Intercultural communication takes place when...
...the sender and the receiver are from different cultures.
...the sender and thereceiver are from the same cultures.
...the sender and thereceiver are from the same generations.
...the sender and the receiver are from different generations.
Communication can be... action on others. interaction withothers.
... a reaction to others. action on others and/or an interaction with others and/or a reaction to others.
What does the narrow communication concept mean?
Communication between living organisms.
Communication between technical systems and/or machines and humans.
Communication between humans, based on common goals.
Communication between humans.
What generates the intercultural?
The cultural overlap.
The encounter of people belonging to different cultures.
The cultural understanding.
The encounter of people belonging to different nations.
What requirements are important to deal successfully in the situation of cultural overlap?
Requirements of own culture orientation.
Requirements of other culture orientation.
Requirements of intercultural orientation.
Requirements of own culture orientation, requirements of other culture orientation and requirements of intercultural orientation.
Who defined the term "intercultural communication"?
Robert Gibson
Geert Hofsteede
Edward T. Hall
William B. Gudykunst
a) Intercultural communication is important, because, b) globalization takes place, while the world population is growing and humans migrate around the world.
a) counts because b) counts.
a) counts and b) counts.
a) counts, b) does not count.
a) does not count, b) counts.
Which are the four different groups of communication models?
Encoder-/ decoder Models, Intentionalist Models, Perspective Taking Models, Dialogic Models
Encoder-/ decoder Models, Intentionalist Models, Perspective Taking Models, Technical Models
Dialogic Models, Intentionalist Models, Perspective Taking Models, Technical Models
Encoder-/ decoder Models, Intentionalist Models, Dialogical Models, Technical Models
Which model is an example for encoder-/ decoder models?
Technical communication model by Shannon and Weaver
Communication model by Grice
Rodger`s Rules for communication
Axioms of Communication
During the process of the Technical Communication Model by Shannon and Weaver the message is formed into signals. The signals should be adapted to the channel leading to the receiver. The a) signal is vulnerable because b) it is disturbed by noise.
Please read the following characteristics of the different types of models. Assign the characteristics to the model type correctly.
1) Communication is described as a linear, one way process.
2) High degree of practicality.
3) Communication is a cooperative endeavour.
4) A Comprehensive, socio- psychological-oriented model of human communication, that focuses on behavioural effects.
The Technical Communication Model by Shannon and Weaver
The Communication Model by Schultz von Thun
Grice`s Conversational Maxims
Which model deals not with the meaning of a message but with its sending and its receiving?
The Communication Model by Grice
Rodger`s Rules for Communication
Which model is an example for intentionalist models?
Which model is an example for perspective-taking models?
Which model is an example for dialogic models?
Which of the following possibilities cannot help to solve the misunderstanding on the relational and self-revelation level from the point of view of the Communication Model by Schultz von Thun?
Both communication partners have to communicate how a message is to be interpreted in order to agree on its underlying meaning.
The communication process has to be repeated.
Standardization of the communication processes.
Issue of the individuality of communication processes.
According to Schultz von Thun, every message contains four different components: Content, Relationship, Appeal and ...
Grice has argued that intentionality is intrinsic to the understanding of how messages function communicatively. According to Grice, a message can be considered intentional if and only if a)the speaker intended the message to create an effect (i.e., a belief) in the listener; because b)the speaker intended that effect to result from the listener`s recognition of that intention.
What are the Conversational Maxims?
Maxims of quality, Maxims of quantity, Maxims of relation, Maxims of manner
Maxims of quality, Maxims of quantity, Maxims of relation, Maxims of reality
Maxims of quality, Maxims of quantity, Maxims of reality, Maxims of manner
Maxims of quality, Maxims of reality, Maxims of relation, Maxims of manner
Which of the following statements is not considered as an advantage of the Axioms of Communication, according to Watzlawick et al.?
The Axioms of Communication is a circular communication process
Not a complete communication model
Feedback effects can influence the communication
The Axioms of Communication, according to Watzlawick, comprise 5 Axioms: Axiom #1: One cannot not communicate. Axiom #2: Every communication has a content and relationship aspect. Axiom #3:The relationship of the communication partners is established by the use of punctuation during encounters. Axiom #4: Human communication makes use of digital and analog modes of communication and Axiom #5:...
