Whether indi is biologically m or f
The social or psychological characteristics of males or females
Sex-role sterotypes
Types of qualities and characteristics seen as app for each sex
Co-existence of m and f characteristics within same indi
Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI)
Self-report measure of masculinity, femininity and gender roles
Structures of nucleic acids and proteins found in nucleus of living cells that contain genetic info
Chemical messengers released into bloodstream from glands
Steroid hormone stimulates dev of m secondary sexual characteristics
Group steroid hormones promotes dev and maintenance of f characteristics
Polypeptide hormone acts also as neurotransmitter that controls key aspects of reproductive system
Kleinfelter’s syndrome
Chromosomal condition affects m physical and cog dev
Turner’s syndrome
Chromosomal condition affects f physical dev
Kohlberg’s theory
Exp of gend dev that perceives children as developing an understanding of gend in stages, with gender role beh only apparent after an understanding emerges that gender is fixed and constant
Gender schema theory
Exp of gend dev sees gend identity alone as providing children with motivation to assume sex-typed beh patterns
Oedipus complex
Arousal in boys of an unconscious sexual desire for their M and fear/dislikfe for their F
Freud’s psychodynamic theory of gend development
Exp of gend dev that sees gend identity and roles as aquired during phallic stage where focus of libido moves to genitals
Electra complex
Arousal in girls of an uconscious sexual desire for their F and dislkie of their M
Process of aquiring characteristics of same sex parent
Incorporation of same sex parent into and indi’s personality
Exp that sees gend dev as occuring through observation and imitation of models
Influence of media
Effect of society on gend dev
Gender identity disorder
Condition where external sex characteristics of body are perceived as opp to psychological experience of oneself
Social exp’s for gender identity disorder
Perception that disorder is condition learned via socialisation processes
Bio exp’s for gender identity disorder
Perception disorder is psychologically determined
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