Working principle identical with wind turbines as the same fluid dynamic
lower ecological impact
less requirements for sites
low power output
poor accessibilility for maintenance
salt sand and plants
special turbines needed, because of the small speeds <2 m/s
How do the 4 main wave power designs work?
Name the main characteristics of a pelton turbine.
Head range 150 to 1800 m
Flow rate about 60m^3/s
Impulse turbine
nozzle converts the pressure energy to kinetic energy of a free jet
wheel consists of spoon shaped buckets
Vulnerable to erosion, therefore sand load in water should be very low
normaly 1 or 2 jets but can be up to 6 if high flow rate is needed
Name the most important charateristics of a Francis turbine.
reaction turbine (vertical and horizontal useable)
typically, the design includes a spiral casing, adjustable guide vanes, fixed turbines blades between a lower and upper turbine ring & a draft tube
Globally most widely used turbine type
Turbine is completely filled with water and position is below tailwater level to avoid cavitation
-> Head range 30 to 800m
-> Speed up to 800m^3/s (depends on the model of turbine)
Name the main characterisics of the Kaplan turbine.
Water is flowing in axial direction through the turbine which is filled with water and below tailwater level
turbine consists of inlet, adjustable guide vanes as well as turbine blades
-> Head range 2 to 75m
Flow rate up to 800m^3/s
What are the main reasons for wear in hydro power?
Erosion/ Abraison
static pressure locally drops -> water drops evaporate ->
pressure raises -> bubbles implode and form a fast jetstream
-> can lead to big damage
Dirt and trash
regulary cleaned by a automated device
Name three kind of dams.
What are crucial things to keep in mind while operating a hydro power plant?
current and deviation from forecastsed precipitation (niederschlag)
impact of operators which are active upstream
ongoing/ panned maintenance work
urgent ad-hoc requests from stakeholders or trading
-> if controll center loses connection to the power plant -> it shuts it self down automatically
Which common operation mode can you find in RoR plants?
Normal operation:
Swelling operations:
Operation - Minimum water managment
-> if there is not enough water in the river the plant runs on as little water as possible to balance the waterlevel
Which are the three factors which influence the price of electricity from a hydro plant the most?
Feed in tarif
lifetime of the plant
What are the biggest risks in the development of a new hydro project?
technical risks
market risk
einviornmental risks
political risks
which parts of hydro power plants will be improved in the future?
Efficiency optimization
optimized turbine
optimized generatordesign
optimized flow design
better predictions
Flexibility optimization
Ecological performance
oil free
model river dynamics
improve fish friendliness
effective fish mitigation
drone inspections
education and training
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