Property of a material/device that permits it to function in contact with blood without inducingadverse reactions
Virchow‘s triad
Virchow‘s triad in blood contacting medical devices
Protein adsorption
Proteins are a major constituent of plasma
Cell adhesion is mediated by protein adsorption
Adhesive proteins: fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor (vWF)
Activation of coagulation cascade and the complement system
Coagulation cascade
The coagulation cascade is a complex system responsible for the formation blood clots
Activation of clotting factors (I, II, II…)
Each factors is an enzyme that speeds up the breakdown of a protein
Three pathways of coagulation
Extrinsic pathway: initiates when there is injury to the endothelial tissue
Intrinsic pathway: initiates when blood is exposed to negatively charged surfaces leading to theactivation complex of factor XII, high-molecular-weight kininogen, and prekallikrein
Common pathways
Circle of cell adhesion
1st Protein surface adhesion
Cells bind via cell receptor to the proetin complexes
Thombosis: Red blood cells adhere to fibrin and platelet
Biofilm formation: Pathogens adhere to an extracellular polymeric substance
Fibrosis: Fibroblasts and immune cells adhere to an extracellular matrix
Hemodynamic factors in medical device design
Low shear rate regime: Stagnation or low shear can promote accumulation of coagulation factors, leukocytes, and RBCs
High shear rate regime: Shear induced activation of platelets and coagulationproteins, High shear stress and turbulence, can cause membraneof red blood cells to rupture and release hemoglobin(hemolysis)
The complement system
The complement system refers to a group of plasma proteins called the complement proteins,which are produced in the liver, and act collectively to help destroy pathogens
Different charges of amino acids
Non polar
+ charged
- charged
Folded polypeptides in a aqueous envorinment have a core region with non polar groups and an outside with polar groups
Langmuir adsorption
Limitions to the Langmuir adsoprtion
only applicable for a reversible adsorption processes
Definition wettabilty
Defined by contact angle
Factors influencing protein adsorption to surfaces
Protein adsorption can only occur spontaneously (at constant pressure and temperature) if theGibbs energy G of the system decreases
Ideal surface properties
Coagulation and complement activation are minimized at charge-neutral, strongly water-binding surfaces
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