Which cranial nerve is the oculomotor nerve?
3rd cranial nerve
How many nuclei does the oculomotor nerve has and where are they located?
2 nuclei in the midbrain
nucleus of the oculomotor nerve (somatomotornucleus)
accessory posterior nucleus of oculomtor nerve (visceromotor parasympathetic nucleus)
what type of nucleus is the nucleus of the oculomotor nerve and which structures does it innervate?
= somatomotor nucleus
superior, inferior + medial rectus
inferior oblique
levator palpebrae superioris
What type of nucleus is the accessory nucleus of the oculomotor nerve and which structures does it innervate?
= visceromotor parasympathetic nucleus
sphincter pupillae
ciliary muscles
Which type of fibers does the oculomotor nerve carry?
1) Parasympathetic fibers
parasympathetic visceromotor fibers
2) Somatormotor fibers
Which structures are innervated by the parasympathetic fibers of the oculomotor nerve?
ciliary muscles —> focus the eye on near objects (accommodation)
sphincter pupillae —> constricts pupil
What is the course of the parasympathetic visceromotor fibers of the oculomotor nerve?
they synapse in the ciliary ganglion which is located posterior to the eyeball in the orbit
Which structures are innervated by the somatormotor fibers of the oculomotor nerve?
extraocular muscles
What is the course of the oculomotor nerve?
1) Emerges from the midbrain in interpeduncular fossa
2) penetrates dura mater —> runs laterocranially in the cavernous sinus
3) enters orbit via superior orbital fissure (within common tendinous ring)
What are the 3 branches of the oculomotor nerve?
Superior branch
Inferior branch
Ciliary ganglion
Which structures are innervated by the superior branch of the oculomotor nerve?
superior rectus
Which structures are innervated by the inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve?
inferior + medial rectus
Where is the ciliary ganglion of the oculomotor nerve located?
is a parasympathetic ganglion located wothin the orbit —> posterior to the eyeball + lateral to the optic nerve
Which cranial nerve is the abducent nerve?
sixth (6)
Which type of nerve is the abducens nerve?
exclusively a somatormotor nerve
What type of nucleus does the abducens nerve have and where is it located?
somatormotor nucleus
located in pons —> inferior to the facial colliculus
Which structure is innervated by the abducens nerve?
lateral rectus muscle (of the extra-ocular muscles)
What is the course of the abducens nerve?
1) Emerges from medullopontine sulcus —> between pons + medulla oblongata —> its fibers originate from the large, multipolar neurons of the nucleus of the abducens nerve
2) leaves brainstem on ventral side
3) runs on base of skull —> penetrates dura mater —> runs through Dorello canal —> enters cavernous sinus
4) enters orbit via superior orbital fissure + common tendinous ring
which number does the trochlear nerve have?
4th cranial nerve
What is special about the course of the trochlear nerve?
it is the only nerve that leaves from the posterior side of the brainstem
What type of nucleus is the nucleus of the trochlear nerve and where is it located?
exclusively somatormotor
which structure is innervated by the trochlear nerve?
superior oblique muscle (extraocular muscles)
What is the course of the trochlear nerve?
1) emerges under the inferior colliculus on the posterior side of the mesencephalon
2) passes around the cerebral peduncle within the cisterna ambiens
3) runs laterocranially in the cavernous sinus
4) enters orbit via superior orbital fissure (NOT within the common tendinous ring)
Which number does the vagus nerve have?
10th cranial nerve
which types of fibers does the vagus nerve have?
motor fibers
sensory fibers
special sensory (taste) fibers
what is special about the course of the vagus nerve?
forms the lateral mixed system together with glossopharyngeal + accessory nerve
is the only cranial nerve which reaches the abdominal cavity
What are the names of the 4 nuclei of the vagus nerve?
