Sinus Venosus:
Sinus Venosus: receives unoxygenated blood from the body. A
valve at the end of the sinus venosus opens into the atrium.
where does physoclists start:
acantomorpha (in neoteleostei from euteleostei)
for what is anatomy good for
species identification
pathways of evolution
individual examination
interrelation of structure and function
red and white
exception: tuna and white sharK: warmer body temp, thus red muscle concentrated on inner body part for higher temp exchange
long, coiled -> herbivorous to harbour more bacteria for digestion
salpa salpa, parrot fish
short: carnivorous
cod: long gut but still carnivorous
swim bladder
physostomes: ductus pneumaticus
carp, eel, herring
herring and sardines can produce ar bubble to communicate (fart)
physoclists: no functioning ductus
bass, cod, pipefish
no swimm bladder:
plaice, mola mola, mackerel, lumpfish, gobies, chondrychthyes
sceletal system consists of
vertebral column, cranium, jaw, ribs, and intramuscular bones
buoyancy cartilegeous fish
No swim bladder – buoyancy throughsqualene:
- hydrocarbon
- interim stage of the cholesterol synthesis
- 860 kg/m3
- fine tuning through the variation of the content
of some lipid components in the liver oil
classifications of teleostei
euteleostei (Cod, Tuna)
clupeomorpha (herring)
elopomorpha (eel)
osteoglossomorpha (asiatischer gabelbart)
no spiny fins
one dorsal fn
cycloid scales
physostomus (ductus pneumaticus)
extention from swim bladder to inner ear “webber appendages”
bsp: atlantic herring
3. newest (almost same like clupeomorpha)
fins without spines
only one dorsal fin
no lateral line
• Weberian Apparatus (Specific Modification of
the first 4 to 5 vertebrates ) which conduct
vibrations (sensed by the gas bladder as a
resonance organ) to the inner ear. -> connection to ear and swimm bladder
• Two-chamber swim bladder (Exceptions)
• Alarm Substances
common carp
gadiformes (cod)
no spiny fin rays
Perch like, mackerels (no swimbladder), tuna
body temperature slightly higher than ambient temperature –heat exchange system!!
higher proportion of red muscle tissue than other fish
Atrium: with thick, muscular walls. Receives unoxygenated blood
and pumps it into the ventricle.
Ventricle: largest and most muscular chamber of the heart. When
the ventricle fills with blood it constricts and forces the blood
through the bulbus arteriosus.
Bulbus Arteriosus
Bulbus Arteriosus: valve or series of valves that control blood
flow out of the ventricle and into the ventral aorta. Blood passes
through the bulbus arteriosus to the ventral aorta. From the ventral
aorta, blood flows to the gill filaments, where it is oxygenated.
gill rakers difference
general: are involved for feeding and project from branchial arch
filter feeders
tightly packed
filtraters (planktivorous) long and thin
bsp: herring, mackerel
short ad widely spaced (thick and tiny)
teeth like
sediment feeders, carp (carp still omnivores), bramidae, tuna
osmoregulation fish
less salty body than environment
drink a lot of water, less urine
saltier body
water entering body continuously
pee alot to get rid of water (high urine but diluted outburst), dont drink
gills general
shark: (general chondrochtyes)
no opperculum but gill slits for every single gill arch
allow breathing (water through mouth and exits through gills)
filaments/lamellae for gas exchange
increased surface increase which is crucial for gas exchange
most fish have five pairs of gills
some species retain gill rakers
stomach and intestines differences
sections of brain
forebrain: smell - enlarged eel
midbrain: vision, learning and motor response (reduced in blind cave fish)
hindbrain: coordinates movement, muscle tone and balance (enlarged in fast swimming fish)
pyloric caeca
secrete digestive enzymes
apparent in predatory/ carnivore species
increase the overall intestinal absorptive surface area
reproductive organs bony fish male vs female
Females: paired ovaries
where eggs are produced and
● Males: pair of testes where
sperm is created and stored
● Reproduction sexually
● Sexual maturity at birth or
shortly after; most mature
within the first one to five
bony fish vs cartileginous reproduction
hierarchy of statistical approach
significance of sampling
community analysis approach q analysis
community analysis approach r statistics
similarity - main types
quantitative similarity
design of studies
classification q analysis
approaches cluster analysis
example: hierarchical agglomeratice clustering
look for highest similarity
fuse objects at this similarity level
compute new similarity matrix of n-1 (=3) objects or n-2 (=2)
mds plot features
=multidimensional scaling
features of dendogram
mds plot stress values
mds plot advantages, disadvantages
ANOSIM steps
= analysis of similarities
diversity - spatial scales
modified after wthittaker 1972, 1977
meassuring diversity: different index
disadvantages of measuring diversity
parameter shannon vs species richness
def compensation depth
depth in which ps equals respiration -> net synthesis is zero
1% light depth corresponds roughly to it
points taken for secchi disk
depth just before disappeared out of sight
just disappeared
can be see again during heaving
extinction koeffizient
k= 1.7/D
light depth measurement
light depth (m) = secchi depth (m) / 1.7 x (ln 100 - ln light depth (%))
standard vs variable depth
remains constant during period of investigation
results permits good descriptions of conditions in same depth of different regions or during different periods
disadvantage: interesting and important events might get lost in other depths (not recorded)
samples are taken from variable depth depending f.e. on light (depth of max and min chl a), or aggregation of zooplankton (sound reflecting layers
disadvantage: bad comparability of different regions
solution: combination of both types
different filters and advantages
GF/F= glas fibre filters
chem inert, 0.7 µm pore size
PON,POC,POP (pre-combusted), rinsed FSW
Chl a, rinsed
membrane filters of cellulose acetate/ nitrate
better defined pore size but can be electrostatically charged (unusable for weighing)
0.8 µm: BSi, rinsed
polycarbonate membrane filters:
to separate cells in water samples
exactly defined pore size
most important nutrients in kiel bght
-> determine growth of phytoplankton during spring bloom and in following autumn and summer month
importance DIC
important for diatoms and silico flagellates
develop sjells or skeleton
particulate si only dissolved form chem processes, recyclnig i sslower than recycling of phosphate or nitrate
thus compostion of phytoplankton depends on silicate
concentration of o2 dependent on
o2 in atm
winkler method:
Iodometric titration with multistep oxidation to iodide to iodine (mn as transfer medium)
watersample is added: Manganese(II)chloride and alkaline potassium iodide (KI) -> closed and it starts to precipitate
quantitative oxidation to Mn(III)-hydroxide (brown)
sulphuric acid is placed on the precipitate, Mn(III) oxidizes surplus iodide to iodine
iodine in sample is proportional to the amount of oxygen in symple, solution is titrated with thiosulfate solution (iodine reduced)
amoiunt of thiosulfate added is proportional to molecular oxygen in sample
optical sensor oxygen measurement
allow the sensor to be physically divided from the measurement system (non-invasive)
sensor emits fluorescence, signal is enhanced or quenched when meeting oxygen molecules
needs to be calibrated with winkler method
cod is what?
