Specific Fuel consumption
Thrust specific fuel consumption
TSFC = FF / Thrust
Specific Range
nautical air miles flown per unit mass of fuel
prop aeroplane:
with increasing density alitutde
SR stays constant or increases slightly up to the full throttle height
Performance Class A
takeoff flight path … obstacle clearance
bank angle greater 15 degrees
bank angle less than 15 degrees
more than 15 degrees: 50ft clearance
less than 15 degrees: 35ft clearance
multi engine aircraft class B minimum gross gradient of climb after balked landing
Class A balked landing climb gradient min
Gear extended
all eng. TOGA
CS23 single engine
speed 50ft takeoff
landing vRef
vR rotation speed -> pilot makes input
vR = Vs1
speed t/o 50ft: 1,2*vs1
vRef = 1,3 * vs0
CS23 multi engine
vR min speed
v2 takeoff saftey speed
must not be less than the greater of
v2, must be the highest of:
1,1 vMC
1,2 Vs1
vs1 -> stall speed for the given configuration
Landing distance CS23 (?)
dry paved surface
all surfaces wet
grass up to 20cm
Correction Factors
upslope: correction factor: 1,0
downslope: 5% for each percent downslope
dry: no correction factor
wet: 1,15
grass: 1,15
Regulation Factor:
Take off CS 23 correction factors
paved runway
paved RWY wet or dry: correction factor 1,0
dry: correction factor 1,2
wet: correction factor 1,3
upslope: increase TOD by 5% for each 1% upslope
downslope: 1,0
Takeoff CS23 regulation factors field lengths
no SWY / no CWY:
TOR = 1,00
TOD = 1,15
ASD = 1,30
imoingment drag / displacement drag
displacement drag: resisting forward movement of the wheel
impingment drag: spray striking the gear etc. -> additoinal drag
pinge -> zwicken
Climb Segments Performance Class A
-> for determining obstacle clearances
Segment 1: Gear up
starts when passing the screen height and ends with gear up
Segment 2 climb to acceleration altitude
starts at the point when the landing gear is fully retracted.
ends where the aeroplane starts the acceleration to the retraction speed
-> bank angle max. 15degrees max 20
Segment 3: acceleration and flap retraction
starts min. 400ft AGL
starts at the point where the aeroplane’s pitch is reduced for acceleration
ends where the flaps up and final take off speed is reached
-> bank angle not more than 25degrees max 30
Final Segment: Climb in the en route configuration
maximum continous thrust
starts where the enroute configuration is reached
ends at the point at which a height of 1500ft above RWY elevation is reached
-> bank angle max 25
one engine inop
reduced / flex
takeoff thrust
derated T/O thrust
wie wenn der engine weniger Leistung hat -> all applicable performance requireemnts are met with the lower thrust setting
thrust setting als operating limit
vmcg and vmca are calculated for the derated thrust setting, so TOGA cannot be just applied
only way to reduce vMCG
only one option permitted in case of contaminated RWY
reduced FLEX T/O thrust
thrust setting perameter is not a takeoff operating limit (?)
in case of engine failure -> TOGA
using an assumed temp
vMCG und Vmca are calculated for the max thrust
may not be used in the following cases
icy / very slippery RWY
contaminated RWY
anti skid inop
Reverse inop
oncerased v2 proc
engine power maangement inop
not rec wind shear sit
maximum environmental temp 55degr.
screen heights Class A
takeoff wet 15ft
takeoff dry 35ft
screen heights Class B
dry/wet: 50ft
dry wet: 50ft
rigid: add 5% for occasional operation
flexibel: add 10% for occasional operation
DAs muss auf den PCN wert gerechent werden!!!!
also PCN *1.1
wenn das dann größer/gleich AC -> passt
CS 25
takeoff distance
all engines
engine failure
The TOD is the geater of:
the all engines take off distance
engine fialure takeoff distance
All engines T/O distance
distance brake release to screen height (35ft) *1,15
immer 35ft
Engine Failure T/O distance
engine failure at Vef
climb to a screen height of
35 ft dry RWY
15ft wet RWY
takeoff run
Take off run is the greater of
the all engines takeoff run
one engine out t/o run
distance from brake release to lift off
plus half the distance from liftoff to the screen height
engine failure - dry
same distance but without saftey factor
engine failure - wet
TOR eng failure wet = TOD engine failure wet
TOD wet muss kleiner sein als TORA
CS 25 accelerated stop distance
Again the the larger from the two
ASD with the failure of the critical engine
distance to vef all engines
distance from Vef to V1 with one engine inop
distance of a transition segment (2sec)
distance to apply rakes, spoilers, idle reverse
distance required to decelerate and stop
ASD with all engines operating
distance to reach v1
distance of a transition segment 2sec
distance required to decelrate to full stop with idle
reverse can be considered on wet or contaminated RWYs
Balanced V1
engine failure TOD = accelerated stop distance
TODR is equal to ASDr
not available distances!!!
required distances!!!!!
wenn RWY wet -> accelerated stop distance required increases field becomes inbalanced
gross climb gradients climb segments CS25
segment 1, 2, 3 for two engines
segment 1, 2, 3 for three engines
segment 1, 2, 3 for four engines
factor gross -> net
hier geht es um die climb requirements unabhängig von obstacles
two engines:
segment 1: >0,0%
segment 2: 2,4%
segment 3: 1,2%
three engines:
sgement 1: 0,3%
segment 2: 2,7%
segment 3: 1,5%
four engines:
segment 1: 0,5%
segment 2: 3,0%
segment 3: 1,7%
gross -> net hier geht es um die obstacle clearance
2eng: - 0,8%
3eng: -0,9%
4eng: -1,0%
-> these climb gradients are relevant for the PLTOM climb
-> Windunabhängog
> obstacles sind nur bei der PTOM O relevant wo die 35 bzw 50 fr geschafft werden müssen
v2min speeds
2 -3 engine turbo props
4 engine tubo prop
v2 min speeds relating to Vmca
turbo jets = 1,13 vSR
2 -3 engine turbo prop = 1,13 vsR
4 engine turbo prop = 1,08 vSR
relating to Vmca
v2min = 1,1 Vmca
calculate TODA
CWY darf maximal halb so lang sien wie TORA
service ceiling
jet aeroplanes
propeller aeroplanes
-> the service ceiling is the altitude at which the rate of climb reduces to a specific value.