Please complete the 5th Axiom.
Communication is based on relationships.
Communication is based on symmetrical relationships.
Communication is based on complementary relationships.
Communication is based on
symmetrical and complementary relationships.
What distinguishes Dialogic Models from the other models (the Encoder-/Decoder Model, the Intentionalist Model, the Perspective-taking Model)?
Nothing distinguishes Dialogic Models from the other models. They all have the goal of communication to convey information.
For Dialogic Models the goal of communication is the achievement of inter-subjectivity.
For Dialogic Models the goal of communication is the achievement of objectivity.
Which of the following perceptual processes fits for the Western Culture?
Attention is broader
Holistic pattern
Which of the following perceptual processes fits for the Eastern Culture?
Attention is narrow
"The other-culture values and norms are willingly accepted and integrated into the own modus operandi. Tendencies to adapt to the other-culture values and norms can be so intense that the identification with one’s own culture pales as the wish to merge with the other culture intensifies."
This form of designating intercultural divergence describes the ...
Dominance aspect
Assimilation concept
Divergency concept
Synthesis concept
Stereotyping can be described as....
... a prediction of the properties of particular individuals.
... a statistical statement about a group.
... an evaluation depending strongly on culturally determined standards.
... a fixed notion about persons in a certain category, with no distinctions made among individuals.
What is the problem in the following example? A Japanese businessman is negotiating with a Norwegian partner. The Japanese says that the deal will be very difficult. The Norwegian asks how her company can help to solve the problems. The Japanese is puzzled by the question.
Please read the following statements: "Globalisation means that there is now one business culture everywhere in the world. If they want to do business with me then they`ll have to adapt to my culture.
When in Rome do as the Romans do." Please complete the sentence: These statements reflect some of the ....... which can create barriers to successful intercultural communication.
Which of the following statements describes culture shock?
It is a disease.
It is a defence reaction against the influences of a foreign culture.
It is a mental state, where suddenly all known values and behaviour patterns seem to have lost their validity for the individual in the foreign cultural environment.
It is a phase of interpersonal stress and conflict.
What stage of culture shock do you think the individual concerned is most likely to be in? Please answer for/ refer to the following statement: "We do that too, only in a different way.”
Which of the following phases is the first phase of culture shock?
Culture shock
What stage of culture shock do you think the individual concerned is most likely to be in? Please answer this for the following statement: "We would never do that where I come from."
What stage of culture shock do you think the individual concerned is most likely to be in? Please answer this for the following statement: "I cannot wait to tell about this."
What stage of culture shock do you think the individual concerned is most likely to be in? Please answer this for the following statement: "Why can`t they just wait?"
Communication is divided into areas. Please select these areas from the following:
A: Verbal Communication
B: Para-verbal communication
C: non-verbal communication.
A and B
A and C
A and B and C
Which one of the following groups is part of the non- verbal communication?
Eye contact, proxemics, body language, touch
Eye contact, proxemics, body language, intonation
Eye contact, proxemics, intonation, touch
Eye contact, intonation, body language, touch
Read the following two statements. Which of them would you consider correct?
A: High contact cultures are cultures that display considerable interpersonal closeness or immediacy, because people in these countries touch more, stand closer and prefer more sensory stimulation.
B: Low-contact cultures are cultures where people prefer more sensory involvement.
Please look at this picture. What does this gesture mean in Japan?
I`ll kill you!
In which of the following countries do you hug to indicate hello at the first meeting?
In which of the following countries do you not shake hands?
A: People in individualistic cultures are more distant.
B: People in collectivistic cultures have a more fixed social network.
Please read the following statement. What does it represent? “Power is seen as a basic fact in society and stress coercive or referent power. Control and influence is concentrated in the hands of a few.”
Low power distance cultures.
High power distance cultures.
Moderate power distance cultures.
Please read the following statement. What does it represent? “Power should be used only when it is legitimate, control and influence is equally distributed.”
