What does it mean to look on AI in a sociological perspective?
Sociology –> human-made world
Does not define what “goog” or “bad” AI is
Does not bother with the technical terms and implentations
Sociopolitical context
Technological change and social change
Interplay society and technology (AI)
What does the theory of technological politics state by Winner?
how do features of technology influence society
technology forms authority and power (how has accces, how is allowed to use)
Argues against technological determism (digitalisation comes either way), technology is developed by humans
politics is there to change society for the better
technology builds order for the world
choice: should we use a technology? Yes or no?
technology can be used in various ways
there exist inherently political technologies
main argument: are technologies inherently political or in what way can technologies be politically used
What are examples of inherently political technologies?
bridges by robert moses –> very low bridges such that buses could not cross, such that poor people (mostly black) who take the busses cannot access parts of New York
tomato harvester –> people lose their jobs, changes the way of farming tomatoes, invent a new form of tomatoes (shells had to be harder)
What are examples in AI for Winner’s theory?
social media algorithms –> not inherently political, should be reasonable controlled by the government
robtos for elderly care –> not inherently political, robots for medical and hygienic part, humans for emotional and social care
deep fake videos of politicans –> inherently political, can spread misinformation, or spread speeches of politicans in different languages
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