computers : a message that appears on a computer screen asking the user to do something or to provide information
The increasing disease burden is shifting to non-communicable diseases, with oncology, neurology, and cardiovascular-metabolic projected to account for 50% of the disease burden by 2035.
日益增加的疾病负担正在转向非传染性疾病,预计到 2035 年肿瘤学、神经病学和心血管代谢疾病将占疾病负担的 50%。
preferential change
We do not consider this a bug, but a preferential change. Since this request seems to persist, I have changed the Romanian translation to “O literă mare” as requested. Hope this helps!
cease /ˈsiːs/
DC legal entities will cease to exist on activation and this wll have a signficant impact
to stop happening : to end
entity /ˈɛntəti/
something that exists by itself : something that is separate from other things
One division of the company was broken off as a separate entity.
a business/commercial/corporate entity
government/political/legal entities
distinct/independent entities
nimble /ˈnɪmbəl/
: able to move quickly, easily, and lightly
a nimble [=agile] dancer
the pianist's nimble fingers
: able to learn and understand things quickly and easily
alleviate /əˈliːviˌeɪt/
That can alleviate pressure and allow you to generate ideas more freely.
to reduce the pain or trouble of (something) : to make (something) less painful, difficult, or severe
ridicule /ˈrɪdəˌkjuːl/
On the opposite end of the spectrum, never bash or ridicule employees for their questions, feedback, or ideas.
the act of making fun of someone or something in a cruel or harsh way : harsh comments made by people who are laughing at someone or something
What is a MOOC?
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
Deliver 20 transformative medicines addressing diseases with the highest societal burden
societal /səˈsajətl̟/
of or related to society.
fierce /ˈfirs/
very violent
truncate /ˈtrʌŋˌkeɪt/
to make (something) shorter — often used as (be) truncated
I sent this to Helene. Waiting to hear back. I will ping her
pivotal /ˈpɪvətl̟/
The Head of Operations Near Patient Care Mannheim/Indianapolis will hold a pivotal position within Global Operations and oversee Operations activities across both the Mannheim and Indianapolis sites according to the scope defined above.
very important
I uploaded these two for the Affiliates yesterday, but I have smaller corrections for both of them, so we will need a loop for both; I thought it'd be best to check if the Affiliates had any additional comments to save a loop though as my corrections were small ones. I'll keep you posted as soon as I hear back.
Checking back in.
On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 10:48 AM Lo Apsley <> wrote:
I have a dr appt at 11 tomorrow and will check in on my return.
Other translations are under way and expected by 20th February. I will look into this new additional key and see what we can do about it. I'll be in touch!
erratic /ɪˈrætɪk/
acting, moving, or changing in ways that are not expected or usual : not consistent or regular
deflate /dɪˈfleɪt/
OOO: Flat tire out of office the rest of the day (EOM)
pneumatic using air pressure to move or work
to release air or gas from (something, such as a tire or balloon) and make it smaller
A flat tire (British English: flat tyre) is a deflated pneumatic tire, which can cause the rim of the wheel to ride on the tire tread or the ground potentially resulting in loss of control of the vehicle or irreparable damage to the tire.
end of message
abbreviation. (in wireless communications) end of message: now used especially in an email subject line so that the message does not have to be opened. Also e.o.m. Chiefly Commerce. end of the month.
booth /ˈbuːθ/ Brit /ˈbuːð/
a partially enclosed area or a small and usually temporary building where things are sold or displayed or services are provided
a strong belief or opinion
a short story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson
Samaritan /səˈmerətən/
good samaritan
head on over
It basically means "go to" or "move to." "Head over" or "head on over" mean the same thing. "After the game, head on over to my house for a victory party."
respiratory /ˈrɛspərəˌtori/ Brit /rɪˈspɪrətri/ adjective
of or relating to breathing or the organs of the body that are used in breathing
I got this respiratory condition
cut above the pack
better than other people or things
twists and turns
seizure /ˈsiːʒɚ/
an abnormal state in which you become unconscious and your body moves in an uncontrolled and violent way
to hit (someone or something) in a forceful way
a person who is unfairly blamed for something that others have done
Causal attribution
Kausale Zuordnung
to get (a response, information, etc.) from someone
having a quality or characteristic that makes a person or thing different from others : different in a way that is easy to notice
to ask (someone) questions in a thorough and often forceful way
the decision made by a jury in a trial
And, thank you, too, for your thoughtful comments about my teaching. I aim to do my best!
