Which 4 point states the energy chapter of the TFEU
ensure the functioning of the energy market;
ensure security of energy supply in the Union;
promote energy efficiency and energy saving and the development of new and renewable forms of energy; and
promote the interconnection of energy networks
Road map 2050
Long-term strategy to underpin EU climatetarget: Full decarbonisation of EU economy(minus 80-95% GHG emissions)
Five long-term scenarios for energypathways
Including all energy carriers (e.g. nuclearand CCS)
RES and EE are no regret options
Strong electrification needs marketliberalisation & infrastructure
EU Energy Union strategy
Security of supply
Moderating energy demand#
Market integration
European Green Deal (2019-2024)
5-Year-framework of the Von der Leyen-Commission
Aim: Carbon neutral by 2050 ->All options have to betaken (no more choice!)
Environment & economic strategy(„Green growth“)
Circular economy & Resources
Just transition („leaving no one behind“)
Energy Efficiency targets: 2020
Based on 2005 Green Paper: March 2007 Council agrees on 20-20-20 to be met by end of 2020
Energy efficiency is different:
Non-binding (unlike RES, GHG)
Formulated against projections for 2020 by 2007 run of PRIMES energy model)
Formulated in a „weird“ manner: improve energy efficiency so in line with the 20% energysaving potential identified in the Green Paper“
Unclear what it really relates to: Primary energy (with or without non-energy uses), final energy,energy intensity
Energy Efficiency targets: 2012
Energy Efficiency Directive
Article 3 fixes target in absolute terms (both in primary & final energy)
Member States have to deliver national targets to support EU target
National targets can be formulated in PEC; FEC; intensity, but need to be notified interms of absolute 2020 PEC and FEC impacts
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