Time of useful Consciousness
20.000ft: 30min
25.000ft: 2-3min
30.000ft: 1-2min
35.000ft: 30-90sec
40.000ft: 15-20sec
excessive consumption of coffeein
250 mg / day
what wave length do sunglasses filter?
non verbal part of communication
operant conditioning
learn to do the right thing because of a specific stimuli
What are the three physiological thresholds and their corresponding altitudes?
Reaction Threshold: 7000ft
Disturbance Threshold: 10 - 12.000ft
Cirtical Threshold: 22000ft
informed culture
reporting culture / non punitive
learning culture
just culture
flexible culture
punitive culture
closed culture
informed culture:
collects, analyses relevant data nd actively disseminates saftey information
Reporting culture
people are prepared to report their errors and near misses
Learning Culture
willingness and competence to draw the right conclusions from its safety information system and the will ti implement major reform
processes and procedures must be adjuested to detect threats and errors
Jsut culture:
an atmosphere where errors and unsafe acts will not be punished if the error was unintentional. However, those who cat reckelssly or take deliberate / unjustifable risks will still be subject to disciplinary action
Flexible culture
a culture in which an organisation is able to reconfigure themselve in the face of certain kinds of risks
Punitive culture
person gets fired as punishemnt
Closed culture
captain just “yells” but no futher consequence
ICAO core competencies of a pilot
application of procedures
aircraft flight path management, automation
aircraft flight path management, manual control
leadership and teamwork
problem-soving and decision-making
situaiton awareness
workload management
heart pressure definition of
systolic -> system -> wenns läuft
diastolic -> ruhe
Druck in der Atterie
above 140/90 hypertension
Dengue virus spread by mosquitos, active during…
.. the day only
.. can kill someone quickly
hypoxic hypoxia:
occurs when flying at high altiutdes
anaemic hypoxia Tobi medic
sufficient partial pressure but red blood ells cannot tranposrt oxygen because of lack of haemoglibn
-> result of carbon monoxide poisoning
cytoxic hypoxia
tissues are unably to metabolize the oxygen -> Stoffwechsel
typical for excessive intake of drugs / alcohol
reaction phase: 7000ft
altitude at which even a healthy person may start to experience hypoxia. One of the first things -> night vision deteriorating
disturbance phase: 10.000 - 12.000
compensatory mechanisms not strong enough anymore to ensure full operation
ciritcal threshold: 22.000
no diffusion of oxygen anymore
photocromic sunglasses
automatically tinting
Scotopic and photopic vision
scotopic: vision through the rods -> b/w > low light
photopic: cones -> daylight
wie foto
empty field myopia
nothing to focus on, so the eye focus on one meter ahead of the aircraft
Cardiac output heart per minute
a healthy heart with a normal cardiac output pumps about 5 to 6 litres of blood every minute when a person is resting.
implicit memory
semantic memory:
stores contious general knowledge of facts
stores personal experiences and events from a person’s life
Implicit memory:
procedural memory
stores procedures and skills
motor programmes
rule based error
knowledge based error
gar nicht machen; Fehltritt; error of omission
-> error committed in light of automated routine tasks not carried out at all
lap gar nicht laufen -> task not executed
the intended appropriate action is incorrectly carreid out carried out wrongly
slip -> ausrutschen und was überspringen -> incorrectly executed
beides skill based errors
error which commited intentionally while being fully aware of it
error commited because of not being fully aware of all the facts
error commited intentionally while being fully aware of it
the action satisfies the operator’s intent but the intent itself was wrong -> application of a rule that does not fit the situation
internal / external error
reason for the error
within the person internal
outside the person: external
saftey management system
word assurance ensures you select the right option
atmospheric perspective
objects appear closer than they are in reality because the colours are stronger and with more contrast
environmental capture
tendency to execute skills autonomously where they are frequently used, as well as transfer them to a similiar environment even if it is inappropriate to do so
when overwhelmed by workload, pilots may revert to a reactive mode of operation and revert to the basics first learned for a specific task
TEM Model
threats: bedroht werden kann man nur von außen
events including errors commtied by other people that occur beyond the influence of the flight crew
have to dealt with in real time
environmental threats
organisational thresats
Errors: Fehler kann man selber begehen
action or inaction of the flight crew
aircraft handling
procedural errors
wrong checklist
omitted callouts etc
not replying to ATC call
undesired aircraft state
flight crew induced an aircraft state that leads to a reduction in saftey
Safety Managament System main four components
saftey policy
safety risk management
safety assurance
safety promotion
procedural error
applying a rule not appropriate to the situation
when travelling to tropical and developing countries, what are the two diseases that can lead to incapacitation and death within a short period when exposed?
