Are the cosequeces of a decision always deterministic?
no, they are frequently stochastic
-> e.g. buy lottery ticket?
How is a set of lotteries defined?
-> lottery:
function that assigns probabiliteis to all alternatives
where probabilities add up to 1
What are simple lotteries?
simply assign probability to all alternatives
When is a lottery degenerate?
if it puts probabiility 1 on one alternative
How are compound lotteries defined?
L1, L2, … are simple lotteries
=> probabiilities that we “get” certain lottery….
=> like doing two rounds of lotteries…
How can we simplify compound lotteries?
Apply consequentialist premise
-> states that we are only interested in the outcome(consequence) and not how we come about it
=> multiply probabilities
then treat as simple lottery
Example how to simplify compound lotteries
When is a set of lotteries infinite?
when k > 1
-> infinite ways of assigning probability combinations… (except trivial case k = 1 with p(x1) = 1…)
What are exemplary criterias on which preferences over lotteries can be based on?
most likely outcomes
look at alternative with highest probability in each lottery
which one is preffered?
most desirable and/or least desirable outcomes
what alternative do we desire most / least
which lottery has higher / lower probability for it?
uniformity of probabilities
prefer lotteries where probabilities for alternatives are very similar
size of support
set of alternatives with positive probabliity
expected utility
requires existence of utility funciton
What is the support for L1[0.5: x1, 0.5: x2]
support of 2
Provided with
preference a>b>c
and lotteries
L1[0.3:a, 0.7:b, 0:c]
L2[0.6:a, 0:b, 0.4:c]
Which would you prefer for
most likely outcome
least desirable outcome
Most likely outcome: L2 > L1
ML in L1: b
ML in L2: a
a > b => L2 > L1
L1 > L2
least desirable: c
L1(c) = 0; L2(c) = 0.4
=> L1 > L2
What additional axioms should lotteries fulfill?
How is continuity defined?
L1 flying to hawaii
L2 staying at home
L3 plane crash
=> if L3 is sufficient small (some epsilon)
=> you still prefer going to hawaii instead of staying home
=> (weird) prefer staying home over dying in plane crash with small residual probabliity of flying to hawaii…
How is independence defined?
-> L1 hawaii
-> L2 carribean
-> L3 plane crash
-> equal probability of plane crash for both cases wont affect preference
What is another name for independence?
savages sure thing principle
Provide an example where continuity wont work?
aggregaton of different parameters
-> if i.e. safety is of utmost priority and then hawaii over home
-> no matter how small probability is for plane crash (unless 0)
-> wont go…
What does the vNM (von Neumann & Morgenstern) theorem state w.r.t. preference relatins and utiliy functions?
preference relation >= on L(A) is
rational, continuous and independent
there exists a utility function u on A
such that for two lotteries
Explain the vNM theorem
preference relation on lottery is rational, continuous and independent
there exists utility functoin u on A (alternatives)
so that when we prefere one lottery over the other
the sum of probabilites times utility of the alternative in lottery 1
is greater equal than in lottery 2
How can we transform vNM utility functions so that they still are vNM utility functions?
every positive affine transformatino
f(x) = ax+b, a>0
f(u(.)) is new vNM utility fcuntion
representing the same preference relation…
compare to celsius, fahrehneit, kelvin…
What to keep in mind w.r.t. utility and monetary values?
monetary value != utility!!!
-> i.e. expected utility of
L1[1: 1 Mio] -> 1 Mio
L2[0.5: 2 Mio, 0.5: 0] -> 1 Mio
=> Utility is most certanily different…!!! (i.e. risk aversion)
What does a concave utility in value represent?
risk aversion
-> the higher the value (on x), the less the utility increases
-> decreasing utility per euro for the 2 mio alternative than the 1 mio alternative…
in picture:
green: utility for first million
blue: utility for second million
What does a convex utility in value represent?
-> increasing utility with higher values
What do we assume in general in the lecture w.r.t. preferences of rational agents?
completeness and transitivity
continuity and independence (in stochastic settings)
Explani the dice game
also called efron’s dice
non-transivive, as for each dice, there is another that wins more often on average
although having different expected utilites
-> only interested in individual higher outcomes
Max winnint probabiility with n dices -> approaches 3/4
max winning probability with 3 non-transitive lotteries approaches 0.62 (goldener schnitt)
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