Mapcon lambart chart
Mapcon polar steographic
Mapcon = cc * delta lamda
Mapcon = delta lambda
(constant of the cone = 1)
constant of the cone berechnen
Methode um das Verhältnis von 360grad Erde und der Projektion zu bestimmen
cc= (y1 + y2) / 2 * sin
cc = sin y0
alpha/360 = sin y0
y0 —> parallel of origin
Lambart projection chart
where is the
same scale
same convergency to be found
same scale: standard parallels
same convergency: parallel of origin
Great circle lines in the different types of charts
Great circle lines are always concave to the:
mercator: Equator
Polar: Pole
Lambert: to the parallel of origin
direct mercator chart scale
Scale at any latitude = scale at the equator * 1/cos y
-> there is one latitude where the scale is correct.
how to compare the scales of different latitudes ABBA
EarthDistance A cos (lat B) = EarthDistance B * cos (lat A)
geht auch mit scale
rhumb lines
mercator chart
lambart chart
polar steographic
geht immer gebogener
mercator chart: straight line
lambart chart: concave to pole
polar steographic: parallel to the parallels of latitude (?)
RoT in order to know wheter the true track of the GC will increase
small scale: kleine Objekte (more area is reperesented and less detail)
large scale: größere Objekte
(less area is represented but in greater detail)
what is the line drawn on a chart which joins all points where the value of magnetic variaton is zero?
an agonic line
isogonic line
an isogonic line is a line over the surface of the earth upon which magnetic variation is constant
agonic line
is an isogonic line upon which the variation is zero.
VFR flights position lost.. what should be done, when…?
fuel is NOT critical
fuel is critical
fuel is NOT critical: note the actual time and ask ATC for help
fuel is critical: PAN PAN 121.5 (?)
ICAO recommendation for conformity meaning
->a straight line drawn on the chart will approximate a great cirlce
GNAV climb gradient
ROC/GS = climb gradient
Sonnenwende.. höchster punkt der sonne
equionex: march and september: here latitude indifferent
above … degrees latitude 24daylight
the highest latitude at which the sun will rise above the horizon and set every day is
above 66 degrees; 21jun
muss kleiner als 66degrees sein
scale of the lambart chart is the scale at
at the standard parallels
departure ist die tatsächliche Distanz auf Höhe des Breitengrads
d = l * cos phi
actual distance
clock code rule
every 15degrees of wind angle is represented by a 1/4 hour
Wind angle 15degr —> 25% of wind
Wind angle 30degre -> 50% of wind
Wind angle 45 degrees -> 75% of wind
Wind angle 60 degrees -> 100% of wind
degrees = minutes
Track Angle error (TKE)
Drift Angle
vom planned Track (course) zum actual track
vom heading zum Track
vom course zum heading
apparant yearly path of the sun around the earth
distance between goedetic parallels
increase with increasing latitude
conformal meaning
area between two standard parallels
angles for direction are always constant
-> scale of the chart differs by less than 1% from the standard parallels
wind speed average
in ATIS etc ist die Wind angabe bereits ein Durcschnitt
gusts sind nur die ausreißer
Tropic of Cancer
23,5degrees north
capricorne -> south
1inch in cm
2,54 cm
ICAO requirements chart -> straight line
chart convergence must approximate the earth’s convergence
man plottet immer gerade Linien auf das chart
sprich bei Mercator plottet man eine Rumbline
sm Längeneinheit Bedeutung
satute mile
die 1,609meilen. wie in amerika
straight lines on
lambert chart
polar chart
lambert conical chart: straight line approximately GC
mercator: straight line: RL
polar: straight line -> appr. GC
arc to time difference
Zeitunterschied basierend auf 15grad pro h
port: left
starbord; right
angle of the sun above or below the Equator
duration of daylight change is..
slowest in june and december solstice
transition period maxiumum at the equionxes equator (march and september)
movement of the magnetic north pole
1degr in 5 years
lambart chart maxium scale difference from the scale at latitudes between the standard parallels
1% of the scale at the standard parallels
magnetic variation has …
a maximum of 180 degrees
the lines on the Earth’s surface that join points of equal magnetic variation are called…
biggest difference between NAM and NGM
headwind at high altitutde
irregular shape based on the surface of the oceans inflenced only by gravity and centrifugal force
geographic latitude of position P
only true GC WGS84
factors influencing the compass deviation
when selecting en route nav visual checkpoints during flight planning, which of the following is not a gerneral consideraiton?
in flight visibility
scale aufgaben lambert chart
… convergency etc. ist komplett egal
wichtig: auf den standard parallelen ist der Maßstab richtig. Dazwischen kleiner (stärkere Verkleinerung), außerhalb größer
chart symbols
colour of contor lines
wichtig immer beachten
meridians -> True
VOR radials -> magnetic
single circle with notches -> civil
plain circle: military
Blue IFR
Green VFR
aerodrome symbols
weitere Symbole
Form der Erdoberfläcje
Altitudes charts
more chart work
chart convergence = earth convergencee
at the parallelof origin
Apparant Solar Day
Mean Solar Day
Sidereal Day
measured against the real or apparant sun -> time between two successive transits of the sun over the same meridian
average length of an apparant solar day over the year
measured against a distant star and is of constant length
transfer to DS time
summer time
add one hour
darauf achten welches Datum aktuell ist und ob somit die ST bereits die Daylight saving time enthält & direkt vor ort applyn
wichtig: auf der Südhemisphäre anders herum!!!!
time difference London - Amsterdam
the duration of civil twilight
between sunset and when the centre of the sun is 6 degrees below celestial horizon
Zuletzt geändertvor 2 Jahren