Cholera and dysentery
cholera found in local food/water with faeces (Kot)
man könnte kotzen wenn man das falsche isst
breathing pure oxygen will be sufficient up to an altitude of
nose up attitude illusion is called
somatogravic illusion
a conflict between two or more people
a conflict with oneself
… the other person is not part of this conflict
attention is a cognitive process that allows us to choose and concentrate on relevant stimuli. It is affected by the following factors:
environmental factos
come from the surroundings. make the concentration more difficult
physiological factors
sleep loss, hunger
motives are the desire for a certain ovject or evet arising from the corrent situation.
task factors
frequency and intensity of signals. the mire intense a stimulus is, the easier will it attract attention
stress can lead to effects
on your body
on your mood
on your behaviour
stress categories of causes
environmental stressor
environmental conditions, noise, vibrations etc
physiological stressors
fatigue, lack of phyiscal fitness
psychological/emotional stress
interpersonal conflicts, divorce etc
domestic stressor
social stressors, econcomic stressor (no money), environmental stressor (no ac)
occupational stressor
strict policies and protocols implemented by organization restriced possiblities for professional growth
active and latent errors
active errors:
commited by those people who are directly invovled in flight ops -> consequences felt immediately
latent erros
coaction vs cooperation
every crewmember is doing what he or she perceives as being his / her task at the moment, unaware of what others are doing
every person is responsible for performing his/her duties as stated in the company’s SOP and informs the other crewmember about his/her actions and their respective results to provide reundancy -> coordinated common activity
mode confusion
automation complacancy
occurs when the flight crew believed the automation is in a mode different than the one actually
pilots are out of scoop which mode is activated -> lack of attention, rely on automation too much
EASA countermeasures
planning countermeasures
execution countermeasures
review countermeasures
planning countermeasures:
essential for managing anticipated and unexpeceted threats
workload assignment
essential for error detection and error response
monitor and crosscheck
essential for managing the changing conditions of a flight
evaluation of modificaiton of plans
normal rate of breathing
15 to 20 cycles a minute
Perceiving depth
monocular depth cues
binocular depth cues
depth cues that only require one eye
distance of objects
texture gradient
interposition (one infront of another)
linear perspective (linear lines converging)
height in plane (further away -> higher)
light and shadow
binocular disposition
large disposition between eyes when objects are close
convergence (wie stark Augen zusammen gehen um sich auf ein nahes Objekt zu fokussieren)
when gas becomes trapped in various body cavities such as:
middle ear
intestines and teeth
0.1 - 0.15 promille pro h
divided attention
selective attention
alternative management of several matters of interest at (almost) the same time
monitoring progress of a motor program
making a radio call
one gives greater attention to one or more sources of input out of several
needed because resources are limited
General Adaption Syndorme
organism’s reaction to a change of the environment
divided into three phases
alarm phase
resistance phase
exhaustion phase
Alarm phase
body prepares itself for physical / mental activity
increased arousal level
increase in heart rate, respiration and release of glucose
a decresase in stress resistance
fight or flight response aber in frage reistance
Resistance phase
converts the energy reserves of the organism (fat) to continue to cope with the situation cortesol
activation of digestive system
body takes time to eliminate the waste products from the previous phases
skill based behaviour
rule absed behaviour
knowledge based behaviour
skill based behaviour:
stored motor programms and routines
action slip: incorrect actions for a specified situation
environmental capture: associating a specific action to the same environment (landing w/o landing gear)
Rule based behaviour
using a checklist
using the wrong procedure
SOPs skill based and rule based behaviour
Countermeasures in relation to the TEM model
hard countermeasures (systemic based)
legislative control (ICAO)
system design (TCAS, GPWS)
procedures & practices (checklists etc.)
crew training etc.
soft countermeasures are based on actions / attitudes of the crew
briefings etc
cross checks
renewing and modifying existing plans
vestibular system
hier Bewegungserkennung etc.
