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Drag Divergence Mach number
above Mcrit shock waves begin to form and drag increases more rapidly than i twould have wothout the shock waves
the addition drag is called wave drag due to energy drag and boundary layer separation
the mach number at which the drag begins to increase rapidly is called the Drag divergence Mach number
Bank angle and load factor relationship
1/cos = L/W
buffet margin
speed difference / Distanz zum Stall
low speed buffet margin decreases bedeutet, dass der Stall bei einer geringeren speed Reduktion bereits erreicht werden kann
Balance Tab
Anti Balance Tab
control Tab / servo Tab
spring tab
reduces the control forces
increases the control panel effectiveness and increase required control forces
only the tab is controlled, which in turn controls the control surfaces
only deflection of the control surface at low speeds; at high speeds only the control tab or servo tab is moved
positive limiti manoeuvering load factor
normal category (CS23): 3,8
utility: 4,4
arobatic: 6
CS 25: 2,5
Design manoeuvring speed
> all speeds below: full elevator deflection leads to stall
> speed above: full elevator deflection leads to structural damage
vA: stall speed for maximum load factor
forces of a prop
thrust -> parallel to movement (Forward)
torque -> opposite of plane of rotation
about/around moment
along axis moment
about / around lateral axis: pitch
along axis: the other 2 (yaw and roll)
about/around: immer Drehung um die genannte Achse, wenn man die Achse als Drehpunkt nimmt, um die sich das Flugzeug bewegt
along axis: Der Drehpunkt der Achse ist fix, die ganze starre achse wird um einen anderen drehpunkt bewegt
relative thickness aerofoil
ratio of maximum thickness to chord length
flap / slat assymetry effects
Flap assymetry will give different lift on the wings that causes a large rolling moment
This happens at any speed since flap extension changes the camber of the wing
Slat asymmetry on the other hand will only be noticeable at very high angles of attack because slats extends the lift coefficient
difference in the max value of cl
at normal aoa only slight difference in drag
camber line vs chord line
chamber line folgt der Krümmung des Flügels, die chord line nicht
chamber line follows the center of all inscriped circles
what happens to cL and cD increasing above Mcrit
cL increases further until the shock stall
cD increases up to M0.98 and then decreases again
unswept wing
swpt wing
AOA increases: CP moves forward
AOA exceeds critical AOA: CP moves aft
swept wing:
AOA exceeds critical AOA: CP moves further forward
pitch up moment -> prone to deep stall
swept wing-> stalls at tips first, because air flow to the wing tips and thicker boundary layer
effectiveness of control inputs is influenced by
max gust intensity for the three design speeds
vB (max gust intensity speed) +/- 66ft/sec
vC (design cruise speed) +/- 50ft/sec
vD (design dive speed) +/- 25ft/sec
Helix angle aka
angle of advance; wie viel der Propeller nach vorne geht
asymmetric blade effect different term
p factor
normally the downgoing blade has a greater AOA
at high speeds cL max decreases
design maximum cruising soeed > vMO
-> with saftey factor vMO
highest lift to drag ratio
total drag is lowest
maximum at an AOA of about 4
point where the pitching moment remains the same no matter the AOA
aerodynamic center = neutral point of the aerofoil
only variabel is the lift
no change of CP anymore
always the same moment independent of lift and AOA, CP position
point about which all lift changes effectively act
neutral point
-> refering to the aeroplane instead of the wing
Punkt an dem das Moment des Fkugzeugs ansetzt. Stärke des moments ändert sich nur durch die Stärke des Lifts, nicht aber durch eine Verschiebung des angriffspunkts
Aerodynamic center -> wing
neutral point -> whole ac
only use V MO
never Vne
min control speed takeoff climb
flaps to pos
landing gear up
not more than 5degr bank
most unfv cg
take off trim setting
engine failure
low weight worse
rudder effectiveness
IAS relevant -> IAS = Dynamic pressure
Polar curve
cL/cD kurve
geometrical pitch propeller
the distance the prop would travel forward in one complete revlution if it were moving through the air at the blad angle
effective pitch: actual distance
m * g
prop pitch angle =
blade angle
Aspect Ratio Formula
AR = b/c
AR = b2 / S
b= Span
c = average chord
relative thickness
maximum thickness to chord length
tapper ratio
außen / innen
kleiner 1
what happens to cL and cD above critical M and toward Drag divergence mach number
cL increases
cD only increases slightly
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