Nucleus ambiguous (somatormotor)
Posterior nucleus (parasympathetic visceromotor)
Nuclei of solitary tract (viscerosensory) —> gustatory nucleus (special sensory)
Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve (somatosensory)
Which structures are innervated by the nucleus ambiguous of the vagus nerve?
muscles of the soft palate
muscles of the pharynx
muscles of the larynx
Which structures are innervated by the posterior nucleus of the vagus nerve?
smooth muscles + glands of internal organs
conducting system of the heart
which structures are inervated by the nuclei of the solitary tract of the vagus nerve?
The axons synapse in the superior + inferior ganglia in the jugular foramen —> in rostral part of this nuclei is the gustatory nucleus (special sensory)
recieves taste information from the epiglottis, epiglottic valleculae, part of the root of the tongue
What is the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve in corrilation with the vagus nerve?
is a nucleus of the trigeminal nerve which recieves somatosensory fibers from the vagus nerve
receives sensory fibers from auricle, external acoustic meatus, dura mazter, mucosa of larynx + pharynx
What is the course of the vagus nerve?
1) Leaves medulla oblongata in retro-olivary groove —> together with glossopharyngeal + accessory nerve
2) leaves cranial cavity through jugular foramen —> its superior ganglion is above level of jugular foramen + the inferior ganglion is below it
3) runs in visceral space of the neck with the internal jugular vein + internal carotid artery within the carotid sheath
4) descends through superior thoracic aperture —> runs dorsally to the bronchi + caudally joins oesophagus
5) gives of branches (right recurrent laryngeal nerve, left recurrent laryngeal nerve)
6) in posterior mediastinum left vagus nerve moves to become ventral to oesophagus —> right vagus nerve moves to become dorsal to oesophagus
7) left vagus nerve forms ventral trunk + right vagus nerve frorms dorsal trunk which follows oesophagus through diaphragm (osesophageal hiatus)
8) parasympathetic branches in the abdominal cavity give rise to autonomic plexuses
9) branches reach the individual organs together with vessels
What are the 2 branches of the vagus nerve in the head region + which structures do they innervate?
Meningeal Branch
somatosensory innervation of dura mater in posterior cranial fossa
Auricular Branch
somatosensory innervation external acoustic meatus + cocha of auricle
What are the 4 branches of the vagus nerve in the cervical reagion and which structures are innervated by them?
Pharyngeal Branch
somatorsensory + sensory
innervation of pharynx
Branch of Carotid Body
viscerosensoey fibers —> enter branches of glossopharyngeal nerve
for the carotid body + carotid sinus
Superior Laryngeal Branch
mixed branch
originates from inferior ganglion of vagus nerve
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
innervates majority of laryngeal muscles + laryngeal mucosa below vocal chords
Which are the 4 branches of the vagus nerve in the thoracic part and which structures are innervated by them?
Cardiac Branches
fibers for heart
Bronchial Branches
for mucosa, glands, smooth muscles of bronchi
Pulmonary Branches
fibers that continue the bronchial branches into the lungs
Oesophageal Plexus
fibers for oesophageal mucosa, glands, muscles
Which are the 4 branches of the vagus nerve in the abdomal region and which structures are innervated by them?
Anterior + Posterior Gastric Branches
fibers for stomach
Hepatic Branches
for liver
Renal Branches
for kidneys, upper part of urinary tract, adrenals, partially testes/ovaries
Coeliac Branches
those branches along the sympathetic nerves form the coeliac plexus
The trigeminal nerve consists of which 3 nerves?
Ophthalmic nerve
Maxillary Nerve
Mandibular Nerve
Which number does the trigeminal nerve have?
5th cranial nerve
which type of fibers does the trigeminal nerve carry?
sensory fibers —> for facial skin, mucosa
motor fibers —> masticatory muscles
How many trunks + roots + terminal branchesdoes the trigeminal nerve have?