I must add that you have worked diligently on your English during the past many months we have met together.
You have probably considered this -- but in case you haven't, I suggest you appeal your company's decision, giving as a reason your father's hospitalization and convalescence -- and that your parents were from another country rather than in a town nearby.
precision /prɪˈsɪʒən/
the quality of being precise : exactness or accuracy
to make a lot of small movements because you are nervous, bored, etc. : to move or act in a nervous or restless way
not honest or direct
convalescence /ˌkɑːnvəˈlɛsn̩s/
the process or period of becoming well again after an illness or injury
follow up on something
I'm following up on this week's schedule of lessons.
The time is blocked on my schedule
respiratory /ˈrɛspərəˌtori/
coagulate /koʊˈægjəˌleɪt/
to become thick and partly solid
versatile /ˈvɚsətl̟/ Brit /ˈvəːsəˌtajəl/
able to do many different things
That seems a bit far-fetched
I’m not sure I buy that.
I doesn’t sound too convincing.
I seems a bit one-sided.
To be honest, I think it’s a scam
骗局 a dishonest way to make money by deceiving people
It’s really jsut an attempt to convince you.
All they are trying to do is get you to buy it.
Can’t you see it’s all just a way to scam you?
They’ll say anything to get you sign up.
deeply felt : very sincere
steep /ˈstiːp/
almost straight up and down : rising or falling very sharply
inflammatory bowel disease
In China, The patient's choice of clinical department is influenced by the advice of the hospital registration counter which provides basic triage advice.
Patients can access various treatment settings, including internet consulting, pharmacies, private practices, and tier I, II, and III hospitals.
the process of deciding which patients should be treated first based on how sick or seriously injured they are
geriatric /ˌʤeriˈætrɪk/
China's population is ageing rapidly so there is scope in the geriatric market
always used before a noun, medical : of or relating to the process of growing old and the medical care of old people : of or relating to geriatrics
subcutaneous /ˌsʌbkjʊˈteɪnijəs/
Carmot’s R&D portfolio includes clinical stage subcutaneous and oral incretins with best-in-class potential in obesity and diabetes.
Incretins are gut hormones secreted after food intake that play a role in regulating blood glucose by stimulating insulin secretion and suppressing appetite.
under the skin
An incretin is a factor released by the gut in response to nutrients that facilitates the uptake of glucose by peripheral tissues by stimulating secretion of insulin.
Seeing the disparity that exists around the world and knowing that we all play a little role in helping to improve that should make us all feel proud.
Roche is built on innovation and innovation is built on ideas
The two biggest themes that emerged are the need for a stronger differentiation in how we reward people based on their contributions to meaningful outcomes, and the wish to reward people in real time for exceptional performance.
She was on vacation... she had not dropped lessons!
Please add her name back on
EF has taken your name off of my list of students who I can book lessons for
If you can't book a lesson, let me know and I'll write to my representative and request the slot be felled with your name and your name put back on my list of people for whom I can book a lesson.
I hope you are well, and getting back into the swing of your job, after your wonderful vacation. I'd love to hear all the details . :)
I'm delayed in getting back to you :(. I think Thanksgiving week threw me off. So much planning and cooking for our best holiday of the year!
So, now, I'm checking in with you to see if you are able to make any of the times below:
revolving door
I only mentioned it in that email just to be transparent with Vitaliy since our schedules right now I feel like have been a revolving door. No fault of ours, just due to the last minute business decisions being made.
I have to gather myself every time I get that question.
Confirmation bias: fining evidence that support what we already believe.
