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Target of a Water Supply System
Provide water
1. in impeccable water quality
2. in sufficient quantity
3. with sufficient pressure
Every time and at any point in the supply area
Water Quality
Water is analyzed by testing its physical, chemical and microbial characteristics
The EU Standards:
The mcirobiological parameters, E. coli and Enterococci must be absent from samples
26 chemical parameters (e.g. arsenic, nickel, lead and presticides), are set because of their impact on human health
20 indicator parameters (e.g. chloride, sodium, taste, odor, turbidity) do not pose a direct threat to human health; nontheless, they have indirect relevance for water quality
further Developments
Updated list of standards includes 18 new or revised parameters: naturally occurring harmful substances such as uranium; emerging contaminants such as per-fluorinated compounds
Three disinfection bioproducts or distribution impurities such as chlorate and endocrine disrupting ompounds such as bisphenol A
Microplastics are addressed in the proposal as an issue of emerging concern
Drinking Water Quality Standards
Sources of Drinking Water
Surface water resources
Pounds and lakes
Streams and rivers/ bank filtration
Reservoirs/ Dams
Sub-surface sources/ Groundwater sources
Infiltration wells
Wells and Tube-wells
Alternative water sources
Rainwater harvesting
Fog, Dew harvesting
Reclaimed water
Water Quantity Estimation
How much water will a system be required to deliver and to where, both today and in the future?
Domestic water consumption
water consumption share of different micro-components (-> individual uses within the house)
Average water consumption in Germany 111 l/(c*d)
Fluctuations in Rate of Demand
Seasonal (Qa), daily (Qd) and hourly (Qh) variations -> an adequate quantity of water must be available to meet the peak demand
Consumption/ Peak Factors
Design Considerations
Water Abstraction (Withdrawal)
Groundwater intake
Vertical: shallow dug wells, tube wells, boreholes
Horizontal: (infiltration galleries), radial collector wells, spring collection chambers
Surface water intake
Continuous draft from streams and lakes
River diversion -> water diverted into a channel
Direct intake by pumping
Water Treatment
Driking water quality criteria
1. Water free of disease-causing organisms
2. Water with harmful chemicals below defined thresholds and physical parameters within acceptable ranges
3. Aesthetically pleasing aspects, which is of concern to water suppliers because of consumers water safety perceptions
4. Water with radioactive compounds below defined thresholds
Unit Treatment Processes
Conventional Water Treatment Plant
Preliminary Treatment
Function: reduction of suspended solids load; subsequent unit treatment processes require low inflow turbities
No chemicals are required
Limited working parts and therefore robust
Requires frequent cleaning and maintenance
Ineffective removing fine particles
Coagulation/ Flocculation
Function: removal of collodial or very fine suspended particles; it affects removal efficiency of sedimentation/ granular filtration
Allows colloidal particles to be seperated from water
High operating costs of chemical addition
A failure or inefficiency in the coagulation process could result in an increased microbial load entering drinking water distribution
Function: to remove coarse, coagulated, flocculated particles and to some extent harmful substances
Simple design and operation
Less effective to remove fine particles and bacteria
Short-circuit currents reduce efficiency
Function: reduce the remaining suspended particles after sedimentation
Rapid sand filtration (flow rate up to 20 m/h)
Slow sand filtration (flow rates 0,1-0,3 m/h)
Membrane filtration (Micro-, Ultra-, Nanofiltration, Reverse Osmosis)
Consistent and effective barrier for particles and pathogens
Requires frequent cleaning anf maintenance
to inactivate waterborn pathogens
To achieve the necessary level of microbial risk reduction
Free Chlorine
Combined Chlorine (Chloramines)
Chlorine dioxide
UV-Light (240-290 nm)
Disinfection by-products are produced (THMs, Bromate, Chlorite)
Less effective against Cryptosporidium and Giardia
Distribution - technical boundary conditions
Pressurized pipe system
Conservation of energy
Resistance/ head losses
inversely proportional
Pressure Maintenance
System Concept Karlsruhe
Periods with little consumption
Low discharge
Little head losses
Filling of counter tank
Periods with high consumption
Great discharge
High head losses
System input from counter tank and pump station
Distribution Network Design
Piping arangements
Primary feeders (Main pipes) (1)
Secondary feeders (Branch) (2)
Distributor mains (3)
Layout of Distribution Networks
A) Dead-End System (Single Point Feed)
B) Grid-Iron System (Branching System)
C) Ring System (Pipe looped system)
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