culture definition - Hofstede
Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another.
What are the elements that define culture in your opinion?
Following factors are accepted to be the most important:
it provides diversity
it also provides the basis for transcultural similarities
verbal and non-verbal
number of speakers
the extent and depth of a country`s education
well-trained people
(Barrow, 2011)
further important factors for culture
Manners and customs:
It is an important part of communication
so-called “basic-customs” must be followed
Aestetics & technology
attitudes towards beaty or good
level of technology varies in different cultures
Institutions & values
social institutions influence behaviour in business
values help to determine rightness or wrongness
(Hollensen, 2004)
Basic convictions that people have
right and wrong
good and bad
important and unimportant
Learaned from the culture in which the individual is reared
Influence one´s behaviour
The onion model of culture
ca 30 minuten besprochen
usa, italien, china und mexico wurden vorgestellt
Iceberg model of culture
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Cultural Intelligence, Cultural Quotient, CQ
CQ refers to the capability to relate and work effectively across cultures which has behavioral, motivational, and metacognitive aspects.
CQ = a persons capability to adapt as he or she interacts with others from different cultural regions.
Originally, the term cultural intelligence and the abbreviation “CQ” was developed by the research done by David Livermore, Linn Van Dyne, and Soon Ang as a research-based way of meaning and predicting intercultural performance.
CQ is assessed using the academically validated assessment created by Linn Van Dyne and Soon Ang.
Both self-assessments and multi-rater assessments are available through the Cultural Intelligence Center in East Lansing.
Understanding stereotypes helpf:
Discuss in your group sterotypes about the country selected when doing business in an intercultural environment.
10 Minuten in teams.
Japan ( Alex, Max, Tristan )
personal relationships: distant, polite, traditional
time behaviour: on time, punctual, no time wasting, efficiency is key,
social aspects: mangas, traditional clothing, pop culture, eating with chop sticks, eating sushi, street food, eating insects,
communication style: indirect, quiet, not straight forward, no long argumentation in discussions,
15 Minuten besprechung.
Stereotype of germany
10 minuten besprechen in teams
personal relationships: very direct,
time behaviour: no time wasting,
social aspects:
communication style:
what can we learn from each others?
learn from japanese:
respects towards each others, work culture, efficiency, minimalism, being polite and patient, thinking about karma, be good - to recieve good,
learn from the polish:
enjoy parties, working hard, blue collar,
what can we learn from the french: clothing culture, design, protest culture,
what can we learn from the spanish: value your own family, celebrate accomplishments, to be more friendly and smile more, share food,
what can we learn from the germans
highly educated
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