What is a equity?
share or owner security
certification of a co owner ship to a stock company
How do equities distinct?
scope of the shareholder rights
transfer options equities
method of dividing the authorized capital
How do equities offer the owner income?
dividend distribtuion
price gains
What are asset rights?
are the rights of a shareholder reveives
What are 3 particular asset rights of a shareholder?
Entitlement to dividends provided a dividend is paid out
Entitlement to supplementary and bonus shares
Entitlement to a subscription right in the event of a capital increase
What is a subscription right?
the subscription right is the compensation for new issued shares
What are management rights ?
rights that enables the shareholder to exercise his interest as a shareholder
What are particular management rights?
right to attend the general meeting
right of the information of the general meeting
right to participate in votes (voting right)
What is the difference between Bearer shares and registered shares with restricted transferibilty
Baerer shares are:
Transfered shares is not linked to the approval of the company
commpany cannot influence who is part of shareholders
Registered shares:
have the name of the person or entity (common to know something about the shareholders age, residency)
restricted transferibilty:
approval of the company
stock company can influence who is part of the group
What are preference shares?
equipped with preferential right
distribution of profits
case of insolvency
issued with or without voting rights
used to obtain equity and stay the votings powers as they are
What is more practical the PCF or PER?
PCF is more practical because it shows the real cash and not only the earnings
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