Please read the following example. "The German marketing manager of a major car producer was finding it increasingly difficult to work in Japan. In meetings the Japanese colleagues hardly ever said anything. When they were asked if they agreed to his suggestions, they always said yes, but they did not do anything to follow up the ideas. The only time they opened up was in a bar in the evening but that was getting stressful as they seemed to expect him to go out with them regularly." Which part of Non-verbal Communication does this illustrate?
Power distance
Individualism - Collectivism
A: Low context communication relies mainly on the physical context or the relationship for information with little explicitly encoded.
B: In high context communication, the mass of information is vested in the explicit code.
Please read the following example: “After taking over a British investment bank, German bankers in the corporate finance department were surprised to find out, both that their British partners were earning considerably more than them and that the team was frequently changing, with senior staff being recruited by rival banks. Most of the German team had been in the Bank since the beginning of their careers and would not consider a change to a rival bank, even if they were offered more money.” Which part of Non-verbal Communication does this illustrate?
Uncertainty Avoidance
Which group of features represents weak uncertainty avoidance cultures?
Uncertainty is a normal feature of life, tolerance of innovative ideas and there should not be more rules than necessary.
Uncertainty is a normal feature of life, motivation by security and there should not be more rules than necessary.
Motivation by security, tolerance of innovative ideas and there should not be more rules than necessary.
Uncertainty is a normal feature of life, tolerance of innovative ideas and motivation by security.
Which one of the following countries is an example for a strong uncertainty avoidance culture?
Great Britain
Which group of features represents feminine cultures?
Relationships are important, both men and women deal with facts and feelings and conflicts are solved by compromise.
Relationships are important, both men and women deal with facts and feelings and material success is a dominant value.
Relationships are important, material success is a dominant value and conflicts are solved by compromise.
Material success is a dominant value, both men, women deal with facts and feelings, and conflicts are solved by compromise.
For the oral communication, there are three common rules for languages. These rules are…
... informative, phonetic and grammatical.
... phonetic, grammatical and semantic.
... phonetic, grammatical and informative.
... phonetic, informative and semantic.
Please complete the following sentence: ”... is a simple variation in pronunciation that occur when people are speaking the same language.”
Please complete the following sentence: “... is distinguished by differences in vocabulary, grammar, and even punctuation.”
Please complete the following sentence: “... is a private vocabulary peculiar to a co-culture or group.”
Please complete the following sentence: “... designates those terms, used in instances of extreme informality, which serve as a “means of marking social or linguistic identity.”
A: Linguistic universalism assumes that the structure of a language affects its speakers' worldview or cognition.
B: Linguistic universalism assumes that language is merely a reflection of human thought, and so all languages are significantly similar in their conceptual categories.
A: Linguistic relativity assumes that the structure of a language affects its speakers' worldview or cognition.
B: Functional relativism assumes that the particular form taken by the grammatical system of language is closely related to the social and personal needs that language is required to serve.
Please select from the following qualities, the quality which best describes the Arabic Speech Act.
Meanings are relatively well elaborated.
Over-assertiveness and over-expressiveness.
Under-assertiveness and under-expressiveness.
Indirectness is built on grammatical structures, the subjunctive and conditional moods.
Please select from the following qualities, the quality which best describes the Asian Speech Act.
Please select from the following qualities, the quality which best describes the Western Speech Act.
Suppression of confrontations or expressions of negative verbal messages.
Please read the following characteristics and assign them to the right communication styles.
1) direct, straightforward, quick decisions, large gestures, animated facial expressions, strong language
2) approachable, show empathy, promote harmony, use intuition, listen more than talk
3) talk about ideas rather than feelings, rational arguments, low body language, talk less think more
4) stay on track, logical order of discussion, practical and realistic communication, no waste of time, controlling
purposeful communication style
Theorist communication style
connector communication style
active communication style
A: Extroverts are motivated by their inner worlds.
B: Introverts are energised by outer worlds.
The EPRG-Model shows different management models for globally active companies. Who developed the EPRG- Model?
Howard V. Perlmutter
Paul Watzlawick
Friedemann Schutz von Thun
E.T. Hall
The EPRG-Model describes four different management approaches. Which one of the following does not belong to the EPRG-Model?
