Why Accounting Standards?
For Capital Providers: Comparability of Companies financial situation across countries
For companies: disburden from obligation to prepare different financ. statemants according to local acc. regulations
Developing countries:
attract foreign capital by improved transparency
Regain legitimacy after crisis
Cost and Burdens
national governments/ regulators: lack of willingness to loose authority over standard- setting
questionable legitimacy of the IASB
High cost of IFRS
first-time implemenation (IT, training etc.)
ongoing costs
(Ideal) elements of international accounting standards
single set of accounting standards (set by single standard setting body
consistency in application and interpretation
common auditing standards and practies
common approach to regulatory review and enforcment
education and training of market participants
Key Players
EU Commission:
Harmonization of european acounting
4th (indivudal accounts)
7th ( cosolidated accounts)
IAS Regualtion in 2002:
mnadatory application of IFRS for all publicly traded EU companies in consolidated accounts
private stabdart setter
independet from national government
stets accounting standards for US capital market
Cnvergence agreement with IASB in 2002
Since 2008 acceptance of IFRS financial reports issued by foreign companies
Individual financial statements
Obligation: German GoB for legal matters
Option: IFRS for publication in de federal gazette
consolidated finacial statements
Obligation: for listed companies IFRS
Option: for non listed companies IFRS
IASB data
founded 1973
private (NGO)
budget: 30 Mio Pound
contributions 60% (companies fundings)
sales of publication (39%)
other income (1%)
IASB Board
Board member diversity:
Professional Background:
4 members of asia/ 1 of oceania
4 members of europe
4 members of america/ 1 south america
1 meber of africa
Characteristics of IASB
democrization of standarts in order to seek accepance of IFRS
engagement with investors, regulators, buisness leaders, and the accountancy profession at every stage of the progress
collaborative efforts with the world wide standard settin community
Standard setting process of IFRS
7 years
agenda consultation
request for information
3-5 year plan
research programme
discussion paper
agenda proposal
standards development
exposure draft
final IFRS standard
interpretation or narrow-scope amendment
post-implementation review
Hierarchy of IFRS
Companies need to apply:
Interpetations originated by the IFRIC (after 2001) or SIC (before 2001)
In case of unregulated issues:
IFRS dealing with similar issues
Framework Concept
Guidance from other standard setters (optional) eg. US GAAP, UK GAAP
Hierarchy Of IRFS, IAS, IFRIC and SIC
Conceptual Framework:
not IFRS (does not define any particualr measurment or disclosure issue
does not override any specific IFRS
IAS 2 (Inventories)
IAS 16 (PPE)
IAS 36 (Impairment)
IAS (Intangible Assets)
IAS 40 (Investment Property)
IAS 41 (Agriculture)
IFRS 3 Buisness Combination
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments
IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurment
IFRS 15 Revenue from Contrats with Customers
SIC-32 Web Site Costs
IFRIC 1 Changes in existing Decommissioning Resoration
IFRIC 21 Levies
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