2 roots
sensory root
motor root
1 Trunk
trunk is formed from both roots
runs towards apex of the petrous part of the temporal bone where the somatosensory trigeminal ganglion is located (in trigeminal impression)
3 terminal branches
which type of fibers does the opthalmic nerve of the trigeminal nerve have + which structures does it innervate?
somatosensory fibers
face —> forehead, upper eyelids, nasal dorsum
part of dura mater
orbit + its content
part of mucosa in nasal cavity
paranasal sinuses
What is the course ofthe opthalmic nerve?
1) passes through superior orbital fissure into orbit
2) Some branches continue to the forehead
What are the 3 branches of the opthalmic nerve?
Lacrimal Nerve
Frontal Nerve
Nasociliary nerve
Where is the Lacrimal nerve (branch of opthalmic nerve) located + which structures does it innervate?
runs to lacrimal gland —> innervates skin of lateral corner of eye
receives parasympathetic fibers from zygomatic nerve for inervation of lacrimal gland
into which 2 nerves does the frontal nerve (branch of opthalmic nerve) divide into and which structures are innervated by it?
Supratrochlear nerve —> medial corner of eye
Supraorbital nerve —> passes through supraorbital notch
Where is the Nasociliary nerve (branch of opthalmic nerve) located + which nerve does it supply?
runs to medial corner of eye
supplies the infratrochlear nerve
what are the 5 branches of the nasociliary nerve (branch of opthalmic nerve)?
communicating branch to ciliary ganglion
long ciliary nerves to eyeball
posterior ethmoidal nerve to sphenoidal + ethmoidal sinuses
anterior ethmoidal nerve to ethmoidal plate + then into nasal cavity
external nasal branch (terminal branch) —> supplies skin of dorsum + tip of nose
Which types of fibers does the maxillary nerve of the trigeminal nerve have + which structures does it innervate?
middle part of face —> lower eyelid, upper lip, ala of nose, upper part of cheek
upper teeth
part of nasal, oral + nasopharyngeal mucosa
What is the course of the maxillay nerve?
1) Runs through foramen rotundum to reach pterygopalatine fossa
2) branches at the pterygopalatine ganglion
What are the 3 main branches of the maxillary nerve?
Zygomatic nerve
ganglion branches
Infraorbital nerve
Where is the zygomatic nerve of the maxillary nerve located, which type of fibers does it contain?
reaches through inferior orbital fissure to lateral wall of orbit
gives of communicating branch which contains postganglionic (parasympathetic) fibers from the pterygopalatine ganglion to lacrimal nerve
Into which 2 parts does the zygomatic nerve of the maxillary nerve divide?
Zygomaticotemporal branch
Zygomaticofacial branch
What are the ganglionic branches of the maxillary nerve?
are 2 or 3 fine filaments running to the pterygopalatine ganglion
—> fibers provide sensory innervation to upper pharynx, nasal cavity, hard + soft palates
Where is the Infraorbital nerve of the maxillary nerve located + which structures does it innervate?
reaches through infraorbital fissure into the orbit —> through infraorbital canal to cheek
supplies skin between lower eyelid + upper lip
What are the 4 branches of the infraorbital nerve (from maxillary nerve) + which structures do they supply?
Posterior Superior Alveolar Nerves
molar teeth
Middle Superior Alveolar Nerves
premolar teeth
Anterior Superior Alveolar Nerves
The nerves from superior dental plexus above the alveoli
Which type of fibers does the mandibular nerve of the trigeminal nerve contain?
Which structures are innervated by the mandibular nerve?
skin of lower part of face —> lower lip, part of cheek, chin
teeth of lower jaw
part of oral mucosa
8 muscles
4 masticatory muscles
anterior belly of digastric muscle
tensor veli palatine
tensor tympani
What is the course of the mandibular nerve?
1) Travels through foramen ovale to reach infratemporal fossa —> gives off its terminal branches
2) Somatormotor branches leave mandibular nerve shortly after its passage through the foramen ovale
3) Somatosensory branches leave at different levels
What are the 4 Somatomotor branches of the mandibular nerve?
