Name the parts of the cardiovascular systems
Vessels: Arteries, Veins, Lympathic system
Blood: Transport medium
Heart: Actuator
Conduct blood towards the heart
Irregularly shaped
Low pressure
Thin walls
Very elastic
Low oxygen concentration in systemic circulation
High oxygen concentration in pulmonary circulation
Conduct blood away from the heart
Generally round
High pressure
Thick walls
Not very elastic
High oxygen concentration in systemic circulation
Low oxygen concentration in pulmonary circulation
Lymphatic system
Consists of a fluid (lymph), lymphatic vessels andlymph nodes
Drainage system for returning interstitialtissue fluid and inflammatory cells to the blood
Lymph nodes filter and provide immunologicsurveillance of the lymph, its cells, and the foreignmatter it contains
Blood & blood composition
Transport medium for oxygen and nutrition
Carries away carbon dioxide
55% Plasma
<1% buffy coat
45% Enythrocytes (Red blood cells)
Impplantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)
Monitors heart’s electrical rythm
Delivers impulses to restore normal heart activity
3 Configurations:
Single Chamber ICD
Dual chamber ICD
Biventricular ICD
Types of Fluids based on Viscosity
Factors determining Blood Rheology
plasma viscosity
Red blood cells aggregation
Fåhræus effect
describes the decrease ofhematocrit - lower averageconcentration of RBCs - in asmall tube r < 500 μm (capillary)
whole blood separates into acell-free plasma layer along thetube wall and enriched centralcore
RBCs at the center move fasterthan the plasma at the tube wall
Hagen-Poiseuille Equation
Bernoulli’s Equation
Continuity equation
Laplace’s equation
Blood flow and pressure
Systolic pressure: Heart is contracting
Diastolic pressure: Heart is relaxed
Veins have elastic properties
Womersley Number
Dimensionless quantity used tocompare pulsatile flow profiles
alpha < 2 laminar flow
2 < alpha < 10 mixture
alpha > 10 plug flow
Murray’s law
Predicts thickness of branches in biologicaltransport networks
Idea: Minimizes energy needed for transport andmaintenance processes, flow energy P gets minimized
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