from cod onwards physoclists
herring vs carp
short gut compared to total length but long gill rakers
filter feeding, omnivorous
long gut but short gill rakers
omnivorous but no filter feeders
both physostomes
particulate material
living and dead material
main point of UVP
under water vision profiler
for carbon flux
kiel dominant current and forces for mixing
surface: baltuc outflow
eep: north sea inflow
convective mixing (only when salinity is almost the same)
mollusca naked and shelles
naked = gymnosomata (carnivorous)
shelled = thecosomata (omnivorous)
dont have a larval stage (cephalopod)
pelagic polypoid colonies
sessil hydroid generation
all depth worldwide
cynea capillata (30m)
nemopilema nomurai (180 kg)
life cycle aurelia aurita
planula -> polyp -> ephyra -> medusa -> egg
larvae annelida
3 different crustaceans
calanoida: 1st antennae longer than half the body, movable joint behind 6th thoraric segment
cyclopoida: movable joint between 5th and 6th
harpacticcida: lack of obvious division between the cephalothorax and abdomen
carapox fused/ not fused with thorax segment
fused: decapoda (glls are covered)
not fused: mysidacea
why do we need size resolved pelagic imaging data
respiration expressed as a function of bodymass, temp, sampling, depth and taxonomic grouping
size sinking speed relationships
needs to be quantitative
seasonality different regions
arctic: one bloom after ice
temperate: 2 blooms
tropics: constant fluctuation
zooplaknton species across latitudes:
polar: low div, high abundance, large oil sacks or droplets
arctic: calanus
antarctic: calanoid, eauphauriids
tropic/subtropic: high div, low abundance, small no oil saac or droplets (no storage needed bc no cycle)
mainly copepod
temperate regions: fewer species than tropic, high abundance, large to small
diversity between polar and tropics
sheld: few species, low diversity, small but few large taxa
cladocera, meroplanktonic larva
oceanic more species, higher div, no/very few meroplanktonic larvae
siphonophora, pteropoda, ostracoda, salpidae
utermöhl method
fixation by lugols iodine (I, KI)
stains plankton brown and makes it heavier
sedimentation in sedimentation chamber (24, 48 h)
coutning by inverted microscope
wichtige phytoplankton:
cyanobacteria (bluegreen algae)
nodularia aphanizomenon:
N2 fixation in soecialized cells (heterozysts)
brakish water
dinophyta (dinoflagellates)
Naked: gymnodinium, gyrodinium
armoured: ceratium, dinophysis, peridinium, prorocentrum
isolate dna from sample
amplify target dna barcoe region using pcr
sequence pcr product
compare resulting sequence against reference dtabase to find matching species (degenerate primers that match multiple bases)
why us COI for barcoding?
= cytochrome oxidase I (in animals)
present across multiple species
Mt: no recombination and introns
haploid, many copies per cell
practical steps for sampling and sequencing
dna extraction
binding buffer
wash proteins and carbohydrates
gel electrophoresis
cycle sequence reaction
components pcr mm
taq polymerase
mg chloride (buffer co-factor)
reaction buffer (comes with taq)
primer r and f
H2O for volume
fish policy research gaps
tracking down pop origin rather than species
processed food difficult to sample
main bottom baltic sea
rocky/mixed bottom, mytilus habitat
vegetated soft bottom, zostera habitat
rock bottom, fucus habitat
excretion NaCl of fish
chloride cells: enables excretiun
High saline: sodium flows in between cells through sea water bc nutrient (Na) increase in blood
Low saline: take up of salt (can change use of transporters)
gradient is made to bring cl inside
different numbers of nuklei
monokaryotic: one per cell
siphonal or coenocytic: just on cell, many nuclei
symbiosis three alga taxa
green alga: prim symbiosis (2 organell membranes)
red algae: prim symbiosis (2)
brown and diatoms: sec from red algae (4)
life cycle algae
green: haplodiplontic
red: haplodiplontic
brown: haplodiplontic
difference trawl and grabs
grabs: quantitative: macrofauna (we used van veen grab, 4% formaline and buffered with borax)
trawl: qualitative: megafauna
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