auditory illusion
different perception to reality
… gradual loss of hearing that occurs wwhen getting older
pulse of a healthy sportive adult in rest
30 to 50 beats per minute
die kleinen Knochen, die den Schall weiter transportieren
increased pressure within the eye
coriolis illusion
sensation of dizziness / tumbling sensation caused by contractory impulses to the CNS
coriolis illusion:
-> can cause an intense unpleasant sensation of rotation
Anderson Model
-> the process of learning skill
cognitive phase
associative phase
automatic phase
thinks constantly about what he is doing
individual gians experience and integrats the separate components to action
the individual has developed skills that can be executed at an unconscious level
wenn ich aufn Berg gehe bin ich high -> runway is high at the end -> fühl mich höher als ich bin
wenn alles blöd ist fühl ich mich low
-> in beiden Fällen nur ein Gefühl
accountability: management
responsibility: individual
aerodontalgia / barodontalgia
tooth pain
yellow fever
comes from insects
order of the light
cornea most responsible for refraction
iris / pupil
Runway inclination
conductive hearing loss
always occurs when there is a transmission problem of the sound waves in the ear canal to the cochlea
damage to the ossicles
obstruction in the outer ear
rupturesd tympnic membrane
contact lenses
only accepable means when near sighted
lwoest BMI to be considered fat
Fokus Gebiet des Augens
type 1
type 2
Diabetes Typ 1
autoimmun diesase -> immune system destroys all cells which normally produce insulin
increases level of sugar in the blood
Diabetes 2
insulin resistance
sugar level rises in blood because cells are resistant to insulin and no sugar is tehrefor transfered into the cells
family histiry
low level of fitness / physical activity
symptom: unexplained weight loss
working memory
stores the information in the moment
hazardous attitudes of personalities
anti authority
dont tell me
do it quickly
it wont happen to me
i can do it
whats the use ?
sich anpassend
Decide model
Estimate estimate the need to counter or react
Choose the descision maker chooses a desirable outcome
Identify identify actions
Do ausführen
Evaluate the effects of the aciton
a stress reaction is a…
non specific response of the body to demands placed on a person
signs of air sickness include
lack of accomodation of the lense
black hole effect
only at night
the time an eye will need to adjust to bright light
10 seconds
average amount of cosmic radiation that flight crew members receive per year
equal to the amount of background radiation
stages of sleep
Light sleep
early sleep
orhodox sleep refreshs the body
Paradoxial sleep (REM sleep) refreshs the brain
Decompression Sickness
the bends -> bubbles in the large joints
creeps -> bubbles under the skin
chockes: shortness of breath, pain in the lungs
Symptoms of long term fatigue in flight crew?
gerneral reduction in performance
inability to sleep
increase in physiological and mental health problems
relating to the ear
stroke and heart attack
Heart attack myocardial infacrtion
-> total blockage of the coronary atery leading to the death of a piece of heart muscle
Stroke Schlaganfall
-> blood supply for a certain part of the brain is cut off
Retrograde Amnesia
person is unable to retreive data that was saved before a certain event
-> loss of episodic memory and semantic
phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which individual members display extreme conformity with the group, resulting in false agreements
blaue Verfärbung
Alpha - piece of paper
Beta - alluminum or more paper
Gamma - more fracitons
blinkered attention
focusing on one specific aspect only
angular movemnt
=> Vestibular apparatus
Beschleunigung: otholits utricle and saccule
angular: semicircular canals
carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms
flu like symptoms but no high temperature
headaches, dizziness nausea
reducation of stress
to reduce emotional stress and physiological stressors: cognitve coping
to reduce psychological and physiological stressors: problem focused
circadian rythm and internal clock
cicardian rythm: when there are no external clues -> all body funcitons are controlled by the circardian rhythm -> duration of one day appr.
-> the length of the circadian rythm is modified by the internal clock to match the actual length of the day
known error-mangement strategies
error prevention
error reduction
error detection
error recovery
error tollerance
PRDTR predator
how may the average cardiac output of an adult at rest be calculated?
heart rate x stroke volume
respiratory rate adult
10 to 15
communication errors
crew to external
missed calls etc
pilot to pilot
within crew: miscommunication etc
wenn Höhen etc. internally im Cockpit nicht gecalled werden: procedural error
toxic fumes while burning
hydraulic fluid
anti ice fluid
lack of which Vitamin -> deteroration of night vision
Vitamin A
execution: Pilot monitoring macht die Einstellung pilot flying merkt dass es falsch ist
review: pilot flying macht die inputs; pilot monitoring merkt den fehler
radiaton threshold adverse effect
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