Ethnocentric approach
Regiocentric approach
Polycentric approach
Geocentric approach
Monocentric approach
Which of the following statements describes the ethnocentric approach according to the EPRG-Model?
Own cultural group is superior to others.
Building up a workforce of locals because they know best the region`s style, work style, etc.
Integrating qualified locals into the management team can be a successful strategy.
Which of the following statements describes the polycentric approach according to the EPRG-Model?
The same management style is used as in home country of the business concerned
Which of the following statements describes the geocentric approach according to the EPRG-Model?
Neither home nor host country are preferred.
Which of the following statements describes the regiocentric approach according to the EPRG-Model?
Standardisation within defined economic areas.
Read the following two statements. Which item would you consider correct?
A: Deal-focused people are fundamentally task-oriented.
B: Deal-focused people are people-oriented.
A: In deal-focused cultures, people are not open to do business with strangers.
B: In relationship-focused cultures, people prefer to deal with family, friends and persons or groups well known to them.
Which of the following regions belongs to relationship-focused cultures?
Northern Europe
North America
Latin America
In which of the following regions is it important to know the prospective business partners very well before talking business with them?
The Arab World
Which of the following regions belongs to deal-focused cultures?
the Arab World
In which of the following regions is it possible to make direct contact with potential buyers?
Which of the following regions belongs to formal cultures?
Which of the following regions belongs to informal cultures?
Arab World
Read the following two statements. Which of them would you consider correct? A: Formal cultures value status equality. B: Informal cultures are about status, hierarchies, power and respect.
Showing respect to the customer is important ...
… all over the world.
... in Europe.
... in Latin America.
... in Asia.
What is the gender barrier?
Women have to operate at an even greater disadvantage when trying to sell goods to strongly hierarchical buyers.
Young people of either sex have to operate at an even greater disadvantage when trying to sell goods to strongly hierarchical buyers.
Men and women of any age involved in international sales and marketing operate at an even greater disadvantage when trying to sell goods to strongly hierarchical buyers.
Which instructions are useful to help to overcome the youth barrier with hierarchical buyers?
Get introduced by an older man; be a true expert in your field or learn the local business protocol.
Make direct contact yourself; be a true expert in your field or learn the local business protocol.
Get introduced by an older man; make direct contact yourself or learn the local business protocol.
Get introduced by an older man; be a true expert in your field or make direct contact yourself.
A: In monochronic business cultures punctuality is critical, schedules are set in concrete, agendas are fixed and business meetings are rarely interrupted.
B: In polychronic business cultures, people place less emphasis on strict punctuality and are not obsessed with deadlines.
Which part of the World is considered to be a monochronic business culture?
Nordic Europe
Southeast Asia
Which part of the World is considered to be a polychronic business culture?
Read the following scenario. "A Malaysian business woman flew to the USA for an important conference scheduled for 10 am on a Monday. She arrived in Boston late that Sunday evening, had trouble falling asleep because of jet lag and overslept a little the next morning. On Monday, the Malay lady had difficulty finding the meeting location in her rental car, got lost and finally arrived well after lunch – four hours late for her meeting. The Americans she was supposed to meet came out of the conference room to tell her, “Oh sorry, right now we are in the middle of our afternoon meeting. And our calendar seems to be kind of full this week... Well, let`s see, can you make it for Wednesday of next week?” But since she had to be back in Kuala Lumpur by that date, she was never able to reschedule that important meeting. Back home she related that sad story as an example of how rude and scheduled- obsessed Americans can be: “So there I was inBoston, having flown half-way around the world just for a meeting. And those people did not even have the common decency to rearrange their schedule for a foreign visitor who was a little late. Can you believe it?”" What pattern of cross-cultural business behaviour does the scenario describe?
polychronic culture shock
shock monochronic culture
informal culture shock
formal culture shock
A: In reserved business cultures, people often speak quite loudly, engage in conversation overly and are uncomfortable with silence.
B: In expressive business cultures, people often speak quite loudly, engage in conversation overly and are uncomfortable with silence.
A: In reserved business cultures expect interpersonal distance of about an arm`s length and little physical contact aside from the handshake.
