Name different types of nerve damage
Traumatic neuroma
Explain neurapraxia
Compression injury causing temporary disruption of nerve conduction
The whole nerve remains structurally intact.
Good prognosis with complete recovery of nerve function
Explain axonotmesis and name it’s subtypes
The axon is damaged but the perineurium and epineurium remain intact
Leads to central chromatolysis
Results in Wallerian degeneration
Define axonotmesis leading to central chromatolysis, it’s function and characteristics
Definition: the reaction of a neuronal cell body in response to an axonal injury
Function: increase in protein synthesis to help restore the integrity of the damaged axon
Swelling of the neuronal body
Dispersion of the Nissl bodies
Displacement of the nucleus to the periphery
Define Axonotmesis resulting in wallerian degeneration, it’s function and characteristics
Definition: an active neuronal degeneration process in response to axonal injury
To clear axonal debris and prevent scarring
Facilitate targeted reinnervation and functional recovery of tissues previously innervated by that axon before injury
Initially retained electrical excitability of axonal membrane distal to the injury, lasting up to 36 hours
Progressive degeneration of distal segment cytoskeleton with dissolution of axonal membrane
Degradation of residual myelin sheath by macrophages and Schwann cells
The proximal stump either stays in place or retracts slightly
Ultimately, the cell body will sprout regenerative nerve fibers that, ideally, reinnervate the distal tissues.
Regeneration is significantly more efficient in the peripheral nervous system than in the central nervous system.
Good chance of at least partial recovery
Explain Neurotmesis
Complete nerve transection
Connective sheath damage
The chances of recovery are very poor without surgical repair.
Explain traumatic neuroma
Benign, painful nodular thickening caused by nerve regeneration at the site of different forms of nerve injury
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