Concentration of Green Finance
Green Finance can be specifically referred to the financial stocks and flows aiming atthe supporting the achievement of the environmental-related SDG
Climate Finance
focusing on climate action
Sustainable finance
may be considered to embrace all the SDG
Definition Green Finance - OECD
Green finance is finance for achieving economic growth while reducing pollution andgreenhouse gas emissions, minimising waste and improving efficiency in the use of naturalresources.
Definition Green Finance - People´s Bank of China
Green finance policy refers to a series of policy and institutionalarrangements to attract private capital investments into green industries such asenvironmental protection, energy conservation and clean energy through financial servicesincluding lending, private equity funds, bonds, shares and insurance.
Fully eligible sectors and activities for green funding
Energy transmission and storage Energy efficiency
Renewable energy
Green buildings
Agriculture and land use
Water management
Non-energy greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions
Eligible Sectors and activities for green funding on basis of stricter interpretation of their positive environmental impact
Waste-to-energy systems
Electric and hybrid vehicles
Ecotourism or climate resilient infrastructures
Some sectors and activities need more work and analysis to determine the eligibility for green funding
Nuclear energy
Diesel railways
Bioenergy feedstock production
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