System Analysis
is a problem-solving technique that allows the description, understanding and analysis of environmental compartments (systems) and their processes
System: is a set of interrelated objects (elements, parts) that fulfill a certain function
-> systems can be natural or artificial (man-made)
System Properties
System purpose: The system fulfills a certain function, i.e. it can be defined and recognized depending on the systems nature. For example, system activated sludge process -> biological wastewater treatment
System structure: The system has a characterisitc constellation of system elements that interact between each other to determine its function, purpose and identity. For example, system elements activated sludge process -> Aeration tank, secondary settling tank, …
System identity: A system loses its identity if its integrity is destroyed. A system therefore not divisible, i.e. the system purpose can no longer be fulfilled if one or several elements are removed
System Concept
System Boundaries
System boundaries depend on the purpose of the system description
Coupling to the environment is much weaker than the internal coupling in the system
Existing couplings to the environment are not functionally relevant
Inputs are not significantly affected by the system itself or by feedback of system output
State Variables
Describe completely the actual system state
Unit of measurement is not clearly defined (e.g. storage in reservoir -> Volume in m3, water level in m, rainfall in mm)
State variables cannot be computed directly from other known quantites n the system or its environment
Numer of state variables -> dimension of the system
Know about the past system behavior; recording variables, not processes
System Dynamics
RElated to exogenous influences on the system and feedback loops (i.e. state variables can influence ratet of change of state variables)
E.g. Reservoir with fixed inflow and outflow
Outflow is not necessarily a direct function of the inflow rate
For large inflow rates the current water level may be low or high
A correct description of the system: integration of inflow and outflow over a certain time period, initial value of the state variables has to be known for a certain point of time
Model Building process
Models Pros and Cons
No experiments on the original system are needed -> no threat to the real system
Models are just size -> can represent very small and very large things
Models produce results in shorter time periods with less money
System behavior, dynamics and some patterns are noticeable
Models can make test and predictions
Models are not the original -> uncertainties present
Models include some approximations
Models do not behave exactly like the things they represent
Models sometimes oversimplify the process leading to misunderstandings
Requirements to build a model
Conservation of mass
for any system closed to all transfers of matter and energy, mass can neither by created or destroyed
Continuity Equation
The rate at which mass enters a system is equal to the rate at which mass leaves the system
Ideal Reactors
Reactors are systems in which chemical, biological and physical processes (reactions) proceed in a controlled manner
In ideal reactors, transport and mixing processes can be exactly mathematically described
Ideal reactors are a theoretical concepts which is analyzed instead of the real-world system to be simulated
Reactors can be technical systems (constructed) or be applied to natural systems
Batch reactor
no inflow
no outflow
homogenous mixing
constant volume
Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor (CSTR)
Inflow and Outflow are equal
Stationary state
Volume constant
Well mixed
Measuring and Monitoring
In addition to suitable numerical methods (models), adequate and reliable data on water quality and substance flows are the most important input parameters for system analysis
Mass Flow in Urban Systems
Subsystem C - WWTP
The self-regulation Ordinance (EKVO) and the Wastewater Discharge Act (AbwAG) regulate the type and extent chemical/ biological tests to ensure proper plant operation
Testing conditions are optimal -> plant and operatinf conditions change slowly
Tests are conducted on site -> manual or continuous on-line monitoring
Data monitoring results are kept in data archive
-> Generally, an extensive database in regard to water volumes and concentrations
Monitoring accoridng to EKVO
Wastewater samples (usualy once per month)
influent after screens or grit chamber
Outflow of primary settling tank (without any return sludge)
Effluent of secondary settling tank or at plant effluent
Homogenized samle (aliquot) - COD, TOC, Ntot and Ptot
Filtered sample NH4-N, NO3-N and NO2-N
Original wastewater sample - pH-value, temperature and dissolved oxygen
Continous flow measurement
Flow Measurement in a WWTP
Magnetic flow meter
Measurement in a insulated, non-ferromagnetic tube
Generation of a magnetic field
Voltage generated (Ui) is proportional to the flow veloctiy
Subsystem A - Sewer Network
Self-regulation Ordinance (EKVO) requires solely visual inspection of inlet and outlet system components and regular monitoring of equipment operation (every 2 months or trimestral)
Regular and fixed monitoring testing fo not take place
Testing conditions are not adequate -> seasonal changes in flow and conenctrations
Testing campaigns are a result of specific thechnical problems
Data acquisition and data archive is non-existing
-> database in regard to water volumes and concentrations is not consistent
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