Dunning-kruger: Two schloars from Corness came up witht the Dunning-Kruger effect. It is an illusory superiority complext, thinking we know things. In other words, people think they know maore than they do. Or they underestimate what they don’t know.
cognitive dissornace: There is no better definition of cotnitive dissornance that intelligent people asking me if a roden’s forecast is accurate
hassle /ˈhæsəl/
to bother or annoy (someone) constantly or repeatedly
inflammatory /ɪnˈflæməˌtori/ Brit /ɪnˈflæmətri/
bowel /ˈbawəl/
medical : causing or having inflammation
[more inflammatory; most inflammatory] : causing anger
He incited the mob with an inflammatory speech.
chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen (IBD) versteht man wiederkehrende (rezidivierende) oder kontinuierliche entzündliche Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Systemes. Die beiden Vertreter sind die Colitis ulcerosa und der Morbus Crohn.
the long tube in the body that helps digest food and carries solid waste out of the body
Use expressions like these to share positive impressions of advertisements:
I don't know how they do it, but they have another unique ad.
I'll give them credit: It's a truly thought-provoking commercial.
They seem to have a knack for funny, offbeat campaigns.
These guys consistently come up with winning campaigns.
offbeat; different from the ordinary, usual, or expected
Use expressions like these to share negative impressions:
I don't really get it.
It really gets on my nerves when they aren't clear about what they're selling.
I hate the way they use attention-seeking celebrities.
Acknowledging other factors
Before giving your opinion, you can acknowedge factors that limit your appreciation of an ad. This is a way to hedge or soften your opinion.
I know I ‘m prpbably not their target market, but I just don’t understand that ad.
I get that they want to be creative and edgy, but it’s too much for me.
I guess I’m not who they’re really going after, but I don’t understand the association.
Maybe I’m just out of touch, but the whole campaign seems ridiculours.
It is a bit out there, but I’m sure there are some people who love it
Is it just me, or is that commercial really bizarre?
Am I the only one who thinks it’s quite thought-provoking?
Can you figure outh what the product is, or is it just me?
incentive /ɪnˈsɛntɪv/
An important part of this process is to align our financial incentives.
something that encourages a person to do something or to work harder
eligible /ˈɛləʤəbəl/
able to be chosen for something : able to do or receive something
Caucasian /kɑˈkeɪʒən/
a person who has white or pale skin : a white person
in brief
v. to give information or instructions to (someone)
in a few words
Other kids were always hassling her because she was overweight.
I'm sick of being hassled by telemarketers
[+ object] : to bother or annoy (someone) constantly or repeatedly
digest /daɪˈʤɛst/ verb
to think over and try to understand (news, information, etc.)
To ensure our approach is still fit for purpose - and creates the conditions where all of us can make the greatest impact possible - a cross-functional global team undertook a holistic review of our current performance and reward programs and practices.
Their findings confirmed that we are on the right track, however there are opportunities to make things even better.
I'd like to join but I'm not eligible yet.
eligible voters
catch up on
I’m glad that you’re getting caught up on your EF homework
to do (something) that one could have done earlier.
iguana /ɪˈgwɑːnə/
a large lizard that lives in the tropical regions of Central and South America
present in large amounts
deprecate /ˈdɛprɪˌkeɪt/
to criticize or express disapproval of (someone or something)
I don't mean to deprecate [=belittle, minimize] his accomplishments.
Change blindness
Change blindness is a perceptual phenomenon that occurs when a change in a visual stimulus is introduced and the observer does not notice it. For example, observers often fail to notice major differences introduced into an image while it flickers off and on again.[1] People's poor ability to detect changes has been argued to reflect fundamental limitations of human attention. Change blindness has become a highly researched topic and some have argued that it may have important practical implications in areas such as eyewitness testimony and distractions while driving.
vicinity /vəˈsɪnəti/
in the vicinity of
Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the following symbol:
the area around or near a particular place
vicious /ˈvɪʃəs/ cycle
one-on-one conversation
During the last months, I listened to many of you in one-on-one conversations and in group discussions across the organisation. I am grateful for your time and your candid input. I have heard what's on your mind - from our pipeline and portfolio to your needs and the opportunities you see to become an even better company.
