Legal framework for EE policies
Building energy consumption - Stylized EU profile
~40% of EU FEC in buildings
~40% of EU GHG emissions
~79% of EU building stock estimatedto be „energy in-effcient“
Buildings: Regulatory challenges
Different handling of new buildings andexisting buildings
Difference between ‘designed’ and ‘built’
Indoor air quality
Behavioural aspects
Integration of the building andneighbourhood
Integration of legislation
Buildings: Energy Performance of Buildings Directives - Basic regulations
First in 2004; revised in 2010 and 2018
Minimum standards for new buildings
Existing buildings: refurbishment requirements
Energy certificates
Nearly zero energy buidlings: Public sectorstarts 31/12/2018; all new builts 31/12/2020
Orientation at cost optimal implementation
Buildings: Energy Performance of Buildings Directives - 2018 Updates
Energy poverty and affordability of housing
'Smartness' of the building
Office buildings
Linking with Renewable Energies
Further linkings (wall-boxes for e-mobility)
Links between the EPBD and district and citylevels, smart cities
Awareness, information and building data
Operational management and maintenance
EU Labelling - Energy using products
Regulation: EU standards apply directly in common market
Testing of products and provision of data
Standardised testing procedures
Labels and technical information must be displayed publicly
Member States need to monitor and evaluate implementation (DE: Federal states)
Review of energy labelling 2017
Top classes are becoming or havealready become overpopulated.
Introduction of A+ to A+++ classeshas given temporary respite but is nolonger sustainable.
A+ to A+++ classes are less effectivein stimulating more efficientpurchases.
Consumers do not know that bottomclasses are empty.
Eco-design: Minimum efficiency standards
Product groups in individual regulations
Started off with light bulbs
15 product groups by now, Eco-design work plan
Voluntary agreements are possible to avoidregulation
Close cooperation with industry to get technicalspecifications right („Eco-design Committee“)
Banned products must not be circulated (sold,gifted, imported) in the common market
Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)
Article 7 EED
Follows logic of 2006 Energy Service Directive: Save end energy & demonstrate it
Member States to oblige energy suppliers to save energy with their customers in the range of1.5% of energy sales (against reference period)
Now updated to 0.8% final energy consumption for 2020-2030
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