use logic-based representation of knowledge
plan efficiently based on this knowledge
Logic and Search
Logic-based representation::
how can we use search algorithms to find a plan of actions which satisfies the goal?
Fundamental logic tradeoff
logical expressivness vs. computational efficiency
Planning methods
Extension of STRIPS
simple but expressive planning language
based on propositional logic
list of propositions which hold true -> conjunction
logical “and”
all propositions which are not listed are false in this state
list of propositions
goal G is achieved in state s, if all propositions in G are true in s
clean(r1) and clean(r2)
goal does not specifiy location of robot!
consist of:
precondition: list of propositions (logical “and”)
delete list: propositions to delete if action is performed
add list: propositions to add if action is performed
When is an action applicable in state s?
if all propositions of the precondition are true in s
Actions simplified representation
Instaed of:
We can do:
forward planning via planning graph
backward planning
Planning graph
S0: initial propositions
A0: actions which can be executed based on S0
S1: propositions of S0 + add list of A0
level costs
Assume Si to contain all propositions which are demanded by the goal
then, i is said to be the level costs
i is the lower number of actions needed to reach the goal -> shortes path towards goal
stop computation
if Si = Si+1
if Si satisfies goal
Planning graph for search algorithms
compute level costs for each node
level costs are heurstics -> use A*
Forward planning
suffers from huge branching factors
usually many irrelevant actions…
backward panning tries to find only the relevant actions
Goal relevant action
action is relevant for a goal G, if it has a proposition in its add list which matches a sub-goal of G
R[G,A] is precondition, s.t.
A can be applied
precondtion + add list of A - delete list of A => satisifes goal G
Empty R[G,A]
if there is no precondition, s.t. applying A yields G
Regression of goal G
least constrained R[G,A]
Backward planning
start with the goal of the search
create further “goals” by computing R[G,A] for all goal-relevant actions
do this until finding a goal, which is satisfied by initial state
Backward planning vs forward planning
branching factors:
forward planning: # legal acitons
backward planning: # goal relevant actions
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