Mass Balance
Storage = Input - Output + Production - Consumption
Factors influencing Process selection
Raw water quality
Contaminant removal / legal requirements
Process reliability, flexibility and complexity
Energy needs
Basis Transformations
Gas Exchange (Liquid <-> Gas): Aeration, Stripping
Chemical Reactions (Liquid <-> Liquid): Acid-base and Redox Reactions
Phase Transition (Dissolved <-> Undissolved): Precipitation, Adsorption
Liquid-Solid-Seperation (Suspended <-> Liquid): Screening, Sedimentation/ Flotation, Filtration
Proccess Categories
Physical Processes (Sedimentation/ Flotation/ Filtration)
refers to solid-liquid seperation in which no chemical changes occur
Sedimentation: settling of particles through a fluid under the influence of gravity - works best with relatively dense particles
Flotation: involves (1) generation of air bubbles, (2) contact between the air bubbles and the particles to be removed, (3) flotation of particles by the buoyant force created and (4) removal by skimming
Filtration: Process of removing solids from a fluid by passing it through a porous medium. The filter media are artificial membranes, granular materials or cartridges
Key parameter: settling velocity
Particles should be able to reach the bottom of the tank within the detention time, i.e. overcome the Height H
In a settling tank, all particles having a settling velocity greater or equal than the surface loading will be removed completely
Removal Efficiency: Particles size: 63 micrometer - efficiency depends on: surface loading rate, sludge loading rate, detention time, flow rate, flow regime, characteristics of the partciles suspension
Lamella Settler Clarifier
Shallow septh sedimentation
settling area is very large on account of the overlapping of the plates but occupies a relatively small plan area
Cake Filtration
Diatomaceous earth filtration
Slow sand filtration
Cross-flow filtration
Reverse Osmosis
Deep-bed filtration
Rapid sand filtration
Cartridge filters
Removal Mechanisms
Transport processes by which the partciles are brought into contact with the sand grains
Forces that hold the particles attached to the sand grains
Contaminants are removed due to chemical and microbiological oxidation (Schmutzdecke on top and biofilm on sand grains)
Filtration Spectrum
Chemical Processes (Precipitation/ Coagulation - Flocculation/ Disinfection/ Neutralization)
Process which change the compositiion or physical state of dissolved and suspended solids and involves chemical reactions
Precipitation: Process whereby a substance in solution is transformed into a solid phase (precipitate)
Coagulation - Flocculation: Destabilization and initial coalescing of colloidal particles by a adding a coagulant (positively charged). These chemicals ensure the aggregation of the suspended particles and form larger flocs
Disinfection: To kill or inactivate pathogenic microorganisms using disinfection methods (e.g. Chlorination)
Neutralization: A base or an acid is added to the fluid for pH control
Process in which soluble substances are removed from solution by the addition of a reagent with which they react to form a solid (precipitate)
This precipitate can then be removed by standard flocculation, sedimentation and/ or filtration process
Phase transition process
Coagulation/ Flocculation
Colloidal particles and very fine suspension are combined into larger agglomerations that can be seperated via phyisical processes
Reduce particle repulsion by adding positively charged ions (destabilization)
Favors initial coalescing of colloidal particles
No phase transition process
Most colloidal particles have a negative charge and therefore repeal each other
Chemicals are added to neutralize the negative charge on non-settleable solids
high energy, rapid-mix to properly disperse coagulant and promote particle collisions (1)
Stiring stron enough to cause particle collisions but not to strong as to break up particles
One cahrge is neutralized, small suspended particles are capable of sticking togehter - form slightly larger particles called microflocs (coagulation) (2)
Microflocs are brought into contact with each other through the process of slow mixing - collisions cause microflocs to bond and to produce larger pinflocs (3)
Organic polymers are added to enhance particle agglomeration
Large polymeric molecules have charged sites making flocs attach to the polymers (4)
Long polymer chains can interact with other particles forming “bridges”
To prevent floc from tearing apart or shearing, mixing velocity and energy are siminished as size of floc increase
Biological Processes
Processes by which organic matter can be biologically degraded if proper microbial communities are established, maintained and controlled
Process characteristics
Environmental conditions
Aerobic digestion (Oxygen rich environments; energy yield up to 36 ATP per 1 molecule Glucose)
Anaerobic digestion (reguires no oxygen; energy yield 2 ATP per 1 molecule Glucose)
Microbial growth
Suspended growth processes
Attached growth processes (Biofilm and Granular process)
Main groups of microorganisms
Heterothrofic organisms (Consumer: need organic substance for energy production and growth)
Autotrophic organisms (Producer: can use inorganic substance)
Aerobic Processes
Fixed Film Bio-Reactors
Aerobic granules (Nereda)
Nereda is an aerobic granular technology
Carbon Oxidation
Aerobic organic substrate removal in the presence of oxygen and by heterotrophic organisms
Heterotrophic organisms use organic material as the carbon source for boysynthesis - a fraction of the carbon source is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water (energy production), the remaining fraction is assimilated for cell growth
Organic compounds: e.g. Glucose, fats, alcohols (including carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), …)
Important oxidation reaction that occurs in some wastwater processes
Ammonia is transformed into nitrites and thes nitrites into nitrates
Microorganisms involved in these processes are chemoautotrophs:
Nitrosomonas - oxidation of ammonia to nitrites
Nitrobacter/ Nitrospira: Oxidation of the nitrites to nitrates
Consumption of free oxygen -> nitrogenous demand
Release of H+ -> consuming the alkalinity of the medium, reducin pH value
Nitrifying bacteria (autotrophic microorganisms) have a low growth rate compared to the heterotrophic bacteria
Factors influencing: pH value (near neutral), Temperature (mesophilic 30-36°C), Substrate availability, dissolved oxygen concentration, sludge age (8 to 10 days), C/N ratio
Microbial reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas without the presence of molecular oxygen (anoxic)
Broad range of bacteria can accomplish denitrification
denitrifying bacteria are facultative -> they can use oxygen and nitrate as an oxidant of organic matter
As heterothrophic bacteria they need a carbon source: intern (influent organic matter) or extern (methanol)
Denitrification removes nitrogen from the wastewater by converting it to insoluble gas that escapes to the atmosphere
Factors influencing: pH (7-8,5), Temperature (max. 40°C), availability of carbon and nitrate, dissolved oxygen concentration
Aerobic and Anoxic Metabolisms
Aerobic degradation
many heterothrophic bacteria
e-donator = BOD
e-acceptor = oxygen
Produciton of biomass: high
Sludge age: low
Anoxic degradation = Denitrification
Heterotrophic bacteria capable of denitrification
e-acceptor = nitrate
Production of biomass: suboptimal
Sludge age: medium
Removal of ammonium in two seperate processes:
First partial nitrification (nitration) of half of the ammonium to nitrite
Remaining ammonium and nitrite are converted to dinitrogen gas and 15% nitrate by anammox bacteria
Both processes can take place in one reactor where two groupd of bacteria form compact granules
Less energy production, less sludge production
High sludge age: required more than 20 days
Annamox bacteria are autotrophy
Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR)
Anaerobic Digestion
Break down organic compounds in the absence of oxygen
Energy-rich biogas is formed from organic matter in several steps
Essential steps for energy recovery in wastewater treatment plant
Anaerobic digestion occurs in four steps:
Biomass growth is much lower compared to those in the aerobic process
Process Overview WWTP
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