What are Mashups used for?
They are used to integrate data from SAP Sales and Service Cloud with data provided by an online Web service or application
Name applications mashups are used for
SAP ERP order entry
SAP ERP inventory check
Partner credit check
What are Use Cases for Mashups?
Expose functionalities of other applications
Use extension fields to launch an extended user interface
Query another application and write back the result to SAP Sales and Services
Name all Mashup Types
Data mashups
URL mashups
HTML mashups
Custom mashups
Define URL Mashups
A mashup that sends data form the solution to the URL of an online service provider
The service provider uses the data, for example, to perform a search, an the results are displayed in an new browser window.
Define HTML Mashup
It embeds an HTML or JavaScript based Web page directly on a screen
Define Data Mashups
A mashup that combines and displays data from both internal and external sources.
Define Custom Mashup
A mashup that has been created as an add-on solution by SAP
What are available categories for mashupport binding?
Business and Financial
Location and Travel
News and References
Productivity and Tools
Social and Communication
Application Integration
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