What is quality?
Quality = The Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements (ISO 9000:2008).
Inherent characteristics are everything that comes along with the product/service (e.g. the number of wheels of a car but not it’s price)
Subjectively associated descriptions (e.g. beautiful) are no inherent characteristics
Quality should be measurable → apply clear parameters which can be modified
What is quality in the context of project management?
In the context of project management quality is the consistency of the project and project execution → The inherent characteristics are time, budget and scope
Describe the Kano Model.
What is Quality Management?
Quality Management (QM) covers all organized activities regarding the improvement of product and processes or services of any kind
QM regarding project management is industry-independent → Focus lies on processes and management documents
QM regarding product quality is product specific → Focus lies on if the requirements are met
How are Quality Management Departments usually organized?
The Quality Manager is usually a staff unit (Stabstelle) of the project manager
Should work independent of the project team
In Scrum Teams there is no dedicated quality manager → everyone should be able to perform every task. Also there is an implicit understanding of quality → Could be facilitated by Pair Programming
What is a Quality Management System?
A quality management system (QMS) is a collection of business processes focused on consistently meeting customer requirements and enhancing their satisfaction. It is aligned with an organization's purpose and strategic direction.
Name the most common Quality Management Systems.
Most common quality management systems:
ISO 9000n
Six Sigma
Lean Management
Some industries require specific quality management systems (e.g. bank and insurance)
Describe the historical development of quality management.
Quality Management started with the focus on product quality only, whereas it now focuses on the entire production process
Describe the Deming Cycle.
The Deming (or PDCA) cycle is the basis for continuous improvement.
Which phases does the PMI define for Quality Management?
Plan Quality Management
Perform Quality Management (Quality Assurance) → Outside the project
Perform Quality Control → Inside the project
What is a quality management plan?
(Quality Planning)
The quality management plan describes how the quality policy of the company is implemented for the particular project
Possible inputs from the quality policy:
Standards to be followed
Document types
Number and type of audits
Content of the Quality Management Plan
Tasks and responsibilities
Quality control and assurance activities
Approaches to continuous process improvement
How can a cost-benefit-analysis support quality planning?
A Cost-Benefit analysis helps to decide which quality activities should be planned
Quality Management is not directly value adding → cost-benefit-analysis needed
Costs: Cost of Quality (s. chapter 4.3 and below)
Less rework
Higher productivity
Increased stakeholder satisfaction
What are Costs of Quality?
Cost of Quality covers all costs occuring during the entire lifecycle of the product. They can be categorized in Cost of Conformance and Cost of Nonconformance
Cost of Conformance: Occur during the project period and serve to avoid poor quality
Prevention Costs: Build a quality product (e.g. Training)
Appraisal Costs: Assess the quality (e.g. Testing)
Cost of Nonconformance: Occur after the project period and serve to improve poor quality
Internal Failure Cost: Failures found by the project (e.g. rework)
External Failure Cost : Failures found by the customer. (e.g. liabilities)
What is Quality Management/Quality Assurance?
Quality Management uses data and result from Quality control (step 3) to reflect the overall quality status of the project to the stakeholders
Happens outside the project
Typical Tool: Audit
What is an audit?
A systematic, independent process to capture and evaluate evidence to determine to which extent audit criteria are fulfilled
What is Quality Control?
Quality control is the process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality management activities (which were planned in step 1)
Happens inside of the project
Execute the planned quality management activities (→ measurement instrument in the project process, s. first chapter)
Performed throughout the entire project
Ensures that project outputs are complete, correct and meet customers’ expectations
Identifies the causes of quality defects in products and processes
Can lead to Change Requests and project plan updates
What are tools and techniques for quality control?
Data gathering
Data analysis
Data representation
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