jet aeroplane: 500fpm
propeller: 1000fpm
high altitude -> lower flap setting
-> because less power available.
higher flap setting leads to a higher parasite drag
vMC with regards to altitude if everything else remains unchanged
vMC increases with decreasing altitude
-> hier ist immer die Entwicklung des vorhandenen Thrust ausschlaggebend -> sinken -> mehr Ta weil Luft dichter
Obstacle Clearance - Regulatory minimum
Class A
Class B
net takeoff flight path must clear all obstacles by a vertical margin of
Class A 35ft
Class B 50ft
? if the aeroplane is unable to do so, it must turn away from the obstacle and clear it by a orizontal distance of at least
wingspan <60m
60m + half the wingspan + 0.125 *D
wingspan >60m
90m + 0.125 * D
=> the maximum semi width for an aeroplane not turning more than 15degr. 300m
Class B twin engine aircraft obstacle clearance calculation
from 50ft (end of TODR) to the cloud base, the gradient is to be “all engines gradient * 0,77”
when visual reference is lost for obstacle aviodance (when cloudbase is reached)
critical power unit becomes inop
OEI climb gradient
Determining landing Distance
dry RWY
Landing must be performed within
60%LDA for jet aeroplanes
70 % LDA for turbo prop aeroplanes
wet RWY:
LDA must be at least 115% of the required dry landing distance
Optimum Cruising Altitude
Altitude at which an aeroplane rechaes its max SR for a given flight procedure
increaes with decreasing mach number
min margin of vREF above vSR0
vSR0 * 1,3 = vREF (?)
vSR0 * 1,23 = vREF
1 imp Gallon in Liter
4,546 l = 1 impgallon
3,78l = 1 USG
Specif iendurance
= 1 / fuel flow
enroute descent
net descent gradient +0,5% of gross
Performance Class B
multi engined min climb gradient all engine takeoff
minimum width clearway
factor from gross to net in case of in flight engine failure
Single engine PErf. Class B
Descent gradient um 0,5% steiler machen
class B takeoff performance two engines
“what will be the the vertical clearance over the obstacle?” 325713 -> 4% gradient benutzen
“What is the regulatory minimum distance between the aircraft and the obstacle?” -> 50ft
higher mass -> influence on T/O speeds
higher mass -> higher vR
-> man brauch mehr Geschwindigkeit für den Start
nicht zu kompliziert denken
Descent at constant
how does the descend angle evlolve
constant mach:
descend angle decreases, because
Tas increases as mach is constand
q increases and therefore drag increases
=> higher descend angle (D-T)…
at constant IAS
Drag constant -> descend angle constant
no turns shall be made during takeoff
below 50ft or half the wingspan whichever is higher
Reference stall speed
-> beziehen sich immer auf vs1g -> immer L >= weight !
drift down
“enroute phase of the net flight path”
one engine inop:
The gradient of the net flight path must be postive at at least 1000ft avooce all terrain and obstruction within 5NM of either side of the route
if not possible -> drift down procedure -> 2000ft net flight path clearance
1.3 g altitude
aka recommended maximum
maximum altitude
change of crossover altitude
250 / M0.75 to 250 / M0.78
> means that our crossover altitude must have changed!!!!
die beiden Geschwindigkeiten korrespondieren mit einer Höhe, bei der beide Werte gleich sind
Density Altitude
altitude at which a specific density is found
high density altitude -> low density
vMC or vSR limiting
low alititude
high altitude:
-> vSR limiting
low altitude
-> vMC limiting
Performance Class B net takeoff flight path
starts at 50ft ends at 1500ft
effect of an engine failure multi engined pston steady climb on vX
vX increases
Drift Down Strategies
obstacle strategy:
decelerate to vMD before commencing the descent
glide requirement commercial
single engine
in the vent of a failure, glide to a forced landing area and arrive 1000ft above the area
welcher Graph für turbo prop
für alle prop immer power kurve
propeller es geht nur um PROPELLLLLER
Maximum Range Cruise speed is a …
EAS for all altitudes
reverse thrust where not allowed for performance evaluation
not allowed in case of ASD calculation
egal for landing distance
achtung bei buffet
buffet ist nicht buffet margin
ground speed = ground path
min. width clearway
SR evolvement with altitude
increases slightly up to the full throttle altitude then decresase
establishing tire speed limits consideration
rotation rate of tyre and air temp
uphill slope
increases TOD more than ASD
at constant mach number the fuel flow
decreases in proportion to the ambient pressure at constant temp
LRC -> long range cruise speed
bei den climb segments von Class A aircraft. Was ist zu beachten?
one engine out!!!!!!
upslope RWY
increases TOD und ASD
nur die eigentliche stopping distance wird kürzer
long range cruise is
a IAS/TAS figure
bei den ganzen v1 fragen immer an den Fall der engine failure denken!!!!!!
v1 and the 2 seconds
braking is assumed to start immediately at V1
but for the calculation of the ASDr it is assumed that between V1 and the actual abortion of takeoff, 2 seconds pass
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