fuel dieelectric value and density
directly proportional
three types of tachometers
electronic magnetic
wie ein fahrrad tacho
3 phase AC tacho generator driven by the engine, and the current is fed to the indicator consisting of a synchornous motor dirven magnet drag cup
magnetic tachometer
consists of a permanent magnet turning inside a non magnetic drag cup
Icing conditions and TAT correlation
icing conditions exist when the OAT (on the ground) or the TAT (inf light) is at ir below 10 degrees and visible moisture in any form is pressent
Directional Gyro errors occuring with regards to wander
Random/Real Wander:
change of direction in space of the rotor’s spin axis due to manufacturing imperfections
apparent wander
due to earth’s rotation
-> initially perfectly alligned with a meridian but over time meridian moves away
Transport Wander
apparent wander due to the change of aircraft position
Schritte der Bank angle Striche artificial horizon
10 degrees
artificial horizon indication error acceleration
nose up
stabilized plattform inertial system
the principle of operation requires the use of at least
… rate gyros
… accelerometers
3 rate gyros
2 accelerometers
automatic landing system
fail passive
fail operational
an automatic landing system is fail passive, in the event of a failure there is no significant out of trim condition
what to do if the auto pilot system becomes fail passive?
above 1000ftAGL -> revised minima
between: go around / full manual
below Alert height -> continue
an automatic landing system is fail operational if in the event of a failure, the approach, flare and landing can be complet by the ramining part of the automatic system (= fail safe)
Basic Modes autopilot
Guidance Modes Autopilot
Basic Modes
stabilizing the ac around its CG. Basic stability funciton of the autopilot are provided by the inner loops.
Guidance Functions
controlling the movement of the center of gravity in three dimensional space.
-> guidance functions of the autopilot that control the path of the aircraft.
-> provided by the outer loops
soft envelope protection system
hard flight envelope protections system
sytem was nur warnt aber nicht eingreift
acts on the control column
Radio Altimeter Height measurement is based on:
a frequency modulation wave, for which the frequency difference between the transmitted wave and the received wave after ground reflection is measured.
GPWS operating range
wie radio altimeter
(nicht eindeutig, ob baro auch benutzt wird)
a modern computer makes use of different internal buses to
always these three buses
control signal
Attitude Direction Indicator
Control wheel steering (CWS)
pilot gives attiude, autopilot holds attitude
when the autopilot takes over from the pilot
when the pilot takes over from the autopilot
automatic syncochronization function
-> in case of failure of the synchronization circuits, the autopilot may be prevented from engaging
automatic pitch trim function
—> both enable a smooth takeover
Input parameters of the Flight Enevelope Protection (FEP)
angle of attack (AOA)
aircraft configuration
airspeed information
Which system uses Kalman Filtering?
the Navigation Computer / FMS
Terrain Awareness warning System
das gleiche wie EGPWS
Frequency Radio Altimeter
4200 - 4400 MHz
Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS)
Synthetic Vision system
-> synthetic = künstlich
> incorporates infromatio from aircraft based sensors (nar infrared cameras etc.) to provide vision in limited visibility environment
> on dedicated display or as a abckground on the PFD or HUD
synthetic vision display
based on a terrain and ground features database
Touch Control Wheel Sterring (TWS)
pilot pushes button and while button is pushed, auto pilot is disengaged
-> pilot can fly the aircraft
pressure measurement in the order of increasing pressure
aneroid capsule
bellow s tube
wie aneroid capsule nur weniger empfindlich (?)
bourdon tube
differential pressure
bspw Gas druck an der Gas flasche
hinter der Messskala läuft die Röhre, dehnt sich aus
Fahrenheit =
Fahrenheit = 9/5 * c + 32
misst den elektrischen Widerstand der unterschiedlich stark sein kann, abhängig von der Einstellung
ram rise
kinetic heating due to compressibility
K -> recovery factor -> percentage of the measured ram rise
es kann nicht die ganze TAT gemessen werden, sondern ein geringerer Wert die Ram air temp
undershoot / overshoot effects calculation
(Bank angle + Lat) / 2
-> big error, when turning over the poles
(Bank angle + Lat) / 4
bei kleinem Fehler -> O / W
indication error artificial horizon
because of pendulum movement of the errection system
flight director indicates
commands for change in pitch / roll attitude
Time from the EGPW time before hitting terrain
EGPWS caution alert: 40 - 60 seconds
EGPWS warning alert: 20 - 30 sec
20 to 30 seconds
Pitot underreads in descent, static overreads in descent
Attidutde Direction Indicator
RoT =
RoT = TAS / turn radius
je schneller desto geringer der Rate of Turn
data input sinkrate and Terrain closure rate
sinkrate: uses vertical speed from ADC
closure rate: RA
Type A or B EFB
Type A:
no saftey effects
Type B
malfunkction: minor failur
functions which may influence saftey if they fail or malfunction. -> charts speed calc etc.
and we have
… EFB systems.
takeoff mode autopilot
roll will hold the centerline
pitch -> remains reference to V2
maximum possible deviation Direct Reading Compass
turn indicator displays
the rate of change of heading
alignment time 60degr. north
10 minutes
allignment of IRS
incorrect entry of
into the IRS
which one is more critical?
Latitude: can be computed by the system and compared to the one entered by the pilot -> it does not align at all because it doesnt work with the wrong input or it senses the wrong input (?)
longitude: can not be calculated. So the system relies 100% on the entry of the pilot -> but is still aligns
komische fRagen
Loran c
FMS fuel predictions are based on
normal aircraft configuration for the phase of flight
saftey margin of a stall warning before stall
5kt or 5% above Vs
colours EGPWS
red: terrain is 2000ft an higher above the aeroplane
amber: 1000 - 2000ft above the aircrafts altitude
light yellow:
terrain between 500ft below and 1000ft above the aircrafts altitude
digital flight data recorder:
how many flights an be made with it being inservicable
max 8 flights
capacitant fuel indication in case of no fuel, what will it indicate?
compressiblity error relevant from appr. what speed
CAS >200kt
absolute differential pressure because in the capsule is vacuum
strap down IRS min
3 Laser gyros
3 accelerometers
FMS modes
single mode:
when one FMC fails, the remaining one supplies both MCDUs
independent mode
both FMCs are decoupled
dual mode
master slave, both working
colours EFIS
amber: caution / abnormal sources
red: warnings / flight envelope and system limits
ende des grünen speed bands
… “not be exceeded except in still air and with caution”
closed loop system in which a small power inout controls a much larger power output
a servomechanism
servo altimeter
electrical display of calculated value
3 gyros
3 axis accelerometer
3 axis magnetometer
only attitude indicaitons
magnetic meridian of the Earth’s magnetic field
the horizontal component of magnetic force lines
the hydraulic system pressure indicator holds
a transducer that receives an electric signal from a romote pressure sensor
master caution alert
in case landing gear not down
in a IVSI (instantaneous vertical speed indicator), what is used to quickly respond to altitude cahnges
an accelerometer to temporarily change the pressure in the capsule
degrees of freedom directional gyro and artifical horizon
DG: 2
artif. hrpzon: 2
INS in ATT mode
outout: attitude and heading
TAT is a combintaion of … in comparison to SAT
adiabatic (compression)
kinetic (friction)
aircraft with conventional flight controls experiences a stabilser trim runaway to the full nose down position, full nose up inout
… still results in a loss of altitude because the elvator nose up direciton is restricted
null seeking probe is a
AOA sensor measured with pentiometer and subjected to position error
upper antenna of the TCASII
directional antenna
vertical spin axis
horizontal spin axis
drift and topple
air speed indicator
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