What are different scaled agile approaches?
Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
Enterprise Kanban (Portfolio Kanban)
Scrum@Scale (SaS)
Scrum of Scrums
Disciplined Agile (DA)
What is SAFe?
Combines Lean, Agile, and DevOps practices for business agility
The SAFe framework goes beyond lean portfolio management and aims to offer holistic solutions for enterprises.
What is Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
• LeSS is a framework for scaling agile product delivery.
• Is like single team Scrum with a few adaptions
What is Nexus?
Nexus is a framework for scaled agile product delivery
What is Enterprise Kanban (Portfolio Kanban)?
Practices of visualizing work, limiting work in progress, and managing flow that are often used within other agile frameworks
What is Scrum@Scale (SaS)?
• Scales the Scrum approach for a single team
• Focuses on product delivery
What is Scrum of Scrums?
Scrum of Scrums is an agile technique for coordinating different teams that have to work together to develop complex solutions
Scrum of Scrums is for cross-team coordination and doesn’t deal with scaling agile for product delivery. It is an explicit part of SaS.
What is Disciplined Agile (DA)?
• Disciplined Agile started as Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD), with a focus on product delivery.
• shows how business functions work together and what they should address for agile at scale
What underlying Lean-Agile principles is SAFe based on?
Take an economic view
Apply systems thinking
Assume variability; preserve options
Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles
Base milestones on objective evaluation of working systems
Visualize and limit WIP, reduce batch sizes, and manage queue lengths
Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning
Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers
Decentralize decision-making
Organize around value
What does “Take an economic view” mean?
Everyday decisions must be made in a proper economic context.
What does “Apply systems thinking” mean?
Understand the aim of a system and optimize a system as a whole and not only a component.
What does “Assume variability; preserve options” mean?
Maintain multiple requirements and design options for a longer period in the development cycle and use empirical data to narrow the focus
What does “Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles” mean?
Develop solutions incrementally in short iterations allows for faster customer feedback and mitigates risk
What does “Base milestones on objectives evaluation of working systems” mean?
Regular evaluation, assure that a continuing investment will produce a commensurate return
What does “Visualize and limit WIP, reduce batch sizes, and manage queue lengths” mean?
Steps to achieve a continuous flow, where new system capabilities move quickly and visibly from concept to cash
What does “Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning” mean?
Provides the mechanisms to operate effectively in the presence of development uncertainty.
What does “Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers” mean?
Autonomy and purpose, minimizing constraints, creating an environment of mutual influence
What does “Decentralize decision-making” mean?
Reduces delays, improves product development flow, enables faster feedback, and creates more innovative solutions designed by those closest to the knowledge
What does “organize around value” mean?
Business Agility demands that enterprises organize around value to deliver more quickly and reorganize when value flow changes
Why is lean portfolio management needed?
• Traditional approaches to portfolio management were not designed for a global economy or the impact of digital disruption
• These factors put pressure on enterprises to work under a higher degree of uncertainty and deliver innovative solutions much faster
What are characteristics of the traditional portfolio management approach?
People organized in functional silos and temporary project teams
Fund projects and project-cost accounting
Big up-front, top-down, annual planning and budgeting
Centralized, unlimited work intake; project overload
Overly detailed business cases based on speculative ROI
Projects governed by phase gates; waterfall milestones, progress measured by task completion
What are characteristics of the lean-agile portfolio management approach?
People organized in value streams/ARTs; continuous value flow
Fund value streams, Lean budgets and guardrails
Value stream budgets adjusted dynamically; participatory budgeting
Strategic demand managed by portfolio Kanban; decentralized intake by value Streams and ARTs
Lean business cases with MVP, business outcome hypothesis, agile forecasting and estimating
Products and services governed by self-managing ARTS; objective measures and milestones based on working solutions
What does lean portfolio managemnet do?
Lean Portfolio Management competency aligns strategy and execution.
• Lean Portfolio Management describes how a SAFe portfolio is a collection of Value Streams for a specific business domain in an Enterprise.
• Each value stream delivers one or more Solutions that help the enterprise meet its business strategy.
• These value streams develop products or solutions for external customers or create solutions for internal operational value streams.
Illustrate lean portfolio management!
What is “Strategy & Investment Funding”?
• Connect the Portfolio to Enterprise strategy
• Maintain a Portfolio vision
• Realize portfolio vision through epics
• Establish lean budgets and guardrails
• Establish portfolio flow
What is “Agile Portfolio Operations”?
• Coordinate value streams
• Support program execution
• Foster operational excellence
What is “Lean Governance”?
• Foster and budget dynamically
• Measure portfolio performance
• Coordinate continuous compliance
Illustrate the Key Elements that Lean Portfolio Management comprises!
What are strategic themes?
Strategic themes influence portfolio strategy and provide business context for portfolio decision-making
• Strategic Themes are one result of strategy formulation
• They are the basis for further operationalization and provide the business context
• They are described by means of OKR
What is Portfolio Vision?
