primary production
Primary production is defined as the uptake of inorganic carbon :
Primary production = mg or
mmol carbon / m 3 / day
A vertical profile of production measurements can be integrated to:
Primary production = mg carbon or
mmol / m 2 / day
antarctic vs artic
geographic setting
ocean dyamics
biogeographic isolation and geological history
shaping life in polar seas
seasonal light and production regime
seasonally pulsed pp
permanent/periodic food shortage
short summets
high seasonality in radiation budget
three marine habitats: sympagic, pelagic, benthic
cryo-pelagic-benthic coupling
OMZ- long term adaptations
increase gill lung size
reduce diffusion distance
enhance oxygen uptake capacity of respiratory proteins
conter-flow principle (gegenstromprinzip)
being small
low activity
enhanced capacity for anaerobic metabolism
short-term acclimations OMZ
increase respiratory
breath faster
what to do if there is not enough oxygen ? (OMZ)
reduce demand
metabolic suppression
move away
only temporarily use the low oxygen habitat
ocean deoxygenation
Due to global warminhh
lead to:
fixed N loss
enhanced N2O release
decline / increase of poorly/highly adapted species
omz protection for predators for species
factors driving zonation
adaptation to stress
sinking speed:
cinsequences fpr phytoplankton
stoke´s law
large particles sink faster (quadratic dependence)
denser particles sink faster (density difference to water is
form resistance less important than size and density
benefits and cost of dvm
consequences of low Re
laminar flow around particle
diffusive boundary layer
water sticks to cell
Viscous forces dominate
sinking velocity follows Stoke‘s law (Re 1
bacteria vs archaea
navier stokes equation
Navier-Stokes equation, in fluid mechanics, a partial differential equation that describes the flow of incompressible fluids. The equation is a generalization of the equation devised by Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler in the 18th century to describe the flow of incompressible and frictionless fluids.
modeling: growth -> use of light
unused photons lost forever (f.e. nutrients can be put back together)
pp carried out by chloroplast not by total plankton N
Phytopl can acclimate to low/high light by changing cellular Chl:N and Chl:C ratios
kurves use of light: michaelis menten, smith, webb et al.,
respiration quotient
RQ= CO2 formed/ CO"2 consumed
normoxia, hypoxia, anoxia
- Normoxia: sea water fully saturated with air (21% or 21kPa)
- Hypoxia: sea water not fully saturated with air
- Anoxia: no (or only traces of) dissolved oxygen present
take up food by osmosis
1.) sensing of food particles
2.) engulfment of particles,
formation of food vacuole
3.) intracellular digestion via fusion
with lysosomes containing
digestive enzymes
4.) exocytosis of undigested
biological stoichiometry vs ecological stoichiomtry
first law of thermodynamics
The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only altered in form
hypothesis of redfield ratio
N:P in plankton tends to the N:P composition of SW: plankton with diff ratios compete and balance eacht other so it reflects SW ratio
N:P in SW must tend to approach that characteristic of protoplasm in general
ratio of average biol entity
but you cant seperate living world from non-living, so redfield is used
formula ps/resp
6CO2 + 6H2O <-> C6H12O6 + 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
vs heterotrophy
A heterotroph is an organism
that consumes other organisms
in a food
Autotroph : able to synthesize
their own food from raw
materials and energy (plants,
algae, bacteria)
Heterotroph : consume primary
producers or other consumers
Gross Primary Productivity (GPP)
Rate of production of organic matter from inorganic materials by autotrophic
Respiration (R)
Rate of consumption of organic matter (conversion to inorganic matter) by
Net Primary Productivity (NPP)
Net rate of organic matter produced (GPP-R).
community production (
NCP takes the total respiration
of a plankton community
(autotroph & heterotroph) into
redfield ratio
C:N:P ~ 106:16:1
liebigs law
law of minimum: plant biomass directly proportional to amount of limiting nutrient or nutrient with least amount runs out first
nutrient stress: physiological response of the cell to nutrient deficiency
nutrient deficiency: lack of one element versus another, related to stoichometry ratios
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