Sky waves typical frequecy
travel between the LF and the HF
Sky wave: Layer of refraction
E Layer (low frequency refraction)
F Layer (higher frequency refraction)
-> refraction laysers
since higher frequencies are attenuated less they refrect at a higher point in the F layer -> further skipping distance
D Layer
antennuates or absorbs radio waves
skip distance
Distance from the sender to the first point where the sky wave reaches the ground again
glide path horizonatel and vertical coverage
8grad R/L Center line with a distance of 10 NM
0,45* glide angle to 1,75 glide angle
DME term tranpsonder refers to
groundstation ?
Outer marker
Inner marker
transmission frequency
75 MHz
Outer Marker:
4 - 7 NM
blue light
series of dashes
Middle Marker
0,5 - 0,8 NM
amber light
dashes / dots
1300 HZ
Inner Marker
RWY threshold
white light
NDB approach
minimum tracking accuracy to initiate approach
+/- 5 degrees
an a/c is considered established when within +/-5 grad of the required bearing of the NDB
Frequency Band DME
UHF 300-3000 MHz
change in reply frequency +/- 63 MHz
DME ist unglaublich nützlich uhf
delay about 50micro sec between reception and response
only VOR
108 - 112 MHz
(VOR even decimals, ILS odd decimals)
glide slope: UHF
112 - 118 MHz
Range Enroute VORs
Meaning rho theta
Rho Range
Theata Track (bearing)
OBS und wie ausrichten
omni bearing selector
Sich fragen: welchen kurs will man fliegen?
Type A Type B approaches difference
Type A approaches:
Min decision height >=250 ft
Type B approaches
Min decision height <250ft
Frequencies NDB
190 - 1750 kHz
Mode S altitude increments altitude reporting
Mode A…
reports in alitude increments of 25ft
… 100 ft
weather radar beams
conical pencil shaped
cpsecant square shaped (mapping, 50-60NM range)
SSR interrogation and reply frequencies
Interrogation: 1030 MHz
Reply. 1090 MHz
How does the transponder differntiate between Mode A and Mode C interrogations?
always three pulses are used for the interrogation
the spacing between P1 and P2 is fixed at 2 micro seconds
the spacing between P1 and P3 is variable, depending on the transponder modes
Mode A: 8micro seconds between P1 and P3
Mode C: 21micro seconds between P1 and P3
modern weather radar with a flat plate antenna uses the following beams
pencil beam for weather
conical beam for ground mapping
Dilution of Precission (DoP)
geometric dilution of prec
quantitative determination of how the satellite’s geometry and the number of satellites in view conribute to position accuaracy
one of the more significant errors
high dilution -> badd
error correction sent by GBAS
approach data
integrity data
-> allows a more precise anvigation within the vicintiy of the airfield compared to ILS
standard coverage area for GBAS
15NM out, 35 degrees on either side of the FAP
add 5NM, with 10 degrees on either side of the FAP
1535 bis 2010
Correction of one of the GPS system errors by the transmission of the signals on two frequencies (L1 and L2)
the path delay of the signals in the earth atmosphere is propotional to the inverse of the carrier frequency squared
mit L1 and L2, the GPS reveivers can almost eliminate ionospheric and tropospheric (?) propagation delay (only that)
User Equivalent Range Error (UERE)
.. the value of all residual errors effecting the user’s position after attempts have been made to compensate
> additionally the Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP= is relevant
==> Total Position Error = GDOP * UERE
Galileo GNSS
number of satellites
number of satellites: 30
orbits: 3
altitude: 23222km
term that defines the trust that can be placed in the correctness of the information supplied by the tootal system and which includes the ability of a system to provide timely and valid alerts to the user
for RNAV 1 RNAV 2 RNP 1 and RNP2
How can the routes be modified by pilots?
