

von Dominik W.

The Principles of Information System Architecture

Regardless of the IS type under consideration, certain principles can be applied to every IS architecture. Overall, these principles can help us to understand that a good architectural approach strongly depends on various factors, such as the target group of an IS architecture representation or the abstraction level.

1) Architecture Models Information System Boundaries, Inputs, and Outputs

-> IS modeled as a system that performs functions: Input-IS-Output

2) An Information System Can Be Broken down into a Set of Smaller Subsystems

-> broken down into a set of interconnected subsystems

3) An Information System Can Be Considered in Interaction with Other Systems

-> IS interact with various other IS in some way

4) An Information System Can Be Considered Through Its Entire Lifecycle

-> IS typically goes through various stages during its lifetime (design phase, the development phase, the test phase, and the operation phase)

5) An Information System Can Be Linked to Another Information System via an Interface

-> linked with an interface that explain the mechanisms of how the two IS interact

6) An Information System Can Be Modeled at Various Abstraction Levels

-> an IS can be subject to architectural considerations at different abstraction levels depending on which are of interest to the architect

7) An Information System Can Be Viewed Along Several Layers

-> main benefit: it enables stakeholders in the IS to reason in an isolated way about specific aspects contained in one layer

-> example layers: why? what? how?

8) An Information System Can Be Described Through Interrelated Models with Given Semantics

-> an IS’s behavior is not static, but can depend on a variety of different aspects, such as user inputs or the IS’s current state

-> IS must be designed in such a way that it performs only a reduced set of functionalities

9) An Information System Can Be Described Through Different Perspectives

-> fundamentally different notions of the IS reult in having different requirements on how to model its architecture


A blockchain comprises a chronologically ordered list of blocks that are cryptographically linked to their relevant predecessor by using this previous block’s hash value.

A block is a data structure that stores transactions and additional data, such as a reference to the previous block.


Blockchain is a DLT concept comprising a chain of cryptographically linked, chronologically ordered, ‘blocks’ containing batched transactions.

End-users usually create public and private keys, storing them in a so-called wallet, and allowing them to use public key cryptography

Bitcoin is based on a public peer-to-peer network, with each node maintaining a list of a few other Bitcoin nodes (‘neighbored nodes’) that it discovers during the start-up of the peer-to-peer protocol.

To notify each Bitcoin node of a new transaction or block, a gossip protocol is applied, which works as follows: After a Bitcoin node has received a network message, the message is multicasted to the neighbored nodes and finally propagated throughout the entire network, which is only loosely coupled, and the number of nodes that may join or leave the network is arbitrary. Consequently, Bitcoin does not have a fixed network and nodes must update their list of neighbored nodes periodically to assure messages are reliably propagated throughout the entire network.

When users initiate a new transaction, their wallets send the transaction to the distributed ledger (1). When a node receives a new transaction, it validates the transaction (2). The transaction validation includes a proof of ownership by means of digital signatures, and proof that there is sufficient balance in the user’s account.


Dominik W.


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