The primary purpose of a slump test is to meet which of the following concrete quality requirements?
Consolidation is defined as the process of reducing the volume of entrapped air in a fresh cementitious mixture. Which of the following mechanical inputs does not contribute to consolidation?
What type of portland cement is employed in the construction of massive concrete structures such as gravity dams?
Concrete left in its natural state after formwork is removed, especially when the concrete surface reflects the texture, joints, and fasteners of a board form.
Concrete that is poured in its final location.
With regards to concrete proportioning, which of the following characteristics is of utmost concern if mass concrete is produced?
A steel strand used for prestressing a concrete member.
The correct proportioning of ingredients for the mixture of concrete is done by
Stirrups are placed in concrete beam reinforcement to resist
A steel reinforcing bar that projects from a foundation to tie it to a column or wall, or from section of a concrete slab or wall to another.
A vertical loop of steel bar used to reinforce a concrete beam against diagonal tension forces.
Manufacturing cement involves a process starting from raw materials and ending as fine powder. Raw materials are crushed, ground, proportioned and blended, then passed through high temperature rotating kiln to produce this intermediate material, which when finally ground further and combined with gypsum, produces the cement powder.
The inherent strength of concrete depends on the quality of its
The comparative strength of concrete is primarily dependent on the amount of cement in the mix and the water-cement ratio. Which of the following statements speaks true about water-cement ratio?
What is the purpose of concrete curing?
A stiff straightedge of wood or metal that establishes the level the surface to which concrete will be placed.
Inserting temporary supports under concrete beams and slabs after the formwork has been removed, to prevent overloading prior to full curing of the concrete.
Which of the following is not a one-way sitecast concrete framing system?
Concrete that is exposed as an interior or exterior surface in the completed structure.
In concrete terminology, an agent is a general term for a material that may be used either as an addition to cement or as an admixture in concrete. Form oil is an example of a
Among the following, which is a lightweight aggregate?
If concrete pouring is stopped and to resume the next day, what kind of admixture is used to address the problem?
The following are the desired properties of hardened concrete except one.
Which of the following is not a two-way sitecast concrete framing system?
Voids left in concrete due to failure of the mortar to effectively fill the spaces among coarse-aggregate particles.
1. Which among the following foundation failures produce the most severe structural damage?
In deep foundations, drilling into the ground and pouring concrete into the drilled hole is what is known as
A road shall be excavated for flood control. Steel sheeting shall be used to retain the earth abutting the excavated area. What is the best method for bracing the steel sheeting?
The widened part of the foundation that spreads a load from the building across a broader area of soil.
The earth or earthen material used to fill the excavation around a foundation.
A large and/or heavy object buried in the ground as an anchor.
A synthetic cloth used beneath the surface of the ground to stabilize soil or promote drainage.
Planks placed between soldier beams to retain earth around an excavation.
A pit designed to collect water for removal from an excavation or basement.
A large funnel with a tube attached, used to deposit concrete in deep forms or beneath water or slurry.
The process of placing new foundations beneath an existing structure.
A foundation used in yielding soil, having for its footing a raft placed deep enough that the weight of the excavated soil is equal to or greater than the weight of the construction supported.
Foundation is an activity in construction that must be comprehensively addressed for a building to safely stand. Which of the following accurately states the function of “foundation”?
A perforated pipe in coarse gravel is placed at the bottom perimeter of a foundation wall. What is the purpose of this installation?
Basically, there are four major foundation types: pads, strips, rafts, and piles. A single isolated footing for each column in a typical house construction demonstrates which type of foundation?
Which soil type is conveniently described as “a soil particle requiring only a thumb and forefinger to lift”?
The various foundation loads can be diagrammatically exhibited into vertical, horizontal and/or inclined forces. Which among the following structures demonstrates inclined forces?
Sheeting is the most common method for supporting a slope in an excavated area. Sheeting is temporary installation, but it could be left permanent as a wall support. Which of the following method is intentionally installed for permanence?
For bracing the sheeting supports, which type of bracing provides an unobstructed area for construction work?
In preparation for construction, the concerns for staking-out a building involve the ff. precision issues: level, plumb, aligned and square. Which precision issues apply to the function of the batter board and the attached lining cord?
A tractor unit that has a blade attached to the machine's front.
It is an earthmoving equipment that does the loading, hauling, dumping and spreading all by itself. In cut-and-fill work, this equipment is important as it goes back and forth between cut and fill activities.
Which of the following is not an excavator?
As equipment, the primary purpose of a truck is
The failure of retaining walls where the bottom portion of the wall slides first.
Foundation work where a building’s superstructure already proceeds before substructure is totally completed.
Dewatering an excavated area with a high water table presents a challenging solution. The solution is to bore a hole using a pipe, where water can be pumped out once the pipe reaches the water table. The bored hole is called
Which of the following is a finishing equipment?