By inserting or deleting waypoints in the database, in response to an ATC clearance
-> es geht hier darum schon bereits vorhandene Punkte in die Route hinzuzufügen ider zu löschen;
aber keine neuen Wegpunkte zu definieren…
Percentage of time (annually), during which the syste is available fpr use
Trust the ability of a navigation system to provide timely warnings to its users in case the system turns unreliable.
capability to perform its funciton without unscheduled interruptions during the intended operation
3 symbols describing radio transmission
meaning of the three symbols
1st letter: type of modulation
2nd letter: number, type of modulation signal
3rd letter: type of information transmitted
so ein mist
Transmitted info
type of transmission A3E
amplitude modulated by a speech signal, such as used for VHF COM
what is meant by keying in A1A
interrupting the carrier wave to brake it into dots and dashes
Dip Error NDB
> Antenne nicht gerade
> dadurch im kurven Flug falsche Anzeige
localizer horizonatel and vertical coverage
> 25NM with 10degress R/L of the center line
> 17NM: 35 grad
see picture
1735 2510
ILS areas
sensitive area: cannot be entered during CAT II/III ops
critical area: should never be entered under any CAT ops
Range Locator NDB
10 - 25 NM
Aircraft is established when
half full deflection in case of VOR or ILS
5 degrees +/- NDB
MLS requirements for segmented / curved approach
frequency band
frequency band: 5.03 - 5.09 GHz (SHF)
operates on one of 200 channels
select the published channel number
select an approach profile in azimuth and elevation
MLS ist super
what does LAAS mean?
what does WAAS mean?
What are GNSS IFR procedures designed for?
LAAS: local area augmentation system (GBAS)
WAAS: wide area augmetation system (SBAS)
The core GNSS satellite constellations were not developed to satisfy the strict requirements of therminal IFR procedures.. For this reason GNSS avionics used in IFR ops should be augmented. -> WAAS and LAAS
Information contained in the satellite message of of NAVSTAR GPS
almanac data
satellite clock correction parameters
UTC parameters
Satellite health / Status data
ionospheric model
The Total System Error (TSE) is…
… a measure of the navigation accuracy.
NSE Navigation system error
difference between the aircraft’s estimated position and actual position
but it is a dfined statistical indication of potential error -> not actual error
The EPE value must be equal to or less than the required navigation specification.
Formel Ausbreitung Radiomagnetische Wellen
c = lambda / f
f[Hz] -> 1/T
T -> dauer einer Welle
NDB identification
IDENT button consequence
3letter identifier for en route NDB
2 / 1 letter identifier for locator within terminal areas
SSR transponder sends out a special pulse after the pulse train
Mode C altitude reporting increments
Mode S
100ft increments
25ft increments
what does the SBAS system transmit
in this case EGNOS, and how many geostationary satellites are used
tansmits with up to 4 geostationary satellites
transmits integrity data and pseudo ranging signals to aircarft
alert within 6sec
to improve accuracy to 1m to 2m
Airborne Based Augmentation System
“low cost integrity supervision”
-> does not improve position accuracy (in contrast to SBAS, GBAS)
-> most common onboard improvements are
satellite frequency
L1 1575 MHz
NDB effects
night effect
when the sky wave and ground wave interefere with each other -> strongest in the morning/evening twilight
for N0N/A1A to make the carrier wave audible
terminal VOR
VDF accuracy classes
Class A +- 2 degrees
Class B +- 5 degrees
Class C +- 10 degrees
Multipath errors ILS are caused
by objects within the ILS coverage area
multi path error
wenn man signale aus verschiedenen Richtungen empfängt bspw. weil Signale von wo reflektieren
Pulse Repitition Frequency (PRF)
number of occurences (pulses) each second.
