Current Approach of Water Management
Linear systems -> use once and discharge
Drinking water used for all purposes
Inflexible Systems (centralized designs)
Stromwater viewed as waste (not as a resource)
Regulations are sometimes inflexible
Urbanization and Water Balance
Decrease in perviousness -> reduced infiltration -> increased surface run-off
“Imperviousness” can be used as a predictor of the urban impact on streams
Reduced lag time -> floods peak more rapidly
Higher peak discharges
Strongly reduced groundwater recharge
Morphology, habitat and aquatic life
Streamed down cutting or streambank widening
Channel erosion sediment budget (up)
Poor instream habitat quality, high water temperatures
Urban Waters
Urbanization alters flow regimes by introducing impervious surface to watersheds and influencing hydrologic and metabolic regimes
Changes in hydrologic regimes require adaptions of channel morphology (peak flow vs. base flow)
Urban waters take on large amoount of pollutions from a variety of sources (indistrial discharges, wastewater, stormwater runoff, mobile sources)
Urban water are increasingly used to improve attractiveness of newly developes cities
Urban water can provide numerouse positive side effects
Challenges in Urban Water Management
Water scarcity
Aging Infrastructuree
Competing water uses
Population grwoth
Principles “Integrated Urban Water Management”
Considering the entire water cycle as one system -> closing the “water loop”
Providing water fit for purposes -> industry, non-potable water
Assessing a portfolio of water sources -> stromwater, greywater
Maximize the benefits from wastewater -> employing innovative technologies to reclaim water, energy, biogas and nutrients
Considering the urban water cycle is closely linked to the watershed -> adaptive mechanisms to climate change (e.g. flood management, drought fighting)
Recognizing the importance and impacts of urban planning
Urban Water Balance
Working conditions in a natural system -> no urbanization
General water mass balance
Inflow - Outflow = Storage
Inflows: Precipitation, groundwater flowing into the catchment area
Outflows: evapotranspiration, runoff and grounwater flow exiting the area
Precipitation - Runoff - Groundwater Recharge - Evapotranspiration = Storage
Water Sensitive Development
Conventional devolpment results in
Water sensitve devlopment aims to enhance infiltration, evapotranspiration and capturing and reuse of stormwater in the urban environment
Several terms have been implemented in the last few decades
Low impact development
Sustainable (urban) drainage systems
Water sensitive (design) cities
Green infrastructures
Blue - Green Infrastructure
Sponge City
-> In General the concepts is to “restore” a city’s capacity to absorb, infiltrate, store, purify, drain and manage rainwater and “regulating” the water cycle as much as possible to mimic the natural hydrological cycle
Elements of Stormwater Management
Delayed discharge
Rainwater harvesting
Green Roof System
Runoff Reduction, Reduce Heating/ Cooling Costs
Rainwater stored in a lightweight engineered soil medium
Hardy, drought-resistance vegetation
Reduce runoff by 50 %
Reduce impervious area
Reduce “heat island” effect, improve air quality
Evapotranspiration and Infiltration
The exact amount of rainfal storage (and runoff reduction) will depend upon the depth and porosity of the planting bed
Infiltration Swales
Long dip, usually along road, acts as a channel for stormwater
Prevents water from flowing down impervious surfaces
Vegetation slows water down and filters out toxins?
Conveyance, Treatment, Infiltration
Roadside swales
Parking lots
Low-angle slopes only
Opportunity for snow storage
Bio-Retention - Delayed Discharge
Provides storage prior to treatment
Physical adhesion of contaminants within soils (suspended solids)
Evapotranspiration (Root uptake and evaporation)
Biological consumption of organics and pathogens
can involve infiltration or sub-drain connection dependant on soil and other sub-surface conditions
Increased routine time
Treatment, Infiltration
Parking lot island
Rain gardens
Median stripes
Rainwater Harvesting - Rain Barrels and Cisterns
Runoff reduction and Water Conservation
Collect rainwater
Downspouts directed to tanks or barrels
Landscaping, car washing, other non-potable uses
Alteration of Runoff Components
Infiltration scenario: increase of Groundwater recharge from 10mm/a to 200 mm/a
Green roof scenario: Increase of Evapotranspiration from 100 mm/a to 300mm/a
Quality Considerations
Roof runoff quality (20% of urban areas)
Roof runoff suspended solids concentration varies from 3-23 mg/l. For an annual roof of 4800 m3/(ha*a) a load varies between 14 and 110 kg /(ha*a)
Pollutants of concern are dissolved substances (biocides and heavy metals) washed out from roof materials
Street runoff quality (30% of urban areas)
Contributes to solids pollution in urban settings with loads up to 1000 kg/ha*a with traffic as the main source
mixed areas
The loads discharged into the surface water may give and indication for the development of thresholds values in quality standards
An average concentration of 50 mg/l result in an annual area specific load of 240 kg/ha*a
Prperties of “Urban” Solids
1. The fine fraction (clay + silt) heavily loaded and difficult to remove
2. The coarse mineral fraction (sand + gravel), always low or unloaded and very easy to remove
3. The coarse organic fraction (vegetation waste), significantly loaded and difficult to remove
Treatment Options
Sedimentation: settling solid contaminats by reducing the flow velocity (quality)
Filtration: physical straining of course solid contaminats through surface vegetation, adhesion to soil or filtration medium particles (quality)
Microbial breakdown of pathogenes and organics (quality)
Load reduction through evapotranspiration or infiltration. Effective results on widest range of stormwater contaminants (quanity, quality?)
Solutions for centralized and de-centralized application available
Key notes to Achieve and integrated Urban Water Management
Analysis, understanding and modelling processes and fluxes at urban water interface at various spatial scales
Understanding behavior and need of urban waters
Natural (physical) and technical system components need to be analyzed
Challenges related to the scales and dynamics of processes need to be addressed
Clear problem/ task definition
Involvement of all stakeholders with interests in urban water flows and water bodies
Development of integrated system models to provide best possible representation of system’s behavior and as a communication tool
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