useful phrases : characterization
It is quite apparent that (offensichtlich)
Since … is portrayed as a …, … can be called …
This behaviour clearly indicates that
… appears to be
… seems to be
adjectives : characterization
humble (marked by modesty, not arrogant or prideful)
resourceful (imaginative > einfallsreich)
loyal (steadfast in allegiance or duty)
gullible (naive and easily deceived)
considerate (showing concern for the feelings of others)
carefree (without trouble or worry)
studious (fleißig)
mischievous (boshaft)
conceited (eingebildet)
direct / indirect
direct : explicit
tells conclusive details about a character to the reader with little or no ambiguity (Mehrdeutigkeit)
author is stating a definitive fact about the character
indirect: implicit
reveals details about a character without stating them explicitly
subtle descriptions leave some things up to the reader's imagination
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