VOR maintenance: FMD 3rd TUE // SNU 2nd THU // WGM 4th WED
Clearance earliest 15 min prior EOBT
LIFUS simulated Autoland 11/34 min WX: 2400m/600ft
Speed 160 to 4 if no instruction
Departure 205 IAS max first turn
Arrival uber der Stadt for RWY 34 FL100 bis 10 NM vor WW983 to be expected
when vacating, contact ground 121.705 (07R & 25L). ((129.505 (07L & 25R)))
Start-up-clearance DLV 121.605
DCL earliest 30 min prior TOBT
M4 / M5, R (07R & 25L) preferred Exit from RWY. ((L4 / L5 (25R & 07L)))
Expect Direct Hermsdorf shortly after departure
Calculate M7 / M3 intersection departure (high intensity traffic operation) (07R & 25L). ((L7 / L2 (25R & 07L)))
“Q”-SIDs RWY 07R conventional navigation until passing 600 ft recommended in order to avoid start of turn below 600 ft
Request push-back and start-up within TSAT +/- 5 min
NADP 1650/3150
expect intersection Take-off (see AGC)
LVP when RVR<800m or Ceiling<200ft
Speeds during approach: >220 IAF until LOC-intercept. // >160 until OM or 4NM
Request Start-up from DLV TSAT +/- 5min
After Start-up approval request push-back on ground
NAP A 1500/3000 bzw 1680/3180
clearance from DLV earliest 10 min prior eng start
Req push-back and start-up from ground with parking stand info
No intersection T/O when VIS is less than 5km
Confirm taxiway for vacating prior landing if possible
door code 4210
NADP 1 (1000/3000) bzw 1120/3120
DCL earliest 30 minutes prior TOBT
DLV fully ready
Ground push-back
check G/A acceleration altitude (see IAC) 3800 ft
Check G/A gradient for RWY 15
NADP1 1900/3900 ??
call Ramp 121.725 when ready for clearance, start-up and push-back (state flight number, destination, gate and ATIS)
210 IAS 12 Nm // 180 8 NM. // 160 4NM
DLK earliest 25 before EOBT
16L/34R landing: expect “Standard 1: monitor ground, taxi D, hold short EG
Check STAR to IAF expected mileage in AOI
Standard taxi routes for departure check AOI
11/07/20 O/OF320A
Check radar minimum terrain clearance sectors/altitudes and minimum crossing altitudes before accepting radar vectors
220 base // 180 bis glide capture // 160 bis 4 DME
Prepare apron frequency on arrival with expected aircraft stand because ground will not state the frequency
RWYS 09L/R & 27 R&L Minimum vert speed 1300 until reaching cleared altitude
DLK at TOBT -15
NADP 1 (if possible: 1500/3000 AAL)
APU prior departure 10 min before TOBT with air cond & 30 min prior without air cond
APU after arrival 5 min / 20 min without air cond available
Ice shedding necessary -> state at first contact with delivery
DLK TOBT - 15 available
departure contact Radar passing 2000 ft
NADP 1 recommended (1000/3000)
Door code QQYY (quarter year)
APU Max 15 min before dep ( exception OAT < 5 / > 25 ==> 30 min before dep) and 10 min after arrival
From HLDG Max 220, Base Max 180 IAS, 180-160 when established, 160 to 4 DME
Initial call TWR: call sign, distance, approach, RWY
NADP2 (1090 / 1090)
Hold over LAM if not cleared otherwise (recommended flight plan till LAM, Holding and final approach)
Initial call TWR additionally state distance from Threshold
Continuous descent below 6000 ft mandatory
Delivery initial call call sign + stand+ type+ QNH+ ATIS
Ready not earlier/later than 5 min +/- TOBT
DCL earliest TOBT -25
GenDECs for layover
Door code 2305A
220-250 after IAF
180 on final intcpt HDG
180-160 until 4 DME
APP & ARR call sign only // TWR call sign & RWY
Contact GND immediately when vacating
initial call Director call sign only
Contact GND immediately when RWY vacated
50 degrees or less intercept HDG intercept final even if not cleared
Initial contact with apron before Dep. : Position and ready to taxi
DCL AB 30 min prior TOBT
Beliebige Karte um Tür von innen zu öffnen, von außen offen
APU EARLIEST 5 Minutes prior TOBT
Dispatch landing performance rechnen wegen GA-gradient und tankering
Special EFP vorher anschauen
APU 5 Max 5 min nach on-block / Max 5 min vor Off-Block
160 till OM
DCL ab EOBT -25
Door code 1590
NADP 1500/3500 AAL
DLK 30 min prior TOBT avail.
FMS NAV mode may order first turn in SID too early (below 410ft) - use HDG or brief later turn! But pay attention to SID restraints in order to not turn too late!
contact Cairo 5 min prior entry point (only call-sign @ initial contact)
05L/23R ILS not coded in FMS - use conventional tuning
Check seals on board
Contact delivery early (~5 minutes prior ready) to receive ATC clearance on time
Within 15 NM Terr P/B off (GPS-jamming)
Don’t plan RNAV Approach due to GPS-jamming
Datalink ATIS per NOTAM inop at the moment
Max 160 IAS at 5 DME
See AOI initial call content before start-up
check Ercan procedure
Alternate LCPH limited capacity (14 stands)
GPU 50€/30 min
Standard vacate via E
Contact ground upon vacating
Clearance req min 10 prior ready - state additionally ac type and stand
Code 2017/2017A
220 below 5000 // 180@8 // 160@ 6
APU Max 15 min after parking // max 15 min prior start up
CLR from DLV earliest 10 min prior Start up
NAP 1800/3300;
DCL earliest 30 before TOBT
2900/4500 NAP
220 below 5000 / 180 @ 8 // 160 @ 6
CLR Earliest 10 min prior Start up
APU 15 min prior EOBT allowed
1800/3300 NAP
Ops freq: 131.875
first contact with DLV: a/c-type, stand, ATIS
DCL available from TOBT -30
APU 2 min after on block and 5 min before on block
Door code 6006006
210@12 , 180@9, 160@5
door code 2066
Zuletzt geändertvor 6 Monaten