Comorbidity occurs when a person has more than one disease or condition at the same time. Conditions described as comorbidities are often chronic or long-term conditions.
serene /səˈriːn/
calm and peaceful
haste /ˈheɪst/
speed of motion or action : quickness or eagerness that can result in mistakes
We will discover what high-stakes communication is together, why it's essential to prepare for it and fight the myth of fear surrounding it by putting ourselves into the fire through some interactive group activities.
used to describe a situation that has a lot of risk and in which someone is likely to either get or lose an advantage, a lot of money, etc.
sorry, I need to log off the meeting
superb /sʊˈpɚb/
extremely good : excellent or brilliant in a very noticeable way
pesky /ˈpɛski/
making someone annoyed or irritated
He was at her throat.
He's been getting on my nerves.
quarrelling or fighting violently
If two people or groups are at each other's throats, they are quarrelling or fighting violently with each other.
unpleasantly warm and humid
algorithm /ˈælgəˌrɪðəm/
a set of steps that are followed in order to solve a mathematical problem or to complete a computer process
analogy /əˈnæləʤi
a comparison of two things based on their being alike in some way
Reflecting on the past
I wish I'd done it sooner.
If only I'd listened to you.
Notice that, when a past disappointment is expressed, you'll hear a form with a past participle like I wish I'd done or If only I'd gone. If you hear only a simple past form, this wish relates to the present.
I wish I knew a better way.
If I'd listened to you, it might have worked out.
looking back/In hindsight, I should have planned more.
I really regret not having asked you sooner.
I really regret having done everything so quickly.
pine tree
power outage
140,000 units without power
Roche ..Roooche
Rush Pres-by-ter-i-an Hospital
17 square meters
39 inches - yard is 36 inches .... inches feet yards ...
12 inches=1 foot
3 feet= 1yard
kitchenette .... studio apartment
all my clothes were wet ... damp .... sticking to you ... sticky
perspire /pɚˈspajɚ/
to produce a clear liquid from your skin when you are hot or nervous : sweat
I was nervous and could feel myself start to perspire.
She ran two miles and wasn't even perspiring.
air conditioning ... system
room air conditioner ...device
condenser... ducting ... to the vents/ducts
ducting: the material used to make ducts
duct: a pipe or tube for air, water, electric power lines, etc., to pass through
ambiguity /ˌæmbəˈgjuːwəti/
Research suggests that the first few layers focus on understanding the sentence's syntax and resolving ambiguities like we’ve shown above.
something that does not have a single clear meaning : something that is ambiguous
deity /ˈdiːjəti/ /ˈdejəti/
Sardior is the draconic deity of Neutral Dragons, Night, Psionics, and Secrets. His symbol is a ruby with an inner glow
a god or goddess
Noun. psionics (uncountable) (science fiction) Mental powers, especially those under conscious control, that affect physical matter, such as telekinesis.
subsidiary /səbˈsɪdiˌeri/ Brit /səbˈsɪdiəri/ adjective
The Firewall Directive applies to all members of the Roche Group, except independent majority owned affiliates of Rohce like Chugai and its subsidiaries.
a company that is owned or controlled by another company
dispute /dɪˈspjuːt/
to make (something) the subject of a lawsuit : to cause (a case, an issue, etc.) to be decided and settled in a court of law诉讼
争执 a disagreement or argument
intended to punish someone or something
Mitigate risk related to contractual obligations, e.g. transfer of intellectual property rights to a partner after termination.
to make (something) less severe, harmful, or painful 缓解
pursuant to /pɚˈsuːwənt-/
in a way that agrees with or follows (something) : in accordance with (something)
In publishing, a callout or call-out is a short string of text connected by a line, arrow, or similar graphic to a feature of an illustration or technical
How to be both assertive and likable
climax /ˈklaɪˌmæks/
the most exciting and important part of a story, play, or movie that occurs usually at or near the end
shout out to…
Informal. a quick public expression of thanks, admiration, etc.: I'd like to give a big shout-out to my mom who's in the audience tonight.
indorse /ɪnˈdoɚs/
At the same time I see this as exciting news and I fully endorse this decision.
to publicly or officially say that you support or approve of (someone or something)
The transformational potential of our first continuous monitoring solution (Diabetes Care’s Continuous Glucose Monitoring device or CGM) has created an opportunity for us to combine our strengths and harness the power of complementary expertise.
a set of straps that are placed on an animal (such as a horse) so that it can pull something heavy
to connect or join (things) together
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