what is kNN
supervised learning techiunque
can be used for classificatrion and regression
can also be used for unsupervised anomaly detection
single hyperparameter k
how does the knn Algo work?
classify new potin (x,y) based on ebighbrohood
-> no trainingphase
-> compute distance to ALL OTHER POINTS
select k nearest instances and assign x_new by majority vote…
Formulat for L_p distance?
given vector pairs
a = [a1, a2, a3, …, an]
b = [b1, b2, b3, …, bn]
L_p =
( Sum over over i
|ai - bi| ^p
^ 1/p
=> pth root of sum of betrag ^p
Training and inference complexity of kNN?
training -> O(1) (simply store…)
inference -> O(n) -> calc distance to all of the n datapoints…
How can one use kNN for regression?
each poitn has y
-> for new x, averaget he y values of the k nearest neighbors…
How to use kNN for unsupervised anomaly detection?
given: unlabeled dataset (xi) -> no labels yi
for all points xi -> calculate MEAN distance to nearest k neighbors
define some trheshold C based on this…
=> all xi for which the mean distance is smaller are normal
=> all points for whcih distance is >= C are anomalies…
What is DBSCAN?
density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise
=> unsupervised anomaly detection
=> group points in space together that are closely to each other
-> points in sparse regions are outliers…
How does dbscan work?
given distance epsilon (similar to threeshold C in kNN)
integer m (similar to k in kNN)
core points: at least m other points are in distance epsilon
directly reachable points: within distance epsilon of core point
outliers: points which are not reachable…
=> cluster all data into these groups to find outliers… (which thus are not in these clusters…)
What are advantages and disadvantages of DBSCAN?
no need to specify number of clusters beforehand (as in k meanss)
can find arbitrary non-linearly separable clusters
requires only two parametsr (epsilon, m)
not entriely deterministic
border points reachable from two clusters may be part of either cluster…. -> depending of order of data processing…
curse of dimensionality
What are the effects of m and epsilon in dbscan?
the higher, the less and small the clusters
-> the more the number of outliers….
too smal -> data will not be clustered
too high -> no outliers…
Rule of thumb:
m = 2* dimensionality ( 2 times the number of datapoints…)
What is a good way to estimate epsilon in DBSCAN?
find distance to nearest neighbor for all points and sort
-> plot results -> instances on x, distenaces on y
=> select epsilon where “change” is most pronounced…
What is a problem of methods relying on distance measures?
Ln loss breaks for high dimensional data
What solitnois are there for curse of dimensionality?
L1 only dampens but does not remove curse of dimensiontality
not really cosine loss similarity as no triangle inequality…!
parctical solution:
dimensionality reduction via
feature selection…
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