-> effect on the range, because the pulse must be given enough time to reflect and return to the radar antenna
c / 2* distance = pps
maximum unambiguous range Radar
R max (km) = 300.000 km/s / 2*PRF
Range of a primary Radar
Range Primary Radar [NM] = Wurzel 4 Power
-> power hoch 4
Tilt Settings AWR
Take off - high (dont want to see ground features)
Initial climb - high (climbing into bad weather?)
continued climb - low (bad weather is reflected better at Lower levels of CBs)
Cruise - low
Descend - High (i dont want any ground returns)
automatic tilt based on ALTITUDE
colours indicate the amount of rainfall the radar detects
Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (AAIM)
Receiver Based Autnomouus Integrity Monitoring (RAIM)
uses additional sensors to monitor the integrity of the GNSS position data (IRS, baro)
only in the receiver
=> both together Airborne Based Augmentation Systemes (ABAS)
Navigation specifications NAT HLA
RNAV 10 / RNP 10 and RNP 4 only
RNAV 2 may be used for
arrival, departure, enroute continental
Which nav errors of an onboard RNP system can be monitored by the pilot?
Flight Technical Error (FTE)
Navigation System Error (NSE) wegen integrity monitoring vermutlich
Considering PBN procedures, which of the following RNP/RNAV specifications allows the pilot to manually define waypoints not already in the FMS database?
Mode A / C all call
Mode A / C / S all call
Mode A / C all call short P4
Mode A / C / S all call long p4
arrival and enroute
enroute outside 30NM of TMA and above MSL
RBI works with
compass heading
range NDB
better oversee than over land
calculate wavelength dipole
dipole antenne halb so lang wie wavelength
Skywave / Groundwave fading not for
HF communication only NDB
ATIS can be transmitted on … navaid frequency
RNAV 2 / RNP 2
enroute continental
oceanic/remote phases of flight
components performance based navigation (PBN)
nav aid infrastructure
nav specification
nav appliaciton
Equipment for NAT HLA 50NM separation
at least RNP/RNAV 10
also RNAV4
-> reduced from 60NM
backside approach
inbound kurs bedeutet der Kurs für den das ILS gemacht ist
Entry sectors of a holding
segment 1: parallel entry
segment 2: offset entry
segment 3: direct entry
DME arc entry: sector 1 and 3
RNAV/RNP 0.3,1,2,5
RNAV 10 RNP 2,4 = Ocean
= Continental and App
= Ocean
RNP in case of terminal and enroute relate only to
lateral navigation
SBAS signal zu genau
Alert within 6sec
DME range
Path terminators definition PBN
two letters describing flight path between two fixed
the terminators define the lfight path and the method of termination between the legs.
pth to a fix
path to an altitude
which RNP can be used for all except of oceanic/remote enroute and final approach phases primarily intended for helicopters?
RNP 0.3
course deviation indicator; ist nicht das gleiche wie ein HSI!!!!!!!!!!
beim ILS back beam dreht man nur die physische Anzeige um
no fading effect
ILS bends
deviations from the nominal GS / LOC course which can be assessed by flight tests
2 LRNS consisting out of one INS, IRS/FMS or GNSS
beid en weather radar fragenbzgl bearing
immer relativ bearing weil man von einem stand alone screen ausgeht
Range Doppler VOR
Terminal area
terminal: 75NM
enroute: 130-140NM
modulation codes
erster Buchstabe: Type of Modulation
zweite Zahl: Nature of the modulation signal
dritter Buchstabe: type of informatino
when to initiate a descent glide slope
when the defleciton is less than 1 dot for both localiser and glide slope
ADF ist immer die
im Flugzeug
skip distance and frequency relationship
the higher the frequency the further the skip distance
D - GPS synonym for
antenna shadowing
immer im flugzeug
tilt weather radar
during a climb the tilt needs to be adjusted down to scan for harzadous clouds
PBN APPROACH = Linear and angular
why cant a DME station only sent out distance information to appr. 100 aircraft
a DME ground station is only able to process 2700 pps
autotilt funciton weather radar
it adjusts the tilt according to the altitude automatically
identification of an NDB with A2A modulation
ADF funciton
directional antennas
loop antenna
turning OBS knob while on the localizer
nothing happens aber wichtig aufpassen ob man auf dem localiser ist, dann ist die nadel gecentered!
irreführende bilder
DMe can only respond to a total of 100ac because
limitation of transmission by the echo protection circuit
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