Deep temporal nerves
through the temporal muscle
Medial + Lateral Pterygoid Nerves
through pterygoid muscles
Masseteric Nerve
through masseter muscle
Branches for the tensor veli palatine + tensor tympani
What are the 6 Somatosensory branches of the mandibular nerve?
Mental Nerve
main branch —> passes through mental foramen
supplies sensory fibers to chin, lower lip, skin over body of mandible
Buccal Nerve
passes through buccinator muscle
supplies mucosa of cheeks
Auriculotemporal Nerve
temporal skin, external acoustic meatus, tympanic membrane
originates with 2 roots that adhere the middle meningeal artery + then unite to form the nerve
Inferior Alveolar Nerve
contains motor fibers (mylohyoid muscle + anterior belly of digastric muscle) + sensory fibers (enter mandibular canal and give off inferior dental branches for teeth)
Lingual Nerve
descends in an arch to base of tongue —> sensory fibers to anterior 2/3 of tongue
recieves taste fobers from chorda tympani (facial nerve)
Which number does the facial nerve have?
7th cranial nerve
where does the facial nerve originate from?
runs as a nerve bundle emerging separately from brain stem —> this is calles the “intermediate nerve”
what types of fibers does the facial nerve carry?
taste fibers
visceroefferent secretory fibers
What are the 2 nuclei of the facial nerve calles?
Motor nucleus of facial nerve
Superior salivary nucleus
Which structures does the motor nucleus of the facial nerve supply?
for innervation of
all facial muscles
posterior belly of the digastric
Which structures does the superior salivary nucleus of the facial nerve supply?
visceromotor nucleus for parasympathetic innervation of
lacrimal gland
nasal gland
palatine glands
nasopharyngeal glands
submandibular gland
sublingual + lingual gland
2 nuclei which are related with the facial nerve?
Gustatory nucleus
special sensory nucleus
in the rostral part of the nuclei of the solitary tract
receive impulses from chorda tympani (facial nerve)
Spinal Nucleus of Trigeminal Nerve
somatosensory fibers from the facial nerve synapse in this nucleus
What are the 2 parts of the facial nerve?
Facial Nerve
Nervus intermedius
Which type of fibers does the facial nerve contain?
somatomotor fibers
Which types of fibers does the nervus intermedius of the facial nerve contain?
visceromotor fibers for glands
special sensory fibers for taste
What is the course of the facial nerve?
1) within brainstem it turns around nucleus of abducens nerve —> thus elevates the facial colliculus on the floor of the 4th ventricle
2) leaves pons at the pontocerebellar angle
3) runs in posterior cerebral fossa
4) enters internal acoustic canal —> passes through anterior superior quadrant of fundus —> this is where the facial canal / Fallopian canal starts
5) travels throuh facial canal —> runs ventrolaterally in labyrintic part —> takes turn at geniculum of facial canal —> runs dorsolaterally in tympanic part —> runs caudally in mastoid part
6) leaves skull through stylomastoid foramen
7) enters parotid gland where it splits into inferior + superior branches which form the parotid plexus —> gives rise to the terminal branches for the facial muscles
What are the 3 branches of the facial nerve which are arising withing facial canal + which structures do they innervate?
Greater Petrosal Nerve
preganglionic secretory fibers for lacrimal, nasal, palatal glands
goes from geniculate ganglion to pterygoid ganglion
Nerve to Stapedius
supplies stapedius muscle (middle ear)
Chorda Tympani
branches off above stylomastoid foramen —> runs beneath mucosa through tympanic cavity —> to petrotympanic fissure —> finaly joins lingual nerve
contains tatse fibers —> anterior 2/3 of tongue
contains preganglionic fibers to submandibular + sublingual glands
What are the 2 branches of the facial nerve after the stylomastoid foramen?
posterior auricular nerve
digastric branch
What are the 5 branches of the facial nerve that form the parotid plexus?
Temporal branches
zygomatic branches
buccal branches
marginal mandibular branch
cervical branch
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