Culture def
Set of shared beliefs, values, rules behaviors and artefacts, by all members of a society
Organizational culture
Pattern of shared assumptions by a group formed over time by experiences
Provides a competetive advantage, better goal attainment, influence and acts as a glue
Developed by leaders of a group/organization, formed and influenced by past experiences and the companies environment
Components of organizational culture
Values => Beliefs of what is considered best for the company
Norms => Unwritten ruled of behavior
Artefacts => Visible and tangible aspects of the organization, identifiers of the company
Management style/leadership
Charismatic or Uncharismatic
Autocratic or democratic
Controller or enabler
Transactional or Transformational
Enhancing organizational culture
Possible with the right combination of communication, recruiting, leadership, shared values and uniting behavior
Culture matrix
Strong organizational culture, pros and cons
Set of shared values and behavior
Hard to adapt changes
Difficult for megers
Attracts simmilar types of employees
Could lead to undesirable behavior
Types of dysfunctional cultures
Arrogant companies
Hamlet (never enough info)
Debating society
Emperor rules
Paranoid corp
Competing values culture framework
Hierachy/Bureaucratic culture
Process oriented
Concerned about predictability, efficieny and stability
Value standartization
Managers act as coordinators and enforcers
Clear defined tasks, responsibilities and processes
Clan culture
People oriented, collaborative
Contributions to organization exceed contractual agreements
Unity by socialization
Shared feeling of pride and personal attachement
Peer pressure
Collaboration and team work are believe to lead success
Adhocracy/Entrepreneurial culture
Innovative, experimental
Quickly react to changes
Rapid growth, effective through unique products
Individual flexibility, and freedom
Market culture
Result oriented, competitive
Contractual relationship between organization and company
Independence and individuality are valued
Little social pressure
Superiors interact with subordinates to check on performance
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