What is the difference between symptomatic and asymptomatic CAS?
Symptomatic carotid stenosis: symptoms attributable to carotid stenosis within the past 6 months
Asymptomatic carotid stenosis: no recent (< 6 months) symptoms attributable to carotid artery stenosis
Describe the etiology.
Risk factors for cardiovascular disease
Advanced age
Tobacco use
Arterial hypertension
Diabetes mellitus
List clinical features.
Many patients are asymptomatic.
Symptomatic patients may present with
Transient ischemic attacks
Symptoms of ischemia of the common carotid artery territory, such as:
Ipsilateral amaurosis fugax
Contralateral weakness, contralateral sensory deficits (ischemic stroke)
Examination findings
Carotid bruit: a pathologic sound heard on auscultation over the carotid artery that is caused by turbulent blood flow
Hollenhorst plaque on fundoscopy
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