Which of the following is not a finishing equipment?
Excavation characterized as having independent and hollow block wall footing
The two main categories under which all building loads may be classified are
Which of the following loads can be estimated with greatest certainty?
The roof live load in a building is generally
In which of the following roofs will you consider the effect of rain load?
Everything else being the same, a building constructed of heavyweight materials is subjected to a greater earthquake load than a building constructed of lightweight materials.
The material in an arch is primarily in a
The design wind speed is also referred to as the
Soil and rock consist essentially of the same matter
In the commonly used soil classification system, sand and silt are classified as
The four commonly used classifications of soils arranged in order of decreasing particle size are
Which of the following statements is correct?
Cohesive soils are those in which the dry soil particles tend to separate from each other when mixed with a small amount of water.
To obtain soil-sampling tubes from below ground, which soil-testing method is commonly used?
During soil testing, soil samples are obtained from
All testing of soil samples is generally done at the site
In terms of soil behavior in earthquakes, building codes classify a construction site based on soil conditions. The primary property of soil that is used in this classification is
The bearing capacity of a soil refers to
If the bearing capacity of the soil is high, the footing area required is large.
Identify this earth-moving equipment.
Large (and often deep) excavations, such as for a basement
Excavations for the footing of an individual column, elevator shaft, and so on
Long, narrow excavations, such as for footings under a wall or utility pipes
Moving earth from one location of the site to another and changing the existing land surface to the desired finished surface configuration as per the site plan and drainage plan
This method allows the construction of the basement and the above-ground structures simultaneously. It reduces construction time, particularly for buildings with several basement floors, commonly used in downtown metropolitan areas.
Grading at a site refers to a. evaluating the existing subsurface conditions of a site. b. c. . d.
Engineered fill refers to the soil that is
A benched excavation is generally used
Sheet piles are used
Which of the following is not used for excavation supports?
In the excavation support system using soldier piles, the soldier piles consist of
In the soldier pile and lagging system, the lagging generally consists of
An alternative to lagging that is commonly used with the soldier pile system of excavation support is
Contiguous bored piles are constructed using
In terms of design and construction, secant piles are related to
Soil nailing refers to
Dewatering of an excavation, as described in this text, can be done by the
A raft foundation is a shallow foundation system.
Which of the following foundation systems does not extend, generally uninterrupted, for the entire footprint of the building?
A strip footing is generally used under a
A deep foundation system consists of a
Which of the following foundation items must be integrated under a concrete cap?
Drilled piers used as foundation elements consist of
Which of the following foundation system has large voids?
In expansive soils, drilled piers are subjected to
The augers used for boring pier holes generally use
A tremmie is used during the drilling of a pier to
Where a tremmie is used in a pier, casing is unnecessary.
Settlement of foundations causes stresses in the structural frame of the building when the settlement is
When determining values for insulation materials, the letter symbol to look for is
Metal roof decking must be carefully installed, and one must anticipate how the deck is incorporated to the whole roofing system used, as the metal deck could later cause weathertightness issues. Which of the following weathertightness issues is metal roof decking most prone to?
A wall system that is intended to manage all water at the exterior surface.
When warm air in a room rises and forces the cooler air down, what manner of thermal activity is taking place?
The following statements are correct practices for reflecting heat away from a house except one.
There are four factors that affect heat accumulation in a home. Which of the following is not included?
Every component of a building assembly contributes in some measure to its overall thermal resistance. Which of the following materials have the lowest thermal resistance?
Among the following materials used as vapor retarder, which one is the most efficient?
When a condition implies "not quite dry", it refers to the term
Which of the following accounts for the most heat gain/loss inside a building?
When a condition implies "less wetness than wet", it refers to the term
Which type of insulating material is most heat-resistant?
When a condition implies "visible free water", it refers to the term
What type of gypsum board has the quality to eliminate the need for a separate vapor retarder in wall assemblies?
When a condition implies "high level of water in air", it refers to the term
It is produced by providing wind scoops, swamp coolers, and exposed water (e.g. fountains, mist sprays, waterfalls).
Air always contains water vapor. The higher the temperature of the air, the more water vapor it is capable of containing. At a given temperature, the amount of water vapor the air actually contains, divided by the maximum amount of water vapor it could contain, is the “relative humidity” of the air. If a mass of air at 50% relative humidity is cooled, what will happen?
Among the following rigid insulating materials, which one is fire resistant?
It is a piece of equipment that tests air leakage. This equipment is designed to measure the air-tightness of a building and to help locate air leakage areas. It consists of a calibrated fan for measuring an airflow rate, and a pressure-sensing device to measure the air pressure created by the fan flow. The combination of pressure and fan-flow measurements are used to determine the building’s air-tightness. The air-tightness of a building is a useful knowledge when trying to increase energy conservation or decrease indoor air pollution, or control building pressures.
Which of the three does not require additional use of a vapor retarder?
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