What is the Humanitarian Charter?
It provides ethical and legal backdrop to standards elaborated in the SPHERE Project.
What two statements does the humanitarian Charter contain?
It contains two statements:
Legal rights and obligations;
Beliefs shared by all involved in humanitarian aid.
was ist das Ziel von Sphere?
Ziel des Handbuchs ist die Verbesserung der Qualität der humanitären Hilfe in Katastrophen- und Konfliktsituationen sowie der Rechenschaftslegung des humanitären Systems gegenüber den von einer Katastrophe betroffenen Menschen.
auf welchen zwei Grundüberzeugungen basiert SPHERE?
dass die von einer Katastrophe oder einem Konflikt Betroffenen ein Recht auf ein Leben in Würde und daher ein Recht auf Hilfe haben
dass alle nur möglichen Schritte unternommen werden sollten, um menschliches Leid infolge einer Katastrophe oder eines Konflikts zu lindern.
What are the principles of the humanitarian imerpative?
Principles are:
• universal,
reflected in international law,
derive their force from fundamental moral principle of humanity (all human
—> beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights). Nothing can override this principle.
wann wurde das SPHERE Handbuch das erste mal veröffentlicht?
Was bedeutet WASH?
Water, Sanitation and hygiene
was sind die Rechte/ Pflichten die relevant sind für Humanitarians?
right to live with dignity
right to safety and security
what is the humanitarian imperative ( of vital importance)?
prevent or elleviate human suffering resulting out of disaster or conflict
nothing else should overdrive this principle
when was the code of conduct of the Red Cross/ Red Crescent implemented?
1994 Genocide in Ruanda
what are the protection principles?
enhance peoples safety, dignity and rights and avoid exposing them to further harm
ensure peoples access to impartial assistance, according to need and without discrimination
assist people to recover from the physical and psychological effects of threatened or actual violence, coercion or deliverate deprivation
help people to claim their rights
in welche rubriken unterteilt sich sphere?
Wasser-, Sanitärversorgung, und Hygieneaufklärung
Nahrungsmittelsicherheit und Ernährung
Notunterkünfte und Siedlungen
when and who started SPHERE
started in the 90s by a group of humanitarian professionals ( NGOs+ Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement)
who is sphere a primary reference tool for?
international NGOs
UN agencies
the privae sector
and many others
Wer ist Hauptadressat des SPHERE Handbuchs
Hauptadressat des Sphere-Handbuchs sind die anwendenden Fachkräfte, die in Planung, Leitung oder Durchführung humanitärer Einsätze involviert sind. Dazu zählen Mitarbeitende und Freiwillige lokaler, nationaler und internationaler humanitärer Organisationen, die humanitäre Hilfe leisten, sowie die betroffenen Menschen selbst.
wann bzw wie oft wurde das SPHERE Hanbuch erneuert?
what is one main aim of SPHERE?
To improve the qualioty and accountability of humanitarian response with a people- centred, rights- based approach and minimum standards based on consensus and best practice
What are the key components of the SPHERE hanbook?
Key Components: The Sphere Handbook covers four key areas of humanitarian response: Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene Promotion (WASH); Food Security and Nutrition; Shelter and Settlement; and Health. Each area outlines essential standards, indicators, and guidelines that should be met to ensure the dignity and well-being of affected populations.
what four key principles is the humanitarian charter based on?
The Humanitarian Charter is based on four key principles:
The Right to Life with Dignity: This principle emphasizes that all individuals have the right to life, security, and dignity, regardless of their circumstances. Humanitarian action should prioritize the protection and well-being of affected populations, ensuring their safety, physical integrity, and respect for their human rights.
The Principle of Non-Discrimination: Humanitarian assistance should be provided without discrimination based on factors such as race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, religion, or any other status. All individuals in need of assistance should receive equal treatment and support.
The Obligation to Provide Assistance: Humanitarian actors have a duty to respond to the needs of affected populations. This principle emphasizes the importance of timely and effective response to alleviate suffering and ensure that essential needs are met.
The Principle of Respect for the Human Being: This principle underscores the importance of treating all individuals with respect, cultural sensitivity, and empathy. It calls for humanitarian actions that preserve human dignity, promote community participation, and uphold local values and traditions.
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