• The Portfolio Vision describes the future state of the value streams and solutions of the portfolio by means of a portfolio canvas (based on the Business Model Canvas).
• For this purpose, the current state is described with a SWOT analysis, and the future state is derived with a TOWS analysis
Illustrate the Portfolio Canvas!
What are the origins of the objective key results?
• Initially coined by Andy Grove (Intel) in 1983
• John Doerr introduces OKR to Google in 1999 and other organizations introduce OKRs• OKRs are the refined version of the common management method Management by Objectives (MBO)
• With OKRs, teams in the company adapt the overarching goals themselves for their respective areas. If the teams need to work with other partners in the company to achieve the overall goals, these teams can also formulate joint OKRs to ensure common alignment.
• OKRs change the mindset from "Did we have a lot to do with the tasks?" to "Did we move our company forward?".
What are the reasons for the objective key results?
• Focus and prioritization
• Transparency and alignment
• Motivation and excellence (mapping individual objectives to the corporate ones) to create a common purpose
• Agility (frequent measurement/reassessment)
• Decision-making quality
What is OKR (Objective Key Results)?
OKR is a common management strategy and facilitates shared alignment and commitment to measurable goals.
I will <Objective> as measured by <Key Results>.
When key results are achieved, the objective is (by definition) achieved
What is the Object in OKR?
• Easily remembered, qualitative descriptions of what you want to achieve
• Should be short, inspiring and appealing
• Should motivate and challenge the team
What are examples for the Object in OKR?
Improve customer satisfaction
Reduce data errors in the system
What are the Key Results in OKR?
• Metrics that measure progress towards a goal
• For each objective, two to five of these key results (more points would be hard to remember)
What are examples for the Key Results in OKR?
• Net Promotor Score
• Customer churn
• Rate of adoption
• Conversion rates
Measured by the reduced...
• Number of qualitative data errors reported to support
• Number of orders that cannot be fulfilled automatically
• Number of order errors reported by customers
How is budget distributed in SAFe?
In SAFe, budget is distributed to value streams and managed in a decentralized manner - one method for this is participatory budgeting
What are Lean Budget Guardrails?
Lean Budget Guardrails are defined for decentralized allocation in the value streams. They describe budgeting, spending and governance rules to ensure
1. that both short-term and long-term developments are funded,
2. that features, enablers as well as "technical debt" / maintenance are handled,
3. that large, significant investments (Epics) are appropriately approved,
4. that business owners are actively involved to ensure priorities are met.
Illustrate Lean Budget Guardrails!
What are Epics?
• Epics are containers for significant solution development initiatives (substantial investments occurring in a portfolio)
• Epics are not projects
• Epics are described using Epic Hypothesis Statement and Lean Business Case
What are characteristics of Epics?
Implemented by stable, cross-functional Value Streams and ARTs
No definitive start and end date; scope is variable. Continue until WSJF says otherwise
Progress is measured as outcomes against the benefit hypothesis
Lean Business Case, based on benefit hypothesis and definition of an MVP
Implementation follows the build –measure –learn SAFe Lean Startup Cycle
After the Lean Business Case is approved, commitment is to the evaluation of the MVP
What are characteristics of projects as opposed to Epics?
Implemented by temporary teams, which disband after work is completed
Definitive start and end date; scope is fixed. All scope must be implemented
Progress is measured based on task completion
Overly detailed business case, based on speculative ROI
Implementation typically follows phase-gated, sequential (waterfall) process
After business case is approved, up-front commitment is made to the entire project scope
What can be said about Kanban and Portfolio Backlog?
• The Epics move from left to right through the columns
• WIP limits can be defined for individual columns
• In general, Epics are pulled (pull principle)
• Special conditions exist for individual steps
What are the columns of agile project management?
Portfolio Backlog
What does the column funnel in agile project management contain?
All big ideas are captured, such as:
- New business opportunities
- Cost savings
- Marketplace changes
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Problems with existing solutions
What does the reviewing column in agile project management contain?
Refine understanding of the Epic
Create the Epic hypothesis statement
Prelimnary cost estimates and WSJF
WIP limited
Pull when an Epic Owner is available
What does the analyzing column in agile project management contain?
Solution alternatives
Refined cost estimated and WSJF
Define MVP
Create Lean Business Case
Go/no-go decision
Pull when an Epic Owner has capacity
What does the Portfolio column in agile project management contain?
Epics approved by LPM
Sequenced using WSJF
Pull when approved by LPM
What does the Implementing column in agile project management contain?
What does MVP as part of the Implementing column in agile project management contain?
Build and evaluate MVP
Pivot or persevere decision made
Pulled by teams
Pull when train capacity and budget available
What does persevere as part of the Implementing column in agile project management contain?
Affected ARTs or Solution Trains reserve capacity for the epic
Continue feature implementation until WSJF determines otherwise
Pull when MVP hypotheses proven true
What does the Done column in agile project management contain?
Done when LPM governance is no longer required
Pull when Epic is no longer a portfolio concern
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