The history of NSTP started with the creation of?
Commonwealth Act. of No. 1, otherwise known as National Defense Act.
Commonwealth Act. No. 1 required the?
Compulsory military training of all college students to take compulsory courses of military instructions.
Who appealed commonwealth Act. No. 1 on August 8, 1980?
President Ferdiannd Marcos
What is Presidential Decree No. 1706?
By President Ferdidand Marcos
Otherwise known as the National Service Law (RAN- 9163). The decree made it obligatory for all citizens to render national service.
What are the three programs included in Presidential Decree No? 1706?
Welfare Service
Law Enforcement/ Military Service
After the ouster of the former President Marcos, President Corazon C. Aquino suspended the implementation of the National Service Law except the provision on the Military Service through what Presidential Memorandum?
Presidential Memorandum Prder No. 1
The National Service Law became?
Basic Reserved Officer Training Corps (ROTC) effective for school year 1986- 1987.
In the year 1991, the implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of_____ modified the Basic ROTC course into expanded ROTC program.
Republic Act 7077
What is expanded ROTC program?
it offered two curriculum year's. In the first curriculum years, it consisted purely of basic military training, and any of the three service components such as Military Training Service (MTS), Civic Welfare Service (CWS), and Law Engorcement Service (LES) in the second curriculum year. *
The Expanded ROTC program aimed to?
address the clamor of students go be provided with options to fulfill their personal service obligations to the State other than military training by incorporating the concept of national service Law.
Male versus Female in Expanded ROTC program.
Male students enrolled in the initial baccalaureate degree programs must take and complete the Expanded ROTC course. Female students , on the other hand, may take it in an optional bais, and may then exempted from the required physical education subjects.
Expanded ROTC versus students enrolled in non-degree courses.
May not undertake the expanded ROTC program/ course.
What are the two hearings in making ROTC an optional course?
The Committee on Education, Arts, and Culture which was headed by Senator Renato Cayetano
The Committee on National Defense and Security, headed by Senator Ramon Magsaysag Jr.
conducted exhaustive dialogues with concerned government agencies like Commision on Higher Education (CHED); Department of National Defense (DND); Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP); and administrators, presidents, and student leaders of private and public schools.
What is Senate Bill 1824, which sponsored and co-sponsored by Senator Renato Cayetano and Senator Ramon Magasaysay Jr. ?
Senate Bill 1824 is entitled “ An act providing for an optional ROTC, establishing alternative nation service programs such as peacemaking a d community service in collegiate institution, and for other purposes.”
What is Republic Act? No. 9163?
RA 9163 also known as “An act establishing alternative National Service Training Program (NSTP) for tertiaryy level students, amending for the purpose of RA No. 1706, and for other purposes.
Who signed Repiblic Act No. 9163 into law?
It was signed by Gloria Macapagal Arroyoon January 23, 2002.
NSTP is compromised of three components. What are they?
Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
Literacy Training Service (LTS)
Reserved Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
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