Procurement has direct influence on key pain points of many start-ups
Challenges related to procurement arise during all phases of start-ups – early acting is imperative
Procurement supports the mid- and long-term goals of the start-up by following the overall business strategy
The earlier start-ups focus on building procurement capabilities, the easier the way to value focus will be
Procurement strategy can be derived along six key dimensions from INVERTO procurement framework to achieve value impact
Spend transparency is key to derive the right measures for start-up procurement and effective cost management
Category tree structures the procurement volume along similar goods and services with common supply and demand markets
A sound supplier management process is the foundation to rewarding long-term supplier relationships
Start-Up ressources for supplier management should be allocated to key partners and strategic suppliers
Wrap Up: Strategic procurement is mandatory for start-ups to achieve cost control and optimization
Project As investment strategy is based on four strategic pillars
Thousands of deals a year require a structured approach
Needed for a pitch to impress the IM by covering their KPI
10 Entrepreneurial success factors
1) Be passionate.
2) Maintain focus.
3) Work hard. And focus on things you can control.
4) Be willing to take action and make decisions. – Fast!
5) Enjoy the journey. And do not plan with the exit scenario.
6) Be flexible but persistent. Build resilience!
7) Know your own core skills and strengths. And trust the team.
8) Focus on execution.
9) Conncetions. And maybe luck.
10) Entrepreneurial knowledge
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