List hemolytic markers.
↓ Hemoglobin
↓ Haptoglobin
↑ Indirect bilirubin
↑ Reticulocytes
↑ Schistocytes on blood smear (up to 10% of RBCs)
Describe the coagulation profile.
↓ Platelets
Normal/slightly elevated prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) in contrast to DIC (see “Differential diagnoses” below)
Normal/slightly elevated fibrin degradation products and D-dimer levels
↑ WBC count
Negative Coombs test
Describe the serum chemistry.
↑ BUN and ↑ creatinine (impaired renal function)
Describe the findings of urinalysis.
hematuria, proteinuria
DDs (table).
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