Describe the diagnostic approach.
Perform a thorough clinical evaluation.
Past medical history and family history for pulmonary and/or autoimmune conditions
Physical examination, including evaluation for signs of connective tissue disorders
Obtain HRCT of the chest to evaluate for IPF and other alternative diagnoses.
Obtain laboratory studies to screen for CTD-ILD.
Perform pulmonary function tests to assess disease severity and treatment response.
If diagnosis remains unclear, consider:
Additional laboratory studies based on clinical suspicion
Invasive testing
Describe the high-resolution CT (HRCT) chest.
Usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern is highly specific for IPF.
Typical UIP pattern findings
Honeycombing: multiple cystic lesions within the lung parenchyma due to fibrosis
Irregular thickening of intralobular septa
Reticular pattern and mild ground glass opacity (GGO)
Traction bronchiectasis (irreversible dilatation of the bronchi and bronchioles due to fibrosis) or bronchiolectasis
Pulmonary ossification may be seen.
If UIP pattern is present, a definitive diagnosis can be made without histopathologic confirmation.
If other patterns are present, further evaluation is required to determine the cause.
Describe pulmonary funciton tests.
Restrictive lung disease pattern
↓ Total lung capacity and ↓ vital capacity
Normal or ↓ FEV1
Normal or ↑ FEV1:FVC ratio
Decreased diffusing capacity for CO (DLCO): highly sensitive parameter
List additional studies.
X-ray chest
Normal in approx. 10% of patients
Predominantly basilar increase in reticular opacities (sign of fibrosis)
Patients may have nodular or mixed patterns.
Additional laboratory studies
CBC with differential
Liver enzymes: ↑ GGT, ↑ ALT, and/or ↑ AST
BMP: ↑ creatinine
Urinalysis: RBC casts, and/or dysmorphic RBCs
ABG: nonspecific findings in patients with ILD
↑ Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient
↓ PaO2
Serum biomarkers for IPF: not recommended
Obtain invasive testing if the diagnosis remains unclear and results will affect management.
Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL): Cellular analysis may help identify an underlying cause of ILD and exclude IPF.
Surgical lung biopsy
Obtain if the diagnosis remains unclear after BAL.
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