
Angle-closure: Overview

von Felix C.

Describe the pathophysiology.

  • Common pathophysiology of angle-closure glaucoma: blockage of the trabecular meshwork → ↓ drainage of aqueous humor from the eye → ↑ IOP

  • Primary angle-closure glaucoma: glaucoma due to an anatomical variant of ocular structure(s) that narrows the iridocorneal angle and increases the likelihood of trabecular meshwork obstruction

    • Shallow chamber depth (enhanced by mydriasis)

    • Small anterior segment of the eye

    • Plateau iris configuration

      • Most common cause of angle-closure glaucoma in individuals < 50 years of age [19]

      • An anatomical variant in which the iris is abnormally inserted in a more anterior position onto the ciliary body and lies on a horizontal plane (compared to its normal slightly convex plane), thus crowding the trabecular meshwork.

      • The anterior chamber depth remains normal.

  • Secondary angle-closure glaucoma: glaucoma due to acquired conditions that occlude the iridocorneal angle with/without a pupillary block

    • Pupillary block → ↑ pressures in the posterior chamber of the eye → iris bulging forward → peripheral iris pressing against the cornea → narrowing of iridocorneal angle (anterior chamber angle) → blockage of the trabecular meshwork

      • Examples of conditions causing pupillary block

        • Inflammatory conditions (e.g., uveitis) causing posterior synechiae between the iris and lens

        • Anterior dislocation of the lens (ectopia lentis)

        • Enlargement of the lens (e.g., mature cataract)

    • Direct blockage of the trabecular meshwork (i.e., without a pupillary block). Examples include:

      • Inflammatory conditions causing peripheral anterior synechiae between the iris and cornea

      • Rubeosis iridis (neovascular glaucoma): hypoxia and the release of vasoproliferative substances (common in retinal ischemia due to central retinal vein occlusion or in diabetes mellitus) → angiogenesis of the iris and the ciliary body → narrowing of the anterior chamber angle


Felix C.


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