B: In expressive business cultures expect interpersonal distance of half arm`s length or less and considerable physical touching.
Please finish the following sentence: Touch behaviour is regarded as more proper in ...
… formal cultures
… informal cultures
… expressive cultures
… reserves cultures
Please finish the following sentence: Intense eye contact is more common in....
… Japan
… Korea
… Latin Europe
… Thailand
Read the following two statements. Which of them would you consider correct? A: In reserved business cultures, people avoid intense, continuous eye contact across the negotiating table. B: In reserved business cultures, people signal interest and sincerity by direct, even intense eye contact across the negotiating table.
Which part of the world is considered to be an expressive culture?
South Asia
Which part of the world is considered to be a reserved culture?
the mediterranean region
latin europe
eastern europe
Which of the following countries is relationship-focused, formal, polychronic and reserved?
Saudi Arabia
Which of the following countries is relationship-focused, formal, monochronic and reserved?
Which of the following countries is relationship-focused, formal, polychronic and expressive?
Which of the following countries is relationship-focused, formal, polychronic and variably expressive?
Which of the following countries is moderately deal-focused, formal, variable monochronic and expressive?
Which of the following countries is deal-focused, moderately formal, monochronic and reserved?
Which of the following characteristics does not fit for the United States of America?
Making direct contact with prospective business partners.
Get to the point promptly after meeting a potential business partner for the first time.
A key value is egalitarianism.
Entertaining and being entertained is an important way to build rapport.
Which of the following characteristics does not fit for the Baltic States?
Language of business is French.
Business meetings generally start on time; visitors are expected to be punctual.
Negotiating an agreement is likely to take longer than it would In Western Europe or North America. It takes time to build a climate of trust.
Which of the following characteristics does not fit for Germany?
Introduction through a third party is useful, but making direct contact is also a viable option.
Clarity of understanding is the prime goal of communication.
Strongly polychronic.
This is not a gift-giving culture
Which of the following characteristics does not fit for France?
Connections count heavily in this market.
Business behaviour tends toward the monochronic.
People are verbally and nonverbally expressive.
Which of the following characteristics does not fit for Russia?
Russians negotiators tend to be direct, even blunt, saying what they mean and meaning what they say.
Egalitarian values coexisting with formal, hierarchical behaviour.
Strongly monochronic.
Which of the following characteristics does not fit for Saudi Arabia?
The exchange of mutual favours is the cornerstone of any relationship.
Loyalty to the family is a paramount value.
People engage in frequent touching among friends.
What is the language of business in India?
The regional language
Read the following two statements. Which of them would you consider correct? A: Entertaining and being entertained are essential parts of building a close relationship with your counterpart in Japan.
B: The final written agreement is less important than the strength of the relationship with your counterpart in Japan.
A: Time has a different meaning in the United States of America, clocks seem to tick to a slower beat.
B: American negotiators are very fast decision makers.
A: Entertaining and being entertained are essential parts of building a close relationship with your counterpart in India
B: Time has a different meaning in India, clocks seem to tick to a slower beat.
Which of the following characteristics does not fit for Japan?
Younger, subordinate individuals are expected to defer to elder, higher- ranking persons
A bow and a soft handshake.
Entertaining and being entertained are essential parts of building a close relationship with your counterpart.
Which of the following characteristics does not fit for India?
Once a comfortable relationship is built with the local counterpart, the formal negotiation process can begin.
Men usually shake hands, using moderate pressure.
Age, rank and social position is not important.
In Saudi Arabia the exchange of mutual favours is ...
... not important.
... the cornerstone of any relationship.
... important after building the relationship
In Russia personal relationships are ...
... needed to get things done.
The dress code in the Baltic States is...
...neat and conservative.
Germany introduction through a third party is ...
... useful, but making direct contact is also a viable option.
A: Many U.S. American negotiators prefer to maintain a separation between their professional and private lives as well as between business and pleasure.
B: U.S. negotiators experienced in international business are used to a wide variation in bargaining ranges.
A: In Japan, it is not important to have a cogent reason for any major concession on price or terms.
B: In Japan, exchanging gifts is an important part of the business culture, contributing to relationship building.
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