

von Felix C.

Describe the confirmation of seizure.

  • History

    • History of present illness: description of the event by the patient (aware seizure) and/or witnesses (seizure with impaired awareness)

      • Potential triggers (e.g., sleep deprivation, excessive alcohol intake)

      • Prodromal symptoms (e.g., aura)

      • Ictal symptoms

      • Postictal symptoms

    • Past medical history

      • History of epilepsy (including current antiepileptic drugs and adherence)

      • History of other potential underlying conditions (e.g., head trauma, stroke, tumor, CNS infection)

  • Physical examination: attention should be paid to visual inspection (e.g., for bruises from falls, tongue bites, phakomatosis-specific skin manifestations) and evaluation for cardiovascular disorders

  • EEG

    • Performed in individuals who present with first seizure, with insufficient information for seizure classification, and/or treatment-refractory seizures

    • Characteristic EEG findings help to establish the diagnosis of epilepsy; the absence of such findings cannot, however, rule out epilepsy.

      • During the seizure (ictal)

        • Epileptiform discharges (e.g., spikes, sharp waves, spike waves) are usually detected.

        • Certain types of conditions characterized by seizures have characteristic discharge patterns (e.g., hypsarrhythmia in West syndrome, 3 Hz spike-and-wave in typical absence seizures, burst suppression in anoxic encephalopathy or barbiturate administration)

        • If no epileptiform discharges are detected during a seizure, alternative diagnoses (e.g., psychogenic nonepileptic seizures) should be considered.

      • After a seizure or between seizures (postictal or interictal)

        • Often normal findings (even after provocation via sleep deprivation, hyperventilation, or visual stimuli)

        • May show epileptiform activity (bursts of abnormal discharges featuring spikes and/or sharp waves, hypsarrhythmia in West syndrome)

      • Video-EEG telemetry in hospitalized patients

      • Continuous EEG in